Hollywood contract Part 3

"Before we leave, what's the protocol for whenever a city wall is breached?" Uriel did his best to ignore Medusa's clumsy movements.

"Whenever something like that happens I send Allegro to deal with the cryptids and the detectives for the cover up. The usual stories are in the lines of power outages, gas explosions or factory accidents, it depends mostly in the location." Lister explained.

"What do you mea cover up? Cryptids don't leave corpses behind." Medusa tilted her head trying to make sense of the governor's words.

"They do, just not their own. Some cryptids leave gory messes behind, but that's not what he meant. They kill the witnesses and victims alike." Uriel explained.

"But that is wrong." Medusa gasped.

"Not really, taking a few lives that would have been lost without our intervention anyway is a small price to pay for the rest of the citizens to continue living their happy lives." Lister casually rebuked.