"Dasya, what are you talking about? Did you spend thirty days bringing her here just to use her? Did you really not like her? Are you both not destined to be together?" In amusement, Zale asked.

He knew Dasya would never care for anyone even though they were at the edge of death, why was she any different? What can describe the feelings if not love? Did he just do it because he pitied her? Did he bring her all the way here without waiting for the full red moon before he took out what he wanted?

"Who cares about destiny! What has destiny offered me besides pain, and a heavy burden to bear alone! What has that evil goddess done for me! What?" His voice filled with rage, he asked loudly as he shattered the room.

"Dasya, I know how you feel. I know how hard it is, it's just a matter of time. I believe everything will be fine. Don't be too hard on yourself". Zale, who walked up to him, placed his small hands on Dasya back as he patted his back gently.



"Aara, are you awake?" Luciana asked slowly as she watched Aara open her eyes after she called her name.

"What are you looking for here? Did you want to help your husband finish up what he started?" Aara asked slowly as she felt her head spinning her, her stomach paining her extremely.

"Aara, I don't know what you are angry about, but I know when I am gone, it will be over". She uttered sadly as she gently took her hand from Aara's body.

"What did you mean it will be over? Do you intend to run away after what you, and Dasya did to me? Is that your own way of making things over when I don't intend to end it easily?" Aara, who was irked by Luciana's words, echoed loudly.

"Lady Luciana, please excuse princess Aara, she needs rest, and has to take her medications". Koi's voice made Luciana, who was about to reply to Aara, paused.

Without uttering a word, Luciana stood up before she walked out of the medicine house.

She doesn't know why, the feeling of guilt lingers around her as she felt like helping Dasya, and the other part of her wasn't concerned about what Dasya was going through.

To her, Dasya isn't any different from other men which Amira told her about.

"Amira was right. He might just use me to get back at his family, or hurt others to feed his insatiable desire. I have to face reality, just as Amira said". After she concluded, she walked through the hall to the exit.

After the long, and stressful walk to the gateway of the castle, she walked up to the men who were standing at the door of the heavy gate.

They look fierce with swords tightly held by them as they glare dangerously at her as if they were going to devour her any moments soon.

Their gaze sent chills into her spine as sudden fear began to take the better part of her.

After waiting for them to talk without uttering a word, she finally broke the long silence. "I'm Princess Luciana, I want to visit… I want to…" She stuttered as she felt confused either to tell them she was running away or not.

"You are princess Luciana?" One of the men asked loudly as if they had been waiting for her to arrive here.

"Yes. I'm Prince Dasya's wife". She knew she didn't deserve to call herself that, but she had no choice.

"Guards, take her!" The man, who just spoke to her, instructed the younger men to take her.

Immediately, their hand made it way to her body as they lifted her up like a baby.

"What are you doing to me? What did I do to warrant this embarrassment?" Tears streamed down from her eyes at the way they reacted, and lifted her roughly without caring that she was married.

"You will know what you do when you get to the palace! I know when you know what you do, you will know how much you deserve this treatment". Without giving room for response, the older man walked out on them as he took the other path.

'What did he mean? What did I do?'


"My Lord, the elders want your presence". One of the royal guards bowed as he informed Dasya.

"I think it's time". Zale, who couldn't sleep throughout the night as he anticipated this moment, whispered into Dasya's ear.

"I will be there in a while". After getting a response from Dasya, the royal guard walked out from his chamber.

Dasya doesn't know why, he has a strange feeling about this, and a weird thought towards Luciana.

He had checked Luciana's chamber about ten times, but she wasn't present in her room, neither was she in the garden nor where she used to sit.

"Dasya, what is bothering you? Why is your face so pale, and why aren't you getting ready?" Feeling concerned, he asked after the long stare at Dasya.

"Even though she is mad at me, I don't think she will not pass the night in her chamber, which she so much loved". His words made Zale to burst into sudden laughter.

To Zale, this was the first time Dasya's actions would make him laugh. Who wouldn't find it funny?

How can he care about only one person who he claimed not to like?

"Zale, what is funny?" Dasya loud questions made him suppress the laughter.

"Everything is funny about it. How can you care about the lady who you intend to use, and just dumped? Isn't it funny to see the man who bluntly said he has no feelings for her, and dislikes her a lot, cares for her?" Zale's question hurt Dasya, but he held back his anger to avoid hurting the only person who always supported him even though he was either wrong, or right.

Dasya ignored Zale's words as he picked up his royal robe, which he put on.

'I hope this works out'. He echoed inwardly before he walked out alongside Zale, who already put on his royal robe.