"Prince Zale, have you forgotten today is your wedding?" One of the guards who were ordered to guard Zale's chamber, woke him up.

His words had no atom of politeness.

"I think Dryan trained rude guards to protect the royals... But I think he forgot to inform you all about how I do train rude guards myself". The next thing that followed after his words was a loud groan from the guards who just informed him about his marriage.

He might be the sweet royal prince, but his sword never hesitates to pierce the heart of his enemy.

"I can't believe killing was the first thing I did after waking up from a peaceful sleep. Anyways, others like your type will learn from you!" He echoed before he pulled out his sword which he used to stab the rude guard.

He smirked before he changed into his royal robe, and walked out of his chamber.

Even though his face looked like nothing was wrong, he was sad, and happy at the same time.