She took a few steps closer to him, before she asked. "Do you expect me to fight you? Do you really want your weak dragon bone to get burnt? What about your master's energy? What about the errand you are sent?"

The questions made Mel drift back in fright, and trembled as he watched her stare at him, it was almost as if she had lived with him his whole life.

"Who are you? How did you know all this?"

His shock was boldly engraved in his expression and his question made her burst into loud laughter.

"I'm Azirin, and you are Mek, the son of El' Dan't, right?" She asked him.

His face immediately went pale as fear engulfed him.

He wondered how she knew all this, because he was sure that even a mind reader could never figure out his past life.

"You do not know everyone, that is why you have to be super careful with your words".

She smiled and walked up to him, tentatively putting one foot in front of the other.

"If you weren't the messenger sent to me, I would have cut off your tongue, your throat would have been mine, and your..." Her voice had taken a thin twist, and he could smell the mischief in it.

"I'm sorry but I am lost! What do you mean by messenger? Do you know what kind of message I am going to deliver?" Mel asked, with confusion written all over his face.

He did not know whether to laugh, or just keep on staring at the weird lady in front of him. The lady that seemed to know him way too much.

"How can I not know? Oh, in case you aren't aware, I am the favorite maid of Princess Luciana".

Mel's eyes rolled in astonishment at the words he took as a joke. There was no way that was true.

"You must be joking! How can a Princess's favorite maid not be in her..."

He was just about calling her out, when a maid intercepted him.

"Lady Azirin, Lion of Madid asked after you". On hearing that, Mel immediately calculated that it was no joke, she was definitely right.

"My Lady, please can I know—"

"Don't bother. I am the answer!"


"Has Zale started his madness again?" Taliyah, who just arrived from where she went to, asked curiously as she watched Zale walk out on Dryan.

Even though she expected more of such an act from him, how can he hurt his brother on a day like this? Was he having fun watching his way?

"It's nothing". Trying to hide his nervousness and sadness, he uttered calmly.

"It's alright. I know how it feels to have that pin as a brother. I'm sorry on his behalf". Taliyah hugged him from behind, her hand wrapped around his waist.

Dryan smiled before he placed his hand on Taliyah's hands. "I'm not sad because of him". He echoed.

Immediately she heard him uttering those words, she took her hand away from his waist before she took a few steps to his front.

"Then, why are you sad? What is it you are hiding away from me? Why did I sense something fishy in your words?" She asked curiously, her gaze fixed on his face.

She knew Dryan would never tell her lies, and if he is trying to do that now, there must be a reason behind it.

"Dorah is dead. Aara son is gone". She broke into tears as she heard Dryan uttered those heartbroken words.

"Is that the reason those old folks are outside? Why didn't I know about all this mess that is going on in the palace?" She asked sadly.

She didn't expect no one not to tell her, nor did she expect Zale to talk rudely to Dryan when he should be sympathising with him.

"Who killed Dorah? What happened to Aara? How did she lose her child? Who dares kill the royal blood? What is even going on in this castle?" Tears cascaded her face as she asked several questions.

How can the only person who can make her laugh when she is angry die? How can that poor girl who has always wished for a simple life be killed?

Several questions accumulated in her head as she anticipated Dryan's response.

"Dasya killed Aara's son, he punched her on the stomach. An arrow was shot at Dorah while she was about to tell the crowd everything she saw". He echoed those words with a calm voice. Even though he tried to act remorseful, he couldn't because pretending isn't his thing.

"What did you mean? Dasya killed another royal blood after trying to kill our father? Who shot Dorah? Why is everyone outside the elders of council hall?" She asked warmly. Her voice filled with rage, and agony.

Why will the people she cherished always leave her? Why is she always left alone by those that kept her going?

First, it started from Mel, her father, and now Dorah. The little girl that always made her laugh out her problem, and pain.

"Dasya was sentenced to death by hanging". He muttered slowly.

She felt happy for the punishment given to Dasya, and also sad.

To her, Dasya deserves to be burned in front of everyone just as many of those victims experienced.

"I think he deserves more than that punishment! I will make sure I punish him for all the evil he has done! I don't care if my life is on the way". After she uttered those reassuring words, she walked out on Dryan, who was unable to stop her.

Meanwhile, the ministers were still patiently waiting for the killer of the royal blood.

"Haven't you all caught the owner of the arrow?" The minister for security asked loudly.

He stared at his men, ashamed of himself for raising men like those weak men standing before him.

Considering how weak his men were, will they be able to execute the hanging of Dasya?

"How can you not catch the owner of the arrow? Did you know the trouble this will cause in the kingdom, and what will happen when other kingdoms hear about this?!" Fuming in anger, he yelled continuously as his expectation wasn't met.

"Your men are so weak. How can they not catch a female shooter?" Dasya asked calmly, his gaze giving out a weird expression.

His voice drew the crowd's attention as they turned to face him, their mouths widely opened as they watched him talk to the minister.

This is the first time all of them have seen him with a minister. Dasya hated to involve himself in the royal matters.

"Dasya, you are a criminal! You're not a prince, so act your level!" The minister yelled loudly.

"Instead of yelling loudly to seek attention, why not look for the mastermind behind the shot arrow. Since you can't catch the real shooter, I think my idea is the best way of catching who killed your master's daughter". He teased with a tings of satisfaction in his cold voice.

"Instead of poisoning the crowd's minds, why not hide your face? You killer! You killed Dorah!"

Everyone gasped as they heard Taliyah uttered those words from afar.