The Sisters Worry

Rains' P.O.V.

As I lay in bed, I heard the door open and close. A minute later, I heard footsteps walking towards me, and I could smell the most amazing scent I recognized instantly from the shirt I was in when I woke up in the cell. "Our mate has known about us but hasn't made himself known to us? Is he planning on rejecting us?" I asked Dosha.

"I don't know. Maybe our mate has chosen to give us time to recuperate." She answers.

"I guess. Maybe he will be nicer about it than Ian was." I say, and she agrees. I hear him talk to Odett, telling her to be quiet for me, and I want to cry. I'm not sure if it's the sound of his voice or how gently he's speaking to Odett, But it's breaking my heart knowing he will be rejecting me soon.

"I wish Jess was here," I tell Dosha.


Jessicas' P.O.V.

After deciding that we would take turns sitting with Rain so she wouldn't be alone when she woke up when The King said he would be taking the first shift, and shocking me, Odett jumped out of my arms then rushed over to the King, whimpering and pulling on his hand. He smiled, picked her up, and they walked into Rains room.

Orian decided we should go for a run to calm my mind and let our wolves meet. Shina perks up automatically at the thought of meeting Orians wolf. We walked out the back door and through the training grounds till we got to the wood line. I walk behind a tree, stripped off, and shift. When I walked out from behind the tree, Orian had already shifted into his large light brown wolf, De'von facing the other way to give me privacy. When I see his clothes neatly folded beside him on the ground, I realize he had stripped off out in the open, and I can feel my face blush.

"Maybe he'll shift back in the open too." Shina says, making me blush even more as I try to block out the images that keep popping into my head. As I'm telling her to stop, she laughs as she continues. "You're right. Seeing it in real life would be way better!"

Shina walked up to De'von, gently nudging his side to let her know she was ready. He then takes off at a comfortable pace Shina can easily keep up with. We let our wolves run for hours before we got dressed and walked back to the castle to shower and eat before it was our turn to sit with Rain. While eating, we talked about my family, growing up with Rain in the orphanage, my dreams, and my hobbies. I told him we didn't have time to have hobbies while growing up because Rain and I were always busy basically raising the younger orphans and cleaning. He seems a little upset by that.

"We'll now that you live in the castle with me. You will have plenty of time for hobbies." He says, making me smile and blush simultaneously.

"I just hope Rain decides to stay after she finds out that she's the Kings mate and that he knew but didn't tell her. I'm not sure she will be able to forgive him after this. She doesn't trust easily, and she's been through so much already." I say, and he nods in understanding.

"I know you don't understand why he did it. And honestly, I don't completely understand it, but I know he had his reasons." Orian says.

"I'm sure he did. But he hurt my sister in the process. I just hope it doesn't hurt her to the point that they can't come back from," I say. "I just want her to be happy."

"I think he does too, or he would have never called the coven and asked someone to come here to help Rain with her magic." He replies.

"I can't lie. I was really shocked to hear that's why the King called. I figured he called because he thought Rain spelled herself into a coma or something." I say, and we both laugh.

"Come on, Let's get to Rains room so the King can rest. He hasn't slept at all since the attack. Maybe now that Rain has woken up, he'll be able to get some sleep." He says, grabbing my hand and leading me out of our suite and down the hall.

When we made it to Rains room, Orian decided to link the King to let him know we had arrived instead of knocking on the door. He said to enter, and we then walked in and saw Rain and Odett still asleep. The King walked over to talk to Orian about her drops while I walked over to Rains bed and sat in the chair where he had been sitting.

As I sit down, Rains eyes pop open. "Jess, is that you?" She asked.

"Of course, Rainie-bug," I say, and she looks relieved. "You ok, sweetie?"

"Yea, I'm just happy you're here." She says.

"I'm never leaving you. Always and Forever, remember?" I say as I grab her hand. "How did you know it was me?"

"I could smell you, and I could also feel you." She answered, and we all stare at her in disbelief. Did she say she could feel me?

"Maybe it's her hybrid blood?" Shina says.

"We'll need to ask Lady Lana about that next time we see her," I tell her.

At that moment, Sam walks in and announces that the head witch of the Silver Nyx Coven has arrived, and we look at each other, confused again.

"Take her to my office and get Lady Lana as well. We will be there soon." The King says, and Sam bows and walks back out of the room. He looks over at Orian, and I can tell he wants to ask him to accompany him.

"Go with the King. I'll be here with Rain and Odett." I tell him.

"Yes, my lovely, but only because you say so." He says with a crooked grin as he walks up to me and kisses me before walking out of the room with the King. I walk around the bed and crawl in on the other side of Odett.

"Now that we're alone, what's really wrong?" I ask Rain, and she starts to cry.