"My Lord, are you sure about this? Would Dasya agree to elope with you? What about Luciana, and would your betrothed agree to call off the marriage?" Zale's chief guard questioned in fear, he is afraid of what might happen if Zale gets caught.

Zale chuckled at his guard questions before he arranged his royal robe which looked perfect on him. "Leo, don't bother about me. Just look out for your safety, and promise to protect Luciana, and my sister... Will you do so?"

Leo stared sadly at his master before he nodded his head, allowing the tears which had been holding back to pour down. "How can I live without you, my lord?"

His question made Zale smile, his hands made way to his head before he patted slowly. "I am going to miss you so much. Just hang in a little more, and I will come for you".

Leo nodded his head like a child before he stood up, and walked to the spot he usually stood.