'Why must everyone who is dear to me end up getting hurt, and dying?' He asked himself as he stared at Luciana, who was struggling with her last breath.

"You have got no witnesses, what can you say to defend you against what you did?" Another minister asked.

"I killed her son! I killed Aara son!" Those words shocked everyone as they uproar in amusement.

Who would imagine Dasya to give in this easily? Who will expect him to utter those words with guilt?

"I killed Aara son, what else? Why aren't you letting go of my wife?" His questions made the crowd go silent as the color of his eyes sent cold shivers into them.

They did not expect him to get angry to the extent of changing the color of his eyes.

Whenever the color of his eyes changed into flamy, he could burn the world without caring about the punishment he would face. Is the punishment his ill luck brought him, not enough?

"Dasya, please don't tell them lies to save my skin. I'm a thief, yes, I'm a thief". Luciana, who had been staring at him in silence, muttered slowly.

"I'm sorry. I can't let you get a hundred strokes for stealing. You didn't, I killed Dryan son, the future king of Bel-Hir". For the first time, they saw Tears lines on his face. Tears streamed down his eyes as he squatted besides Luciana.

Slowly, Luciana took his hand into his before she smiled brightly. "I don't care about dying for your sake. You know I can't afford to be a widow! If you die, I would definitely be his concubine, or a royal slave".

"Luciana, why did you steal Dryan royal ring? Did you intend to give it to your husband? Did he order you to do that?" Mirrun asked hastily as he tried not to make a mistake by following what he was instructed to say.

"It worked out as we planned. Amira was right, we need much bait to be able to get him down, here we are". Dryan whispered into his mother's ear as he watched both Luciana, and Dasya stare at each other pathetically.

"I ordered Luciana to take the ring! I also want to be a crown prince! Besides, who wouldn't fight for that position?" Zale's voice made everyone gasp.

It was never heard in the history of the royal book, brothers from the same womb getting Jealous of each other!

"Zale!" Aro, who couldn't afford to drag her son into the Dasya mess, called out loudly with her vein almost bulging out.

"Punish me in her stead! I will take any punishment!" Ignoring his mother, Zale half yelled with his gaze on everyone.

"Zale, what are you doing? Why are you dragging yourself into this? Why? Why are you always meddling with my life?" Dasya asked loudly, without caring if he was heard.

"Dasya, I don't care if you bring down this hall with your voice, I order Luciana! I want to be the crown prince! I'm not like you! A slow wit!" Zale replied nastily.

Luciana who felt life draining out from her fragile body, could do nothing other than just stare at them with her blurry eyes. What can she do for them other than blame herself, and lament?

"Dasya, if you killed Aara son, that means you killed King Zayley!" The eldest man said.

"What if I do? Am I the first person to kill a king? What about Zayley? What punishment was given to him when he killed his father? Where were you all when he killed his seven brothers? Oh, all of you were sleeping?" Dasya knew this might turn out to be the only option he had to buy Luciana some time.

Luciana might die if he did not buy some time. To be able to save her, he has to give her the best support, and make her gain back her energy roots.

"But you are not the king! Neither are you the crown prince!" Dryan, who couldn't stand Dasya's attitude, stood up angrily as he yelled.

A cruel smirk made its way to Zale's lips as the moments he awaited for finally came. The moments he will hurt both Aro, and Dryan.

"Oh, killing the king was your actual plan, right?" Zale's voice made everyone freeze as the hall went silent.

Aro, who couldn't wait to listen to her son, walked out of the hall. She knew what Zale was up to, and she might not be able to stop him.


"I saw everything that happened!"

"You saw everything about what?" Chila asked curiously.

Dorah smiled cutely before she walked up to her mother, who was still in her spot. She took her mother's hand into hers before she began to talk. "Prince Dasya isn't the cause of Lady Aara son's death".

Chila gasps as she hears what her little daughter just said. She must do everything to make sure her daughter doesn't mess things up for her husband.

She knew Dryan too well. He won't spare a minute before killing Dorah.

She had always wished, and wanted, her daughter, to live. She doesn't care if it is at the expense of her life.

Dorah is a smart girl, the first daughter, and only grandchild of the sick king. Everyone hated her daughter for being the closest to the king, including Dryan.

To Dryan, the girl who he forced to live as a son isn't worth living happily, and sharing his father's love with him.

"Dorah, you did not know anything! You must not tell anyone what you just told me, understood?" Her shivering hand made way to her daughter's wet face as she asked.

For the first time her daughter ever acted this way to her, Dorah pulled her mother's hand away from her face. "I will never watch innocent people get punished! Aara is the one who deserves what she is facing! She intended to kill Luciana! She messed with Dasya! She smiled, and chuckled when she got a punch from him! She anticipated that moment!"

She might be a little girl, but not the typical royal girl, who runs behind her mother, and father. This dark room has taught her a lot, and made her grow quickly.