Her Ruling

Zions' P.O.V.

After dismissing Orian, Jessica, and Odett, Rain and I headed to my main office for some privacy. During our tour of the castle, I noticed several people listening in on our conversation out of curiosity about the females with us. I didn't scold them, as they would soon find out who the females were.

Once we were in my office, I explained why I was cautious about witches and why I didn't make myself known to her. I told her that I knew she was my mate before she woke up after the rogue attack. I explained how I knew I had made a big mistake but was too scared or stubborn, or maybe both, to do anything about it until it was almost too late. I even explained who Ashley was to me and why she attacked her. She never got mad. Rain reacted as if she understood and forgave me. She even waited until I finished explaining everything before she said anything. And then, to my surprise, she only asked one question.

"Will you take me to her?" She asked calmly, and I was momentarily speechless but nodded in agreement and then led her down to the cells in the dungeon.

As we get closer to the cells, I link the guard that we are coming and that he is to address the future Queen first when we arrive. And, of course, he agrees immediately. We arrive at the cell Ashley had been placed in, and the guard bows respectfully.

"Good afternoon, my Queen." He says, and he turns to me with a questionable look.

"Did you tell him to say that?" She asked as I throw my hands up in mock surrender.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, my Queen," I say, making her laugh.

"Good afternoon to you as well." She says to the guard she's now facing. Then she returns her attention to the person in the cell.

"Stand up!" She says in an Alpha tone comparable to mine, shocking the hell out of the guard and myself. Ashley slowly gets up from the cot she was laying on.

"What the hell do you want?" Ashley questions in a tone that I don't appreciate.

"Watch your tone!" The guard says. And I give him a nod of approval. But Rain lifts her hand up to stop him.

"I'm here because Zion has allowed me to decide your fate." Rain says. "Clearly, you feel no remorse for trying to kill me."

"So let me guess, you want to execute me?" Ashley spits out with a sarcastic tone. "You are just like the rest of us. Once he's had his fill of you, he'll toss you aside just like all the other mistresses."

"Are you done trying to get a reaction out of me?" Rain asks flatly. Clearly not bothered by what Ashley is saying.

"Execute me! It's what I would do, and no one would blame you for getting rid of the competition." Ashley screams.

"That's where we are very much different. I do not see you as competition. If he wants you or any other female after finding me, then that simply means he was not meant for me. And I won't be executing you either because I'm nothing like you." Rain says with such grace and dignity.

"Don't you act all high and mighty then keep me locked up in this filthy place!" Ashley screeches like a mad woman.

"I do not plan to keep you locked up here. You are free to go." Rain says calmly, shocking the guard and me once again. I almost protest her choice till she continues, "You are free to go, but you are banned from the Southern Kingdom and are now considered rogue."

"Holy Hell, that's hot!" Ryker howls in my head, and I nod in agreement due to being speechless once again. What is with this woman constantly making me speechless?

"You can't do that!" Ashley shrieks once again. And her voice is starting to give me a headache. "You aren't even Queen yet!"

"She can't yet, but I can. And I stand by her ruling!" I say, stepping forward. I turn to the guard, "Release her in the depths of the dark forest. And take Sam with you. She's desperate and unpredictable." I say, and then we leave as Ashley screams.

"Was I too harsh?" Rain asks as we reach the first floor.

"She tried to kill you, flat out disrespected you, and degraded you as a mistress. If anything, you were far too lenient on her." I say, and she shakes her head.

"I won't kill her for wanting you. I won't be like her. I will always show mercy even when they don't deserve it." She says.

"Spoken like a true Queen," I say as I stop her from walking, pull her close to me and lean down so that our lips crash into each other and we share a long passionate kiss. Then I suddenly remember something I wanted to ask her, "How did you use an Alpha command?"

"What's that?" She asks, and I damn near fall over. She really is amazing!

"It's a command an Alpha gives in a curtain tone that his or her pack members have to follow no matter if they want to or not," I say.

"Would it be because you are my mate?" She asks.

"No. Even though we are mates, we haven't marked each other, mated, or had our mating ceremony." I say. "Even though I am the Alpha of all Alphas, I still felt the presence of your command. So did the guard."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She says, and I shake my head.

"You have nothing to apologize for, my Queen. It simply means you are even more amazing than I had thought." I say with a smile. "Let's head back to my office and meet Orian, Jessica, and our little Princess," I say, and she agrees. I link Orian for them to meet us at my office, then I enjoy the walk with my Queen.