She might be a little girl, but not the typical royal girl, who runs behind her mother, and father. This dark room has taught her lots, and made her grow quickly.

"Dorah! What did you think you were saying? Lying against your elders? Did you know what that means?" Chila asked shakily with her hand trembling.

"Get hanged for lying against elders? Have I ever wanted to live? For five years! Five years in this dark room acting like a boy, is it worth my life? Is that cruel man worth me?" Without waiting for her mother to reply her, she pushed her mother out of the way.

She ran back to the hole which she created. She used the plank to hit the wall, and luckily for her, it broke down.

"Dorah! Dorah!" Chila screamed out her daughter's name as she watched her daughter walk out through the hole.

She wished her energy wouldn't flow wasn't cut, she would have stopped her daughter.

"Without hesitating, inform his lord about Dorah! Make sure you get there before her!" She managed to inform the guards who were standing at the front of the room.

She regretted why she got married to a vicious man like him. She regretted being the lady who saved her family when she had sisters.

"Okay. I do as you said, My Lady". The guards bowed before they took their leave.

Left shattered, she managed to walk out of there.


"Zale, you have no right to talk rudely to the crown prince, nor can you interrupt the interrogation of elders! You are in no position to!" Minister for royal affairs, who had always been quiet in the hall. He hardly talks except when he gets provoked.

"Just as I'm in no position to say the truth which you all turn blind eyes to? I guess it must be fun looking down at royals just as you look down on poor people!" He half yelled as he glared at the ministers, who kept mute for a while.

As usual, Mirrun broke the silence. "Zale, you will be punished for stealing the crown prince's ring. The owner of the ring will give you any punishment he wants, right before everyone". He paused. "Dasya, you will be hanged for killing the royal blood".

On hearing this, everyone uproar except for Zale. He knew it was planned.

"I'm sorry there wasn't anything I could do for you. I will make sure I…" Zale couldn't complete his words before Dasya took his hand into his.

"Don't bother about anything, okay?" His voice sounded calm. He had always wished for this moment. The moment he would get killed weakly. The moment he would no longer get tormented, and tortured by the beast within.

After cuddling Zale's hand, he turned to face Dryan who sat quietly with a smile on his face.

Dryan was delighted about the elimination of the person he so much hated, and feared.

"Who said destiny does exist?" Dryan asked himself as he chuckled silently.

"I will punish Zale by making him marry whoever I want. No one should ask because the wedding preparation is going on". Mirrun smiled as he heard what Dryan said.

"My Lord, Dorah saw everything, and she is heading to the hall". Dryan guard, who just walked up to him, whispered slowly.

"What did you mean?" He almost shouted out those words which he muttered anxiously.

"Kill her in front of everyone without giving traces". Without feeling remorseful, he ordered before he stood up.

This time, the ministers were all heading outside the hall. Only Zale, Luciana, and Dasya were the only ones in the hall.

"Zale, why did you do this? Why did you act so rashly? Don't you know we need to buy Luciana some time?" Dasya asked angrily, as the fact about Zale getting married to whoever Dryan chose, provoked him.

"Stop acting like my father, will you? When have you ever cared about Luciana? Do you think you will not only suffer for making her feel pain, but using her? Did you think I would watch her get hurt without caring?" He doesn't care if Dasya hurts him or burns him to ashes, he would never turn blind eyes to his fault.

Dasya chuckled softly before he echoed. "I was never married to her! I saved her! The flame of hell almost made her die, but I saved her because I wanted to use that life for my benefits! I'm not concerned about the pain and dangers, because her life belongs to me!"

"Dasya, I can't continue this conversation. I just don't know why I can't get into your mess. You are right". He walked out without caring about both Luciana, who was unconscious, and Dasya.


"Prince Dasya was innocent! I saw everything! I know everything! I witnessed everything!" From afar, they kept hearing a sweet, but calm voice.

The voice of a child from afar peaked everyone's interests as they rolled their eyes searching for the owner of the voice.

"Who owns that voice?" Mirrun asked anxiously as he searched every corner for the owner of that voice.

In no time, a young girl appeared in front of them. She was dressed in a royal male robe, her hair falling on her shoulder, her face looked like a female.

"Who are you?"

"Aren't you Lord Maur?"

Confused, everyone began to murmur. The front of the hall became noisy.

"I'm Lord Maur, King Zayley's only grandchild. I'm not a male! I am not the Maur you all know! In the dark, scary room, I'm an ordinary girl named Dorah! I'm not your lord!" For the first time, everyone had graced a girl as brave as Dorah.

She doesn't care if her sharp tongue will put her tongue, neither is she afraid of the stroke she will receive tonight.

In amusement, the eldest man uttered. "Leave! Your parents should be waiting for you! You aren't lord Maur!"

"I don't care what you think! I'm here to tell everyone that my uncle, Prince Dasya didn't…" She wasn't able to finish what she was saying when she felt something hit her chest.