The Puzzle Pieces

Rains' P.O.V.

When I asked what we know about the attack on my mothers' coven, Sam replies, "Not much other than it was rogues, about thirty of them. And it was a surprise attack." And my mind starts going a hundred miles an hour in multiple directions.

"That many rogues working together?" I say out loud without realizing it. But what Zion says next starts to pull everything together.

"It has to be some kind of rogue army. But why attack a coven instead of a pack?" Zion says, and I think as I tune the rest of their conversation out.

"I might be wrong, but I think I know who's behind the attacks," I say after some time thinking about things, and everyone faces me in silence.

"What are you thinking, my Queen," Zion asks.

"You remember the story of me being kidnaped as a baby that my mom told you about?" I ask Zion, and he nods. "She said they finally discovered it was Alpha Douglas of the Blood Cresent Pack. He wanted more power and warriours, so he destroyed my father's pack when they wouldn't follow him. What if he was the one who orchestrated the attack that killed your parents and Orians father? We know he has worked with witches because he had a witch kidnap me. He wanted war against the Royal Family."

"Oh Goddess," Orian says as the pieces start to fit together. "But why would he attack the coven with rogues when he attacked the former King, Queen, and Beta with witches?"

"To throw us off his tracks," Zion says with a grim look on his face.

"But the witches stay to themselves. How would Douglas know we were working with them?" Sam asks.

"He could have someone on the inside. Neither the witches nor we have kept it quiet, and rumors are spreading already." Orian says.

"I want reports on anyone who could have ties to Douglass' old pack, anyone who was rogue before we took them in, or anyone who has family that could be either," Zion says, and they bow their heads and leave.

"You think I'm right?" I ask him.

"I do. It makes perfect sense. We know Douglas wanted a war against the Royal Family, we know he has witches on his side because he had one kidnap you, we know Douglas is power hungry because he basically annihilated an entire pack because they wouldn't follow him, and we know Douglas is desperate because he was made rogue and stripped of his Alpha title by the Super Natural Council." Zion says. "I think you are spot on in your assumptions."

"The more desperate he is, the more dangerous he is," I say.

"That's exactly why you and Odett will be moving into my suite," Zion says, and I don't dare to protest as I can see how furious he is.

"So, what is our next move?" I ask.

"We will wait for the rescue convoy to return with the survivors of the attack. After we gather more information, then we will have a better grasp on the situation, and we'll know what to do then."Zion says, and I nod, feeling useless.

"Can we go and see Jess and Odett until the rescue convoy returns?" I ask. "I really need to hold Odett and see my sister."

"How about I take you to get them, and we all go to our suite?" He suggests. "That way, Odett can see her new room, and we can have the servants move your clothes in?"

"Sounds like a good distraction to me," I say, and we make our way out of the office and towards Jess and Orians' suite as Zion lets Orian know the plan so he doesn't freak out when he can't find them there.

After getting to Orian and Jess' suite and getting the girls and the two guards with them, we make our way to our suite with me carrying Odett on my hip.

"Mommy, what's happening? Where are we going?" Odett asks curiously.

"We're moving into Zions' suite with him," I say. "You get your own room. You can even decorate it however you want." I say, and she starts giggling and clapping her hands excitedly, making Jess and Zion laugh. As we get to the suite, I realize that my old room was right across the hall from his suite the whole time. I look at him with a questioning look. He laughs while shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, he thinks he's so slick!" Dosha says, making me giggle a little.

We walk into the suite, and I'm amazed by how beautiful everything is. The walks are a dark brown with pops of blue here and there. The furniture and tables are all black, as well as the appliances and hardware in the kitchen.

"If there is anything you would like to change, just tell me, and I will arrange it." He says, and I shake my head vigorously.

"This looks like you pulled it straight out of my dreams. It is perfect." I say as I place Odett down so she can go explore her new home. After she finds her room, Zion pulls out his iPad from the cabinet under the flat screen T.V. Showing her how to use Amazon to find the things she likes and add them to the cart for her room. I can't help but smile at the whole situation. And thanking the Goddess for the distraction, even if it is brief.

"Earth to Rainie-bug," Jess says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, what were you saying," I ask.

"What's going on? Why do we need guards in the castle?" She asks.