We need to talk about Uriel Part 2

"I did not know weasels had this kind of power." Said Luna as she jotted down a new line of research in her notepad.

"It's not actually a weasel, just a human that behaves like one." Jon scoffed at the same time the illusion of an infinite library gave place to an actual library.

"Bravo," The slow clap of Mister Xavier Scofield's footsteps resounded in the library as he neared the many hunters, all of whom had some sort of relationship with Uriel. "you finally figured it our and it took you what? A week?"

"If this is a practical joke I'm beating the hell out of you." Jon growled.

"And what if it isn't?" Mister Scofield rose an eyebrow.

"Then we'll kill you." Sam cracked his knuckles as he made his wings appear from out of thin air.