"Guards! Get her!" The minister for security ordered his men.

Without hesitating, they ran down the direction given to them.

"My Lord, who did you think fired the arrow? Who has the audacity to kill Maur?" Mirrun, who took brave steps over to Dryan, asked him.

"Let wait for the person to get caught before we conclude, besides she got what she deserves". His words left Mirrun to wonder if Dryan was still human.

How can he sound this way when he just lost his child? Is this the kind of king, great kingdom of Bel-Hir seeks for?

His eyes were sharp, his facial expression showed no remorse nor agony.

Without waiting to hear more words from the crowds who were patiently waiting for the lady that shot Dorah, Dryan walked out.

Adjacent where the ministers stood, Chila, who saw Dryan leaving, ran after him.

"My Lord, wait for me". She kept calling out his name, but her voice was less important for him to listen to.

"Prince Dryan! Did you think going to this extent will bring you all the fortune in the world? Did you think having the villagers at your feet, bringing your brother down, and becoming the king, will make you happy? Will it?!" She has never raised her voice at him, if she tries it, she knows what awaited her. Currently, she isn't concerned with what he will do to her.

Her loud voice made him halt. Slowly, he turned his gaze towards her direction before he walked up to her.

"What the h*ll has happiness brought me?! When I, and my mother, were suffering, where was that damned happiness? Do you think I care about happiness?!" His cold voice echoed vigorously as his bloodshot eyes pierced into her innocent soul, watching her tremble.

"I know you aren't concerned about love, and happiness. My Lord, happiness is the only thing we need to keep us going, and not wealth". She didn't imagine herself sounding this way, tears running down her red cheeks as she watched Dryan try to act strong.

Whenever he pretended to be strong when he was weak, she pitied him, and wished he could see the bright side of this world, and be happy.

"Happiness? I think that is the reason you, and your stupid villagers are hiding from the world! What has happiness given you? What has happiness done for you?" His facial expression was hard, and fierce, but his voice stated how scary he was.

He is afraid of losing what they fought for years. He badly wanted to be happy, and live like every other man of his peers.

Chila doesn't care if this man standing here is the person who killed her daughter that brought her lots of happiness, she wished she could help him.

"Even the demons need happiness. Everyone requires it. Yes, it might come late with countless regrets, that is the reason we must embrace happiness. Warmly, and quickly". As she uttered those words, every memory she spent with her daughter's daughter surged through her head like they were just happening.

Ranging from the pain she felt while giving birth, the smile on her face when she confirmed the baby was her beauty replica, and the laughter they shared together as she watched her grow into a beautiful brilliant girl, they were indeed happy memories that she will cherish until eternity.

"I think it's because you don't know what happiness is, and the price that comes from being happy!" He raised her chin up, making her eyes stare directly into his, he shot her a deadly glare.

With her eyes closed, hot tears streamed down from them. "Yes. The price of being happy is painful, but what else is more painful than the gain of sadness?" After she asked those questions, she forcefully took his hands off her, and walked out of his sight.

"What is wrong with you both? Don't tell me, you felt hurt because you lost your daughter, and son to one incident?" Zale burst into sudden laughter as he appeared in front of him.


"You seem so carried away that you do not recall that I'm here". Zale asked before he began chuckling.

To Zale, everything seems funny to him. How can the person who killed his son, and daughter feel sad? Does he deserve to be happy? Did he think he could ever get that one word, 'happiness'? Did he think those innocent bloods who he deprived of being happy will let him be happy?

While he was thinking, he felt a sharp pain across his face.

"Next time, don't run your mouth without control! I'm not your typical Dasya!" After he punched Zale on the face, he smiled as he muttered.

"Dryan, isn't this the only thing you can do? Just as your mother helps you to kill your son, and daughter, keep hoping. I know she might help you to kill me". A cunning smirk made its way to the corner of his lips as he uttered. "Just in case you and your mother already gave that thought in mind, tell her she will work ten times harder! She might end up losing all her children if she didn't put in more effort to protect the two..."

He immediately shut his mouth before he dodge the punch Dryan... "You tried it once because I allowed you. You know I don't give second chance". His words sent chills into Dryan's body.

He is always the only person on Dryan's way, and the person who kept on ruining his plan.

Without giving Dryan a chance to talk, Zale walked out on him.


After several days of exhaustion, Mel managed to staggered to the river bank of Madid kingdom.

He drank so much water before he proceeded to the palace.

In no time, he arrived at the palace gate, which is few meters away from the river bank.

"Who are you?" Hefty men, who were dressed in a security robe, asked gently.

"I'm the great servant from Bel-Hir". Just by mentioning his kingdom's name, the men all bowed their heads before they let into the castle.

'I don't even know why my lord wanted to know more about her. She is just a container hosting…' Mel attention was drawn by a lady who looked older.

"What are you looking for?"

"I should be asking a maid who supposed to be with her maid, what she is doing here?!" Without caring if he was heard, he asked loudly.

"I'm Azirin! I guess you don't know what Azirin used to do!" She walked up to Mel who was ready for the fight, which Azirin facial expression all stated.

She wanted him to fight her!