She's Perfect

Zions' P.O.V.

After Dr.Jameson told us to leave the room, I was shocked by my Beta and Lady Lanas' reaction. I expected to hear the growls that came from Jessica Odett and myself, but not them. Nevertheless, Rain told us to leave and that she would be ok, so we all walked out to the hall, but that was as far as any of us were willing to go. Not Long after we stepped out of the room, the Doc. walked out to talk to us.

Apparently, while being held underwater, the bubbles and bath salts she poured in the tub before she got in had burned her corneas. He said they would heal in a day or two, but he would bring some eye drops that we need to put in her eyes every four hours until her sight is back.

Before he leaves to get the eye drops, he tells us she will need rest and quiet. We all nod our heads in understanding. We decided that we would all take turns sitting with her. I say I'll take the first shift, and Odett whimpers while tugging on my hand. I pick her up, and we walk into Rains' room. When we walk in, I notice Rain has leaned back in her bed, with her eyes closed, and is now back asleep. I walked over to her bed and gently touched her hand to feel the sparks of the mate bond.

"Little one, remember we must be very quiet so Mommy can rest," I say to Odett, and she nods in understanding. I place her on the bed, and she cuddles into Rains' side.

"That's one beautiful sight," Ryker says.

"It is, isn't it!" I say in agreement. "Maybe one day we will have that with her."

"So you agree to keep Odett? To adopt her even though she's a vampire?wolf hybrid?" He asks, full of hope.

"If Rain and Odett can find it in their heart to forgive me, They will have whatever they want, no matter the cost or how ridiculous it may be," I say, and I mean every word. "They will have anything they want even if they can't forgive me."

I walked over to the chair I was sitting in before she woke up and sat down. I mind link Sam to bring me some of the backed-up paperwork I haven't gotten to the past two days. Then I remember Rain needs quiet, so I tell him to leave it at the door.

Ten minutes later, Sam lets me know they are at the door. I thank him as I walk to the door. I opened the door to grab the papers and almost walked right into the doctor, who was about to knock. He hands me the eye drops and reminds me that she needs them every four hours.

"My King, may I ask you a question?" He asks.

"Of course," I respond.

"Does she know you are her mate?" He asks, and I shake my head in response.

"When I talked to her earlier, she seemed shocked to hear you knew about her situation." He said.

"Thank you for letting me know. I had planned on telling Rain about us being mates after she woke up, but then she couldn't see anything. I thought it would be better to wait till she was better. I don't want to add anything else oh her till she is better and can handle it. I also have to explain why she got attacked." I say, and he nods his head in understanding.

"I'll be back in the morning to check on her eyes." He says.

"Thank you, Doc," I say. As he walks away, I walk into Rains room, making sure to close the door quietly so I don't wake her up. I decide to go ahead and put her drops in her eyes. I walk over to the bed and look at the clock. It's a little after six P.M. I remind myself that she'll need them again at ten.

"Rain, it's time for your eye drops," I say gently, trying not to scare her as I run my hand up and down her arm, feeling the tingles run up my hand from the mate bond. I smile. She opens her eyes and places her hand on mine as she struggles to sit up. She seems to be slightly off-balanced, so I help her.

"I know you are my mate. But I don't know who you are." She says.

"Maybe that is for the best until after your eyes heal," I reply.

"Are you planning on rejecting me, too?" She asks. Her voice is barely above a whisper as she tries not to cry.

"Absolutely not. You are perfect in every way." I tell her, and she jerks slightly.

"Why did she react like that?" Ryker asks me.

"I'm not sure. It could be that she doesn't believe me. I can't really blame her now that we know more about how she has been treated." I answer him while looking at Rain.

"Then why would you want to wait till my eyes have healed to tell me who you are?" She asks me.

"Because If you knew who I am, you might reject me," I say, trying not to sound as self-conscious as I feel. "Please just let me take care of you for now." She nods her head but doesn't say anything else.

"Okay. I need you to tilt your head back and keep your eyes open." I say, and she does as instructed. "Now I'm going to couch your face, so don't be scared."

"I may not know who you are, but I do know that I can trust you completely." She says, and I'm shocked. Does she trust me?

"How do you know that you can trust me?" I ask her as I put the drops in her eyes. She blinks a few times and then lays down to cuddle with Odett.

"The moon Goddess told me you were my true mate. And a true mate is someone you can trust with your life, according to Jess. And Dosha thinks we can trust you too. And she says she's always right." She says with a light giggle. Then she closes her eyes.

I stand there, slightly stunned, with a massive grin on my face before sending up a silent thank you to the moon Goddess.