Everyone gasped as they heard Taliyah uttered those words from afar.

The crowd made way from Taliyah as she walked majestically up to Dasya, her gown charming men as her beautiful hair wasn't left out of her outstanding beauty.

"Just the same way you all succeeded in framing me for what I'm innocent of, I think you have succeeded in doing it again". A curl smile made its way to the corner of Dasya lips as he whispered into Taliyah's ear.

"What did you just say?" Trying not to believe what Dasya just whispered into her ear, she asked to confirm if it was true.

Dasya ignores her questions, and turns to face the crowd. "If I killed Dorah, where is my bow? How did I kill her when I was with Mirrun?" His questions made everyone uproar. He knew everyone would want to take Dryan's side, and pin everything on him.

"Dasya, it's not yet over! I will make sure you feel the pain you make others feel! I will make sure to make you, and those around you suffer!" Taliyah's reassuring voice whispered back before she walked out on him.

The sincerity in her voice made him chuckle. She isn't just naive, but stupid.

"Dasya! How dare you drag me into your mess? So you intentionally came to me just to clear your name off?" Mirrun, who felt angry at the words thrown at him, walked up to Dasya. He stared nervously at him, before he asked.

He knew Aro won't turn a blind eye at this. If she decided to act, he might end up tainting his name, and his only daughter won't be qualified to be a royal bride.

"Can't you talk? Oh, you sent someone to kill the young girl that was about to reveal your secret, correct?" Dasya burst into loud laughter that drew the attention of the crowd. How can Mirrun ask such a stupid question?

He didn't want to cause any trouble, but it seems Mirrun is making him cause one.

"Mirrun, should I tell the crowd what they promise you for twisting everything in their own favor". His voice speaking of no jokes, he whispered into his ears, his red eyes piercing into that of Mirrun's brown eyes.

"Dasya, what are you talking about?" Pretending not to know what Dasya just whispered into his ear, he asked slowly.

Dasya chuckled at his acting before he gave him a response. "Their inlaw. They promise to make your daughter become Zale's concubine. Right?"

Without caring if the gaze of the crowd was on him, he dragged Dasya by the wrist.

"Why are you dragging me, and what are you trying to do to me?" Dasya asked, pulling away his hand from his.

"Please let's talk somewhere. Everyone is staring at us". Mirrun's voice sounded pleading as he stared at the ground in shame.

"Everyone, won't you go home, and meet your families?" A voice from behind Dasya echoed. Obviously, Zale's voice.

Dasya turned to face Zale. After getting a reassured sign from Zale, Dasya smiled faintly before he turned to Mirrun.

"Mirrun, the tree over there is enough to shade us, right?" His questions finally made Mirrun who was impatient to breathe out.

"Thank you". Those words escaped from his shivering lips against his lip.

Dasya dusted his royal robe before he took a walk to the tree.

Slowly, he bent to the rocky seat which he cleaned before he sat down. Mirrun did the same.

'This is time to show them no one can ever be with them. I have the universe.' For the first time after the last red lunar, the Demon in him growled.

Ever since Luciana came into the castle, his demon has been acting weird.

"Dasya, please can I know what you meant earlier?" Mirrun's question made him jerked off his thought as he turned to face him.

"What else would I mean, Khara, the daughter of Mirrun, will be Zale's concubine if she accepts to". Those words sent shivers down Mirrun's spine as he trembled with fear.

For more than twenty years he had been in this palace, he had never felt hurt this way, nor had he faced an embarrassment of this sort.

"If my daughter isn't the bride of Zale, then who? Did you think I would believe you? Oh, you thought I was naive?" Mirrun reassured himself that all Dasya words were all lies. He knows Aro will never go back on her words.

To him; Dasya was trying to make him take his side.

"Hmmm. Maybe your daughter might tell you the truth". With that, he stood up.

Mirrun grabbed his sleeve as he watched him prepared to walk away. "Dasya, I want to hear everything from you. What are they up to? Did they use me?" Tears streamed down from his eyes as he questioned Dasya.

"They used you. They are liars." He paused, his gaze on Mirrun. "Zale will be getting married in the next clear moonlight which will be in four days. If your daughter accepts to become his concubine, she will be a slave to the royal bride".

Dasya chuckled as he uttered the truth which always hurt. His hand stuck to his robe, and his face brightened by his cruel smirk.

"Who is the bride?" Mirrun couldn't think of any question to ask rather than knowing more

He needs to stop the royal marriage, and fight for what is his.

"Oldy, you don't need to fight for what you can't have. Just run away from it, because that is what poor men like you could do". He muttered softly before he sat next to him, his gaze on the sky.

"Uh??" In awe, Mirrun's eyes widened as he gave a questionable look.

"Mirrun, you know why the sky never falls?" How could he ask such a question at a time like this?

"What can I do to not fall? Don't you know I can't run away from this? Do you think my daughter will be happy to hear her father is a failure?" As he asked more questions, tears ran down his cheeks as the thought of how sad his daughter would be if she heard this.

"Just as I was saying; The sky never falls, because it always runs away from trouble that the ground causes. It always sticks to the fight which he is sure of winning. Can you beat Aro? Can you win against Dryan? What if your deeds are exposed?"