"What did you mean? Who is the thief?" Just by hearing the word 'thief', she got goosebumps from the cold chills sent down her spine.

"Don't play with me! This isn't Madid!" The man said after he slapped Luciana, who coughed out blood almost immediately she felt his masculine hand on her cheeks.

"Why are you doing this? What will you gain from hurting a fragile lady like me? What did I do that warranted me being framed?" As she asked those questions, tears ran down her reddened cheeks.

The man smirked dangerously before he roughly dragged her by her hair. "It look like a theif would never adress itself as one except been torture to spit out the truth! Take her now! Take her to the elder of council before we continue with the torture!" His loud voice echoed as he instructed the younger men.

"At least, can't I know what I steal?" The men ignored her question, and forcefully dragged her out with her tied legs rubbing the ground.

"If you are adamant, you will only cause trouble for Dasya! Is that what you want? Oh, Dasya sent his wife to steal, and ordered her to run away. Is that the best description for what you did?" On hearing this, she let the heavy tears clustered in her eyes to pour down.

Without being adamant, she let them drag her roughly as she held back the anger in her.


"Amira, what are you waiting for?" After waiting for a while without hearing anything from Amira, another minister asked curiously.

A cruel smirk made its way to the corner of her tempting lip before she took her gaze off them then to the elders who anticipated her story.

"I saw everything, and will say everything I saw truthfully". She echoed with sincerity in her voice, her eyes giving off the truthful aura.

Aro could only shiver as she feared Amira might have a change of mind on helping her son, and decided to help Dasya.

"This mustn't happen! Amira will ruin everything we planned. We need to get her out of here". Aro whispered to her son, who was also nervous.

He knew Amira to be a dreadful lady who no one wants to get on her bad side, but has he done anything to call for a betrayal?

How can she have a change of mind in just a day time? Does she hate him so much that she wants to ruin his plan? What has come over her? Has he treated her badly?

"I'm more nervous than yourself". His mother made him jerk off his thoughts.

"I know right? I just hope she doesn't ruin my plan".

On the other edge where the minister stood, Mirrun questioned Amira. "How sure are your words?"

She smiled faintly at his questions, sending chills into both Aro, and her son, and a glimpse of hope into Dasya's heart.

Dasya has been silent with his gaze on the ground as he knew he might not be lucky today, and Amira might want to excite him before breaking him.

"I'm sure about my words because I'm not blind!" She echoed loudly before she began. "I saw Dasya as he tried to strangle Aara, but she survived it. Out of spite, he hit her on the stomach". She paused before she turned her gaze to Dryan, and his mother.

Dryan felt a heavy weight lifted from his heart as he heard Amira echo those words.

After some moments, she took her gaze off him before she continued. "Aara smiled before she fell to the ground! Aro child was killed by Dasya, but why did she smile instead of crying first? Don't you find it suspicious?"

Her last questions made everyone suspicious as they uproar in shock, and confusion.

"Amira, what did you mean? Can you throw more light?" She chuckled at Mirrun that was fast with his questions.

"What light is there to throw other than Dasya killing the royal blood? What was the reason why the mother who was supposed to be crying, smiled first in excitement?" She asked.

"What is she up to? Why is she supporting her husband, and us?" Zale whispered into Dasya's ear.

"Here isn't a whispering ground. Let's accept anything that comes from this". Dasya whispered back before he returned his gaze to Amira.

"Amira, thank you for testifying to what you saw truthfully". The oldest man in the council echoed before he turned to face Dasya. "Dasya, are her words sincere?"

Even in the state of confusion, he smiled faintly before he responded to the oldest man. "All she says might be true, but what journey began without a starting point? Does what actually happen do not matter?"

"What did you mean?" Mirrun didn't wait for the oldest man to talk before he attacked Dasya with a question.

"If I lie, will the victim lie? Will my wife lie?" A curl smile that amused everyone, made its way to the corner of his lips as he asked.

"Too bad, the victim lost her memory due to the incident, and your wife was caught running away after she stole something valuable from prince Dryan''. Minister for security, echoed slowly as he uttered each word with sincerity in his cold voice.

On hearing the minister's words, Dasya felt his heart stung as a strange feeling began to linger in him.

'I caused this! If I did not yell at her, she wouldn't have been framed! She wouldn't have faced this! She wouldn't have gotten hurt!' This time, he resent himself for what he did to her, and wished he turn back at the edge of time. He knew the mess he dragged her into, and the punishment she would face for what she did not know d.

Dasya trusts Luciana,and knew Luciana would never steal anything from anyone. She is too calm, and gentle to do that!

"Bring her in!" Mirrun's voice echoed loudly through the wall of the hall.

His heart skipped as he watched the guards dragged her into the hall. Her lovely gown stained with blood, her face bruised, her eyes line already turned black due to tears, and her weak energy flow were what made him feel like strangling himself.

He felt like killing himself for hurting her, and making her go through all this.

'Why must everyone who is dear to me end up getting hurt, and dying?'