Retribution Part 1

The moment Arausio spoke, his human cover faltered and his true appearance was revealed for all to see, though his size remained that of a human. His flat head and crab like features took nothing from his godly power and he seemingly illuminated the place, bringing life and color to an otherwise cold and gray city. But his reveal moment was cut short when Uriel grabbed his face and plummeted him to the ground.

"That's a god, can you not see him!?" Tine shrieked.

"So?" Uriel took apart his eyes from the so called god of water just enough to glare at Tina.

"Attacking a god is the epitome of all evil." Tina explained.

"According to gods, according to me, the epitome of all evil is attacking me. Let alone making an entire tournament just to get back at me. This little fellow thought he was being smart, but he didn't know I could see him the entire time." Uriel said with a smirk.