A Fake Mate

Zions' P.O.V.

After running around with Odett on Rykers back, I walked into the tent where Orian had placed clean clothes to change into, getting dressed quickly. I meet up with Rain, Odett, and Orian, deciding to walk Rain and Odett to the orphanage before I have to come back and check on all the preparations for the matting ceremony later today and meet the guest that will start to arrive in a few hours.

I place Odett on my shoulders, making her giggle, and take Rains' hand in mine, and we make our way toward the orphanage. About halfway there, Orian and I get a link that Alpha Max, the future Alpha Ian, and their Lunas have arrived ahead of schedule. I quickly link Orian so he knows not to mention their names. I don't want her worrying about them right now. I call over the guards to escort the Queen and Odett to the orphanage and to stay with them until they return to the castle. Then I place Odett down on the ground and tell them I have to greet the first guests.

"We understand. I'll see you later." Rain says with a smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Just don't take too long. I wouldn't want you to miss our mating ceremony." I say with a smile but only half joking before kissing her on the forehead and turning to go back to the castle with Orian right behind me.

When he's sure we're out of earshot, he asks me why I didn't tell Rain they had arrived. And why I allowed her to invite them to begin with. Sam joins us when he hears Orians question and wonders the same thing. I shake my head at both of them before answering.

"She is the one that invited them, but I didn't tell her that they were here so that she could work with Jessica on the plans for the orphanage with a clear head without having to worry about them. I also want to get a feel for the so-called Alphas for myself to make sure they are no longer a threat to the three anymore." I say, and Sam nods in understanding with a smile that shows he approves. But Orian seems worried about how his mate will react to her old Alpha being here. "They won't be able to take our ladies from us. I promise!"

"I hope you're right, my King," Orian says, accepting my promise.

"I'm always right. Our Queen won't allow Jessica or Odett to be taken from her. Remember, Rain was their Queen before she was ours. And Jessica would never choose to leave you or them." I say, and he nods. I look at Sam. "Make sure there's a car waiting for them at the orphanage to bring them back quickly. Something tells me they'll lose track of time."

"Yes, my King." He says as we reach the castle entrance where the two Alphas and their Lunas are with James.

"Good morning, my King," James says as he bows, bringing the two Alphas' attention to me instead of on each other as they complain about being kept waiting by me at the castle doors. They have some nerve to complain about me when they are the ones that showed up hours early.

"Talk about rude and entitled Alphas," Ryker says, and I agree with him.

"Ah, King Zion, thank you for allowing us to attend your mating ceremony and your mates' crowing ceremony. I am Alpha Max of the Blue River Pack. This is my mate Luna Misty, My son, Alpha Ian, and his mate, Luna Emily. It is an honor to meet the great King, the Alpha of all Alphas." He gushes, all but groveling at my feet. But I can tell he's just trying to kiss up to me, so I turn my attention to his son, the young Alpha to be who hurt my mate.

"So am I correct to assume you have taken over the pack as the current Alpha?" I ask, not even attempting to hide my disdain for the two Alphas who couldn't even arrive on time.

"Not until next month, my King." He answers politely. "I'm waiting until my mate and I have our mating ceremony. Then Father will hand over the title, and he and my mother will take a much-needed vacation."

"That's good to hear. Maybe the Queen and I will attend your ceremony along with our Betas." I say as I force a smile on my face.

"It would be an honor to have you attend our ceremony, my King." Luna Emily says as she smiles and places her hand on my forearm. I quickly take a step back but make sure not to show my shock and confusion. She looks almost offended when I take a step back, but then she quickly covers it up with a smile.

I quickly link Orian, Sam, and James to explain that something is wrong. "I felt the tingles of a mate bond, but I know something isn't quite right about it. I know she's not my mate. I know it's not possible because Rain is my mate. We've already mated and marked each other. James, find Lady Ezmerelda and bring her to my office, please."

"Yes, my King." James links back and walks away without bothering to say anything to the Alphas'.

"Be sure to send the invitation. Now if you will excuse me, I have a few meetings to take care of before I have to prepare for the ceremony." I say, and I make my way to my office after linking Sam to find a guard to escort the Aphas' and their Lunas' to the garden and watch them carefully. It takes about fifteen minutes for James to arrive at my office with Lady Ezmerelda.

"King Zion, James said you needed my assistance with something. Is something wrong with Rain?" She asks in a hushed tone.

I tell her everything, going into detail about Alpha Ian and his supposed mate, how I felt the tingles of the mate bond when she touched my arm, and how I know it isn't possible because Rain and I have already marked each other. Lady Ezmerelda sits there quietly in thought for a few minutes.

"Are they aware the two of you have already marked each other?" She asks me.

"It's not common knowledge that I am aware of," I say and look to Orian, Sam, and James as they nod in agreement.

"Other than a few guards and our inner circle, no one knows they have marked each other. They haven't had their marks on display or anything." Orian says, and Lady Ezmerelda nods.

"I don't feel a foreign witch around, but that doesn't mean they aren't working with one who could have made prepared a spell ahead of time. It's dark magic, not commonly known or practiced. And it would take a very skilled and powerful witch to cast it." She says as she walks over to my desk, grabs a pen and some paper, and starts writing something down. Once she's done, she hands the paper to Sam. "Please gather these ingredients. I will make a counter spell to protect all guests and warriors from this fake mate bond spell."

I nod to Sam, and as he's about to leave, she continues. "Stop by the apartment and request Lady Elizabeth to accompany you. She will know what amounts will be needed for this spell."

"Understood." She says and leaves my office.

"How many witches do you know of capable of casting this kind of spell?" I ask her.

"Only one other than me." She says. "But I only know most of the witches in the southern kingdom and a few from the western kingdom."

"Who is the one other than you?" I ask. "And are they from the southern kingdom?"

"The one who took Rain from her father and me when she was a baby and cast the fake mate bond spell that bound her wolf." She replies, and I freeze. "She was from my own coven."