They Know

  Rain's P.O.V.

  I started getting nervous When Zion told me our ride was waiting. I didn't realize we were leaving the castle. Then it dawned on me that was the reason he asked my mother about the cloaking spell. I tried asking him if we were leaving the castle, but he only said it was a surprise. But then he asked if I trusted him, increasing my anxiety and nervousness. Of course, I trusted him, but my intrusive thoughts were getting the better of me.

  "My love, I need you to trust that you will be safe with me." He says, and I suddenly realize my intrusive thoughts are making him and Ryker panic.

  "I trust you, Zion. I'm just scared. I don't want to risk our plan being exposed." I say as I wrap my arms around his waist.

  "Everything will be fine. I promise." He tells me as he kisses my forehead.

  I decide to push my thoughts to the back of my mind and focus on the good in his surprise for me. I know he would never endanger us, and he's only trying to help me feel better. I take his arm, wrapping myself around his bicep, and let him lead me to the connecting garage where his Jeep is waiting with dark tented windows.

  "You're not going to give me driving lessons right now, right?" I ask him. He lets out a deep laugh and shakes his head at me.

  "No, my love. That wouldn't be classified as a date." He says while helping me into the passenger side before he closes the door and walks around to get into the driver's side.

  He backs out of the garage and heads for the trails in the woods. I remember the trail we're on as the one that leads to our cliff. I wish Dosha were awake to witness our surroundings, but I know she's been working so hard to keep the twins and me safe and healthy. I wish there were something I could do for her. I feel completely useless.

  I'm pulled from my thoughts as the Jeep comes to a stop at the end of the trail. I instantly realize we're at our cliff. Zion gets out and walks around to my side, opening the door and helping me out of the seat without saying anything. He walks me through the cluster of trees, where I see twinkle lights strung up over what looks like a picnic setup.

  "I hope you like it, my love," Zion says as he leads me over and helps me sit on the blanket.

  "I love it. Thank you." I say with a smile as I look over the cliff to see our kingdom. I heard a howl in the distance and gasped, fearing that someone would see me.

  "Don't worry, my Queen. It's Jessica and Orian. They wanted to join us, and I figured you would enjoy their company, so I arranged a double date for us. I hope that's okay with you." Zion explains quickly, setting my mind at ease.

  "That sounds perfect. Thank you, my love." I say

  "I'm glad to hear you say that because I had to bribe them to set everything up and patrol the area to keep others away. I meant it when I said no one else knows about this place but me and you." He says with a laugh.

  "Not even Orian?" I ask.

  "Nope. Not until we came to set everything up earlier." Orian answers as he walks out of the tree line holding Jess' hand. "it's good to see you out of your suite, my Queen. I hope everything is to your liking." 

  "It's perfect. Thank you both for helping Zion with everything. It was a great surprise, and I have to say it's nice being out." I tell them as they join us. "Even if he had to bribe y'all."

  "That was on me. I know how hard it's been on you being stuck inside, and I wanted to be with you outside the castle. I wanted to spend time with you while you were truly happy instead of being so depressed. It's been hard seeing you like that again, but we would have set everything up regardless." Jess says as she sits beside me.

  "I appreciate that, sis. Hopefully, I'll give birth soon, and everything can return to normal." I say, giving her a big smile. I feel bad that my being depressed has caused the others pain. If she's noticed, I'm sure the others have also noticed.

  "I'm just glad to see you happy and trying to stay positive. Have you figured out the genders of the twins yet?" She asks.

  "Not yet. We wanted to be surprised." I answer.

  "It wasn't exactly the plan, but they aren't cooperating with the sonograms, so it'll have to be a surprise," Zion says with a laugh.

  "It seems they're just as hard-headed and stubborn as their parents," Orian says, making us all laugh.

  "You're definitely right about that," I say.

  We talked for a few hours about everything going on outside of the castle. I enjoyed spending time with them, and I was thankful that they kept me in the loop of everything happening. Orian and Zion brought me up to speed on the rogue attacks and the council meeting that would be held in two weeks with the current Kings attending as well as the council members, while Jess sat by my side, occasionally rubbing on my belly and whispering that their aunt couldn't wait to meet them.

  "Would you be comfortable with joining the meeting?" Zion asks me.

  "Do you think it's safe? Don't they think I'm dead like everyone else? Wouldn't it jeopardize our plan?" I ask in confusion.

  "No, the council knows that you are alive and still pregnant. I've been keeping the updates, and they are aware of the circumstances pertaining to our current situation." He says. "They approve of our plan to have you re-emerge after the birth of the twins and will also be bringing in a few of their specialists to watch over the three kids if anything should happen."

  "Oh, that's good, I guess," I say.

  "It's nothing to worry about, my love. They have all sworn allegiance to you, not just as the Queen of the Southern Werewolves but as their family. Every one of them will lay down their lives for our three pups." He says with a smile, which makes me relax a little. "They all think of you as their Queen."

  "I don't want to be their Queen. I couldn't handle that responsibility on top of everything else." I say quickly.

  "You being their Queen only means that you will be helping to unite all supernatural species. It's not like being the Queen of our kingdom." Zion says as Jess and Orian nod in agreement. "We all believe you are the one to bring us all together, as does the Moon Goddess and Witch Goddess. We believe in you even if you don't believe in yourself, and we'll also be beside you through everything, no matter the circumstances."

  "I'm glad someone thinks I'm not worthless," I say just above a whisper, letting my intrusive thoughts get the best of me once again.

  "You are amazingly strong and powerful. I wish you could see yourself the way we see you." Jess says as she pulls me into a hug. Suddenly, I realize I've been crying. Damn, pregnancy hormones. I can't wait to be back to normal.

  "We should be getting back to the castle. Our night isn't over just yet, but you can take a nap in the Jeep on the way back." Zion says as he offers his hand to help me up.

  I take his hand, and he gently lifts me into his arms and carries me through the cluster of trees, helping me into the passenger seat and closing the door before walking around, climbing into the driver's seat, and starting the engine. The drive home is calm and relaxing as he places his hand on my thigh, gently squeezing to show that I'm safe and can relax. I close my eyes, lean back into the seat, and let the darkness take over for a bit. When I open my eyes again, we're pulling back into the castle garage.

  "I have another surprise ready for you inside," Zion says as he opens my door, helping me out of the Jeep, pulling me into a hug, and placing a kiss on my forehead.

  "You really don't have to keep surprising me, my love," I say with a smile.

  "I'll never stop trying to make you happy. Your happiness and well-being are of the utmost importance to me." He says as he places a hand on my belly, stepping behind me and leading me into the castle. 

  "What did I do for the Moon Goddess to grant me with such an amazing mate?" I ask him, making him let out a soft laugh.