Sending Up A Prayer

After I've told Jess everything that's happened and who I think is behind it all, I sit back while she thinks things through, and I wait for her to say I'm overthinking everything or that I've lost my mind. But she agrees with me.

"Your things have been moved into your new room, my Queen." A sweet older lady with silver hair and kind brown eyes says as she bows.

"Thank you, what is your name?" I ask.

"Clair Jordan, your Highness." She answers. "I am your personal maid and the pups' nanny. Anything you may need, just ask, and it will be done."

"We'll thank you very much, Mrs.Clair," I say with a smile as she bows and walks away.

"The rescue convoy has arrived, my love," Zion says, and I jump up, ready to go, and so does Jess.

"Odett, sweetie, we have to go handle some things. Stay with Mrs.Clair and behave for me, Okay?" I say, and she nods.

We give her a hug and kiss before we leave. Then we walk out the door and down the hall to the elevator and press the first-floor button. I think back to when Orian walked me through the castle to my room while I was in so much pain, and I then realize we didn't use the elevator. Oh, he's gonna get a piece of my mind after all of this is over and done with.

"They are taking everyone to the hospital," Orian says as he and Sam join us.

"Have we found out any new information yet?" Zion asks. "And what about the council?"

"No one has asked the survivors anything yet. They've been waiting on you. And the council wants to convene within the next three days.." Sam answers.

"That's great. where?" Zion asks.

"The castle, my King," Orian replies.

"Ah, hell!" He groans out.

"What's wrong with them being here? Wouldn't that be a good thing?" I ask.

"Not exactly. The council is made up of previous Kings of the different supernatural species. Every one of them thinks they are superior to the others." Orian explains. "It's always a mess, and there's always fights breaking out among them."

"Can you not put a stop to their petty bickering since you are the King? I ask Zion. But he shakes his head.

"I only control the wolves. I can kick them out of the castle and off the grounds of our territory, But that would just cause a war amongst the species in the Southern Kingdom." Zion explains.

"We will figure something out, my Queen," Sam says, and I simply nod as we get close to the hospital.

Once we are inside the hospital, we are taken to the room where they have placed my mother and the three warriors. The moment I enter the room, my heart slowly breaks for them, and I can feel their pain. I walk over to my mother and grab her hand. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you!" I whisper in her ear as I start to cry. While I stand there holding my mothers' hand and crying, I close my eyes and send up a prayer to the Witch Goddess. "Please give me the strength to save them. Please don't let anyone else hurt because of one mans' hate and Obsession with wealth and power. Please don't take my mother away from me after I've just found her."

"Rain? What's happening?" Jess asks, and I can feel her panic.

"What do you mean?" I ask her as I open my eyes, looking down to see my hands are glowing. I look at my mom to find her whole body surrounded by a dim glow. I then look at the warriors, and they are the same.

"Are you doing magic?" She asks.

"I'm not sure. All I did was pray to the Witch Goddess to help me save them." I say in a panic as Zion comes over and wraps his arm around my waist. "I really didn't mean to hurt them. I just wanted to save them. I'm sorry!" I say as everything suddenly starts spinning, and darkness takes over my body.


Zions' P.O.V.

While talking with the doctor in the hall, Orian links me to come into the room where the survivors are. I rush in to find Rain holding her mothers' hand as she looks around, freaking out. I then realize her hands are glowing along with her mother and the three warriors.

I walk over to Rain and wrap my arm around her waist. She looks up at me with panic written all over her face. "I really didn't mean to hurt them. I just wanted to save them. I'm sorry!" She says, and then she passes out in my arms.

Everyone rushes to us to check on her, and a nurse quickly brings in another bed. I place her on it so that the doctor can check her out. After his examination, he says he can't find anything physically wrong with her. It's either magic or mental. The doctor then goes to check on the others after Jessica and I explain what we saw and what Rain said before passing out.

"This is incredible! All of their wounds have completely healed." He says in complete shock and amazement at his future Queen.

Everyone slowly starts to wake up, and Sam and Orian talk to the warriours about what happened. I pick Rain up and carry her over to her mother, who was the last to wake up. I tell her mother what happened, and she smiles with pride at her daughter.

"She is a great healer! She will wake up soon. She used more magic than she should have for her first time." Lady Ezmerelda says, and I relax slightly.

"Thank you!" I say, and she shakes her head.

"I'm the one that should be thanking you. You are taking care of my daughter and granddaughter. You sent a convoy with Lady Lana and me in an attempt to help us. And you brought me back with your warriours to your Kingdom to be healed when you didn't have to." She says with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay. It's my job as King to help those in need, no matter what species. Plus, she would never forgive me if I were to turn a blind eye to anyone who needs help, let alone her mother she only just found." I say.

"Then may I ask you for another favor, my King?" She asks.

"Of course, but you do not have to address me as your King," I answer.

"Will you allow my coven into your Kingdom till we can rebuild?" She asks, and I know how hard it is for a leader to ask for help, let alone the leader of another species.

"Absolutely, but in exchange for welcoming your coven, I must ask something of you in return," I say quickly.

"Anything." She responds.

"Train Rainm to use her magic properly," I say. "I can't have her over-exerting herself and passing out. And I have a feeling these attacks are just the beginning."

"I can certainly help with that." She says and Nods vigorously.

I then fill her in on Rains' theory of Douglas being behind the recent attacks and even the attack on my parents. And she agrees with her daughter one hundred percent.

Right before we decide that it's time to head back to the castle, Rain starts moving around in my arms. She opens her eyes, looks up at me, and then slowly looks around the room. Noticing everyone is out of their bed and moving around with not even a scratch on them, she looks back up at me.

"How?" She asks, and I smile at her.

"You really are amazing!" I tell her.