"Why did I think he was any better than those prince, and rich merchants who get married to princesses for the sake of power?" In rage, Luciana asked herself as she stared at the blue sky.

The sky comforted her just like the first night she was here, but can it erase how she is feeling?

'What was I thinking? Did he really love me? Or he pitied me? Which category did he fell in?' Unable to define how he felt, she asked herself as tears cascaded her eyes.

"Are you sad because the sweet man you pictured him to be was never what he was?" A familiar voice made her turn to face the owner.

In amusement, she turned to face the person before she called out her name. "Amira!"

"Luciana, staring at the sky will only broaden the surface of the almost healed wounds". Amira echoed softly with her eyes on the sky.

Luciana, who found Amira words confusing, took a few step closer to her before she asked her. "What did you mean by those words? I don't get".

Amira chuckled before she arranged her gown. She took a step closer to Luciana, who placed her hand on her chest. She placed her right hand on Luciana small shoulder before she echoed.

"Luciana, look for a new place that is calm, and cry all you want. It heals faster".

Amira's words made Luciana smiled as she nodded her head.

After some few minutes of walk to a calm space which was decorated with flowers, she finally sat on a broken rock.

"Why do you want to be a witness of the man who did not care about you?" Amira, who sat besides her, asked with a bright smile on her pale face.

"Does that have anything to do with you? Why are you concern with someone else problem?" Luciana replied her question with another question.

'She is not just stupid, but hard to crack'. Amira's who didn't expected the question from Luciana, clenched her teeth to relief herself the thought that is going on in her mind.

"Luciana, men aren't who we pictured them to be". She paused for a brief moment with the purpose of studying Luciana attitude.

"Then what are they? How should we picture them?" Luciana asked curiously as she turned to face Amira who was slightly happy.

After noticing Luciana interest in her words, Amira smiled before she continue, "After they use you, they will take you out of their life. They would make you feel inferior, and stupid."

"They might come clean now, but bet me, their heart are dark, and filled with deceit". She muttered slowly.

Each words she uttered made Luciana to feel like she made a mistake accepting the fact that Dasya was her husband, not running away when they were in the forest, and entering into this castle.


She interrupted Amira, who was about to say something. "Amira, how did you know what men was like? If truly men are like how you described them, why did you get married to Dryan?" "For love? Power? Oh, to get used?"

Amira, who can't stand the fragile lady sitting next to her insulting her, gritted her teeth before she managed to respond to her question.

"I hate men! Ever since the man I first get married to, abused me, used me, and made me feel like I'm nothing, I swear never to get married". She exhaled before she continue. "I get married to him to punish the man who used me. In essence, I am using Dryan".

In amusement, her eyes blinked rapidly as she listened to every words of Amira. "I'm sorry about what happened to you".

"It's okay. It been a Lunar since i ran away from him".

"Run? Can one really run away from their husband without getting stoned to death in the middle of the crowd?" She asked sadly.

"No law in Bel-Hir that stated that". A weird, yet dangerous smirk made it way to the corner of her lips as she watched Luciana questioned with eagerness in her voice.


"That were just rumors! Don't live on rumors. It kills!" Amira warned softly.

"Thank you so much..." Without waiting to continue the conversation she stood up from the rock, about to go, but Amira words made her halt.

"At least, check on Aara before you do anything. I also hope you both sort your problems without runing away from it". After she uttered those words which only confused Luciana the more, she let go of her hand.

'Killing two little demons with the same swords'. She said inwardly before she walk out on Luciana.

"What is wrong with her? Why is she acting weird? Why isn't she telling me more about men? Doesn't she know how hard it was for me?" She asked herself as she roughed her hair which already look messy.

"I think she might be right! Let me run away from him before thinking about how I will sort out my problem".


"Dasya, why did you do that? Why did you make her angry? Did you not know how hard it was for her? Did—"

"Enough of your screams! I want my space!" He yelled at Zale.

Feeling amused, he couldn't utter any words as what he could do was just watch him, and try figure out what to do.

"Dasya, I don't care if you burn me to ashes! I'm tired of this characters you are pulling up! Don't you see they are trying to kill you? Don't you see they are trying their possible best to hurt you, and might hurt Luciana too?" Zale asked hastily as he tried to maintain the line between respect, and calmness.

He would dare not provoke Dasya or get on his bad side because Dasya is the only reason, and the only person who made him stay in the palace.

"Don't ever mention Luciana or drag her into this! Besides, I don't care if she get hurt! All I just want is her help! I don't care if she feel pained or happy. I'm tired of the pretense!" He echoed thunderously with anger in his loud voice.

His yells sent cold chills into Zale, making him trembled backwards in fright, and contempt.

"Dasya, what are you talking about? Did you spent thirty days bringing her here just to use her? Did you really not like her? Are you both not destined to be together?"