Unconventional Gender Reveal

  Zion's P.O.V.

  After our picnic with Jessica and Orian and explaining that the members of the supernatural council knew of her survival from the poisoning, she seemed to be unsure of herself. Fortunately, I had another surprise for her lined up for when we got back to the castle to help lift her spirit a little more. Pulling into the castle garage, I park the Jeep, help her out, and explain that she was of the utmost importance to me before leading her into the grand hall where all the orphaned pups, Annie, James, Sam, Odett, Evan, Orian, Lady Ezmerelda, Stephanie, Joshy, and Jessica are waiting for us with milkshakes, snacks, and movies that Jessica says are her favorite.

  We had a night full of movies and food with the people she cares for so deeply. I saw her smile more than she's smiled since all of this started; she seemed genuinely happy to have everyone around, to feel truly seen and loved without the responsibility and pressure of the impending war. By the night's end, I need to carry her and Odett up to our suite since they are fast asleep before the end of the second movie.

  "Y'all finish up the night here. I'll take Rain and Odett to bed and see everyone in the morning." I tell them as I scoop up the cuddling Queen and Princess in my arms.

  "Would you like some help?" Orian asks, offering to help me carry the two.

  "No, I can handle it. Just enjoy your night." I say with a laugh as I carry the two out of the room and make my way to the elevator. There's no way I would be taking the stares while carrying both of them.

  When the elevator reaches the top floor and the door opens, I step out and feel the sparks of the mate bond caressing my cheek. I look down and see my beautiful mate's emerald eyes looking back at me. Goddess, I could get lost in her eyes as the world burns and not be bothered by it in the least bit.

  "You're awake. How are you feeling?" I ask her as I reach our suite door. She reaches out and turns the knob, opening it for me.

  "Exhausted, but incredibly happy and thankful for everything everyone has done." She says. "It was great to see that everyone hasn't forgotten about me and that they care so much."

  "You are our Queen. Nothing will ever change that, my love."I reassure her as I walk us into Odett's room. I place her on her feet as she shifts Odett into my arms so I can tuck her into bed. I then swoop Rain back up into my arms and make my way to our room. "Now it's time to tuck you into bed."

  "I can walk. You don't always have to carry me." She says with a laugh.

  "That's true, but I really enjoy having you in my arms, even if it's just carrying you to our bed," I tell her.

  "Then I'll have to let you carry me around more often." She retorts as she wraps her arms around my neck, snuggling her face into the crook of my neck and inhaling my scent before letting out a relaxed sigh and falling back to sleep in my arms.

  "Good night, my Queen," I tell her after laying us both in bed and kissing her on the forehead before letting the darkness pull us both in for a peaceful night of rest.


  Rain's P.O.V.

  Waking up, I find Zion still asleep next to me. Remembering our date night that ended with movies with those closest to us, I let out a sigh of contentment. I know it won't last long, so call me selfish or whatever you want, but I will hold on to this peace for as long as possible. 

  It was great to spend time with everyone last night. I'm ashamed that I thought everyone would forget me, as if I never existed. I hated not being around them like I usually am. I missed each and every one of them so badly, and last night was exactly what I needed, which made me even more grateful for Zion. I reach out, move the loose hair out of his face, and smile, knowing that this is the man I will be waking up next to for the rest of my life.

  "Good morning, my Queen. How are you feeling?" He asks before he even opens his eyes.

  "I'm feeling great. Thank you for everything. Last night was perfect, and waking up next to you was even better." I answer as I scoot closer, resting my head on his chest, and feel his arm pull me in tighter as his other hand rests on my huge belly.

  "I'm glad to hear that because we have people waiting for us in our living room." He says with a laugh as he opens his eyes and kisses my forehead. Goddess, how I love his forehead kisses.

  "What? I haven't heard anyone come in." I tell him.

  "They're waiting for us to get dressed. We have plans, and I need you to perform the cloaking spell again." He says as he helps me out of bed.

  "Oh, okay. That reminds me. I must ask my mom how Orian and Jess could see me." I say as I walk to my closet to pick out an outfit.

  "I can explain that. I asked your mom to modify the spell so that the people close to us with pure intentions and love for you and the twins could see you." He says from his closet.

  "How does that work?" I ask curiously before hearing our front door open and people walk into our living room.

  "I told her my plans and asked her if it could be done. I'm not sure how she did it, but she said it would be as easy as changing a few words in the encantation." He says as he helps me with my shoes since I can't bend over to put them on myself. I'll be so happy when I can move around freely without my belly in the way.

  After getting dressed, we make our way out of our room to find Odett, Mom, Jess, Orain, Joshy, Sam, James, Evan, and Stephanie, all sitting on the couches waiting for us. Everyone's attention goes to my belly when we walk in, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. Maybe I should have looked in the mirror before leaving our bedroom. Thankfully, Odett jumps from the couch she was sitting on and runs over to me, gently wrapping her arms around my waist.

  "Hey, Princess. How did you sleep last night?" I ask before I try to pick her up, but she's too heavy, or I'm just too weak. 

  "We need to move up the council meeting. Douglas is on the move." Dosha tells me, shocking me that she's suddenly woken up.

  "What? How do you know?" I ask her curiously.

  "I'll explain later, but we need to get a head start on this before it gets out of hand." She says quickly before I'm pulled out of our conversation by Jess.

  "Are you okay, Rain?" Jess asks, looking at me with worry and confusion.

  "Yes, just feeling a little weak," I say, trying to convince her as well as myself. I look at Zion before asking, "Is there a way to speed up the council meeting?"

  "Is something wrong?" He asks in confusion.

  "Dosha says Douglas is on the move. We need to move to counter him before he gets much further." I tell him quickly with as much urgency as Dosha has exuded in her message to me.

  "Orian, place the calls into the council. Tell them it's time to move and that we need them here immediately." Zion says without an ounce of hesitation.

  "Yes, my King," Orian says, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and walking to Zions suite office. 

  "Is Dosha awake?" Zion asks me.

  "She's in and out. She said she would explain later." I answer as Jess, and my mom help me sit on the couch as I begin to get dizzy.

  "Are you sure you're okay? You don't look good at all." Jess says, her voice laced with fear and worry.

  "Doctor Jameson will arrive soon to check you out," Zion says as he kneels before me. He places his hand on mine while gently touching my cheek with his other hand. "I want to make sure everything is okay."

  "I understand. Thank you for always making sure I'm okay." I tell him as I place my hand over his while smiling and leaning into his hand that's still on my cheek.

  "Mommy? Will my brother and sister be here soon?" Odett asks, making me confused.

  "What makes you think it's a girl and boy?" I ask as she climbs into my side on the couch.

  "I talk to them when you're asleep. They told me what they were." She says, shocking us all.