Continental alert: Stay away from social media

Having Tina lift up the city barrier was the first step of the plan to protect the city from the gods, but it acted as a double edged sword as it also kept those who were already inside the city from exiting it and while it sounded dangerous, it played right into Uriel's hand as Arausio confirmed his suspicions that he was being targeted by them. Not that it would have been difficult to tell at a glance as a literal dark cloud followed him wherever he went, though instead of bad luck it would cause him to be zapped by lightning the moment he stepped outside an enclosed space such as a megacity or a properly insulated ship.

As usual, when faced with an impossible enemy or an impending threat, rather than retreating Uriel would double down on the offensive until someone gave up. It usually worked for him because he was never the one to give up, but now he not only relied in his friends but also in the help of what remained of the Fallen corporation and the army.