"Why..." The presence of Zale made Mirrun shut his mouth.

Mirrun had always wanted Zale to choose his only daughter as his bride, but will the cold prince look his daughter's way?

"Oh, prince Zale, it is a pleasure meeting you here". He uttered, his voice shaky.

Slowly, Zale stared at Dasya who reassured him by nodding his head slowly.

"Mirrun, what are you doing? Are you here to greet, and praise Zale?" Aro's voice made him come back to his senses.

If he loses this opportunity, Aro will never make his daughter to marry Zale. He is left with no option other than to make the judgement in favor of Aro.

"Why did you attempt to kill Aara? Why did you kill her child?" Mirrun asked anxiously, as the fear of making mistakes lingers in him.

The people in the hall, including Aro, and her son, blinked their eyes rapidly at the way Dasya smiled.

Who would dare laugh in a situation like this, aside from Dasya?

"What is the name of her child which I killed?" He asked with his gaze on Mirrun then Aro, who was already shaking in her seat.

"The child is in her womb! You killed the child while you were trying to kill her!" The oldest man in the council stood up before he echoed loudly.

"Any witness? Who said I touched her or hurt her child?" His eyes piercing into Mirrun's eyes, he asked with a weird smile, yet pale.

"There is someone here, who saw everything". Dryan stood up, and walked to the front of everyone, before he echoed.

"Dryan, is this one of your countless lies? Or liars, I meant to say". Dasya asked with his fierce gaze on his brother, who felt like strangling him.

He knew Dryan's desperate wish was to watch him die before everyone.

"Let's see who is the liar here". With that, Dryan walked back to where he sat.

"Where is—" Mirrun couldn't finish what he was saying when a voice interrupted them, and made the people in the hall to uproar.

The owner of the voice, which just drew the attention of others, walked in with her gown rubbing the ground. Her dress was way different from others.

Slowly, she walked to where Dasya stood, and stared at him for a while before she turned to face Mirrun, who almost lost his heart as it was beating fast.

"I'm Sultana Amira Khalid. I saw everything that happened". Just by mentioning that, Dasya gap was heard in the silent hall.

Since it is the first time he was going to gasp as nothing ever made him freak out, his gasp was so loud.

"The elders are curious to know what happened. Can you start speaking?"

After she got permission to say everything she saw, she turned to Dasya, then to Dryan, and his vicious mother.

'Should I show them how vicious Amira is? Dryan? Or Dasya?'


"I saw everything that happened!" Her voice stopped Chila, who already stood up about to go.

Chila immediately halted after she heard what Dorah just said.

"What did you say?" Chila asked to be sure if she didn't hear that wrong.

"A day before yesterday, I saw Princess Luciana as she sat down gently with a flower in her hands. Suddenly, I saw Aara..." She paused.

"What happened next?" Pretending not to know anything, she asked hastily.

After letting out a deep sigh, Dorah continued. "They were arguing, I didn't really hear what they were arguing about. The next thing I saw was a knife that cut Luciana's hair, and was about to stab her".

"Is that all?"

"No. She wasn't able to stab Luciana. Prince Dasya held her hand, and after some pleading from Luciana, she let go of her, and punched her in the stomach. That is all I know". Dorah said.

"I will inform everyone in the palace that Aara was the one who attempted to murder someone before getting killed! I heard the elders are…"

Chila did not wait for her daughter to finish what she was saying before she hit her head with the wood covering the hole.

She felt her heart get stung as she watched her daughter pass out.

"Dorah, I'm sorry". Tears cascaded her face as she stared at her dying daughter who was lying unconscious on the ground.

If she did not act strong, she might end up losing her daughter because of Dryan obsessive desire.

Slowly, she walked to the door, which was flung open. "Please don't let her walk out of her room".


"Untie me". The loud voice of Luciana kept echoing as she tried to untie the rope, but couldn't.

She had been tied this way for a day now.

Being tied here, made her remember the room she despised the most.

Remembering about the room which hid her beauty from others, the room which made her seem different, the room which was the mystery of her life, made her hate herself, and wished she could kill those men.

The more she screams, the more pain she feels around her sore throat.

"Young lady, why are you screaming?" One of the young men asked loudly, making her shiver.

"I want to go. Please let me go. It is unclear to me why you tied me here, and starved me, but I'm sorry if I did something wrong." Tears ran down from her eyes as she pleaded.

Many questions arose in her mind as their cruel loud laughter echoed in her ears— Why is she tied here? Who abducted her? What did she do to warrant this treatment?

While she was at the question, a light ray from outside the room shone on her face.

'It seems like someone is here to help me'. She smiled happily as she stared at the door which was just swung open.

"Take her to the elder of council!" The fierce voice of the man from earlier, echoed loudly.

"What did I do? Why are you doing this to me? Did I also offend you? Did you hate me?" Without caring if she sounded pathetic, she asked curiously.

Her questions made the man to burst into loud laughter.

"You are a thief! Like, this is my first time seeing a thief beg for mercy when you knew it was wrong, and yet still do it!" His words made her roll her eyes in awe.

"What did you mean? Who is the thief?"