Let The Fun Begin

Rains' P.O.V.

As the SUV pulls up to the front of the castle, Orian stands at the front door, waiting on us. And as we get out of the SUV and make out way up to the door. Orian greets us with a laugh as he bows to me and then kisses Jess. Jess asks him what he's laughing about.

"Sam and I had a bet on if y'all would be late or not." He says with a smile that screams I won.

"Yea, we got caught up with the plans for the renovations and everything at the orphanage," Jess says, and I nod in agreement with her.

"I knew y'all would. That's why I won twenty bucks." He says, and I can't help but laugh. But then I'm suddenly hit with a lot of guilt for being late to prepare for my own mating ceremony.

"Don't worry, my Queen. You're right on time. Your mother, the makeup artist, and the hairstylist only arrived about twenty minutes before you. There's plenty of time." He says with a smile.

"Thank you, Orian," I say and turn to Jess and Odett. "Let's go, ladies." Odett giggles at the fact that I called her a lady, too, as we walk to the suite where everyone waits for us. Jess suggests that I shower while they get their makeup and hair done. When I finish my shower, I walk out of the bathroom to see my mom, Odett is in her lap, singing as little sparks of light dance in the air while Jess is getting her hair and makeup done.

When the hair stylist and makeup artist finish with Jess, it's my turn. I sit in the chair as they discuss what they want to do with my hair and makeup, and after about forty-five minutes, everything's complete. I stand up, and my mom, Jess, and Odett walk up to me with a box that fits in the palm of my hand.

Jess realizes I'm confused, so she tells me to open it. When I open the box, I see that it's a ring. It's black with blue sapphires all the way around the band. Judging by the size, I can tell it's for Zion. I look up to say thank you with tears in my eyes, but before I am able to say anything, Jess tells me not to start crying because it would ruin my makeup, so I laugh instead.

"It's time to get in your dress, Rainie bug," Jess says, and I nod as I follow her to the stage-like area they had set up in our suite, surrounded by three mirrors more than seven feet tall.

"Okay, stand right there and remove your robe." My mom says as she places me directly in the center of the stage. "Good, now close your eyes."

I do as she says, closing my eyes and standing still. Suddenly I feel like I have been surrounded by a warm fire. I can hear water flowing through a creek. I smell fresh earth. Then I feel a light breeze that wraps around my body. It feels as if I'm surrounded by the four elements. I open my eyes. And I am instantly blown away by what I see in the mirror. My dress is absolutely stunning! It's a beautiful flowing Greek-style dress with a split up both sides, so white and covered in little crystals. When the light hits the dress, it practically glows. It's a dress fit for a Goddess.

"It's perfect, Mom!" I say as a single tear slips down my left cheek, and Jess quickly moves to pat it dry with a tissue before it could ruin my makeup.

"I'm glad you like it, my dear. Now put this cloke on so we can walk to the castle grounds without anyone seeing you." She says as she helps me put on the cloke and pull up the hood without messing up my hair. Then we hear a knock at the door. Jess opens the door, and I instantly recognize Sam's voice when he tells her he's there to escort us to the ceremony.

"We're ready," I say as I walk to the door holding Odetts' hand. Sam smiles with a nod and turns to walk down the hall. We follow him so that Odett and I are in the middle, and my mom and Jess are behind us as we make our way to the double doors in the banquet hall that lead out to where the ceremony is starting.

When we get to the doors, Sam tells us to wait till the music starts, then we walk out the door and make our way up the aisle. He then leans close to my ear and says, "I know you invited them. I want you to know it's an honor to serve such a brave and ballsy Queen." With a laugh, and then makes his way out the door.

"What's he talking about?" Jess asks, and I suddenly realize I forgot to tell her I invited her old Alphas.

"Alpha Max and Ian are here," I say, and I brace myself for her reaction.

"What? I can't believe the King would invite those pathetic excuses for Alphas to your ceremonies." She all but yells. "How could he!"

"He didn't invite them. I did. I plan to make them even more miserable than we were. They won't get away with how they treated us." I say with a smile, and her panic is quickly replaced by pure pleasure as she realizes this ceremony is just the beginning of our payback.

"Goddess, when did you become so confident? I really like this new you. So, what's your plan exactly?" She asks. But before I can answer her, the music starts. Mom and Jess both get into position in front of Odett, and I stood behind her. The double doors open, and it's time to get this show on the road. Mom and Jess turn to look back at me to see if I'm ready. I give them a nod, and they start walking. Mom walks out first, followed by Jess and then Odett. Then It's my turn.