
  Rain's P.O.V.

  After Dosha alerted us of Douglas making his move and Odett's shocking news of talking to the twins, Zion left me in our suite with Jess, Odett, James, and Evan in a hurry to announce to our warriours that we are expecting the council members, the current leaders of the species, and their warriours tomorrow.

  "Are you ready for breakfast?" James ask.

  "I'm really not hungry. I feel nauseous." I say, trying to hold back from puking.

  "If you're sure, I'll let Annie know that we'll be skipping breakfast and having an early lunch in a couple of hours so Zion and Doctor Jameson won't kill me for letting you go without eating for too long." He says, making me laugh.

  "So, have you told Zion about our little online shopping spree?" Jess asks me.

  "There's nothing little about it, and no, not yet," I say while laughing.

  "It's a good thing he doesn't care about how much money you spend because we spent a small fortune on stuff for the twin's room." She says while pulling Odett into her lap. "And even got a few surprises for a special little prince."

  "You got something for me?" Odetts giggles. "What is it?"

  "If we told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," I say as I pinch her cheek, making her giggle even louder.

  Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and I can tell it's Doctor Jameson. I guess Zion asked him to come check in on me. Odett rushes to the door, letting him in. He asks the usual questions, like how I'm feeling and if I'm eating enough, as he helps me off the couch and to the room we've made into a makeshift delivery room, followed by Jess as we talk about the new developments while James and Evan stay in the living room with Odett.

  To say he was shocked would be an understatement. He was utterly fascinated by Odett's ability to talk to the twins and for them to comprehend everything happening outside the womb. Especially the fact that they knew about the poison even before I or anyone else could react.

  Doctor Jameson tells me he would like to do a blood test on the twins after delivery to ensure the poison isn't causing any lingering effects. I agree, and I'm sure Zion would agree. We also discussed the fact that Odett said I would be giving birth in the next few days.

  He says that he will make sure his schedule would be cleared and will be staying in the Castle to be close by even though the hospital is only about fifteen minutes away. He checks me over and says he'll be back in the morning to check if I've dilated before he says goodbye and leaves. Jess and I walk back to the living room, and I'm hit with the most delicious scent of chocolate and caramel.

  "What's that delectable scent?" I ask.

  "Mommy, Uncle Evan is teaching me how to make double trouble cookies for the twins. They have chocolate and caramel." Odett says while giggling loudly with flour all over her and a little chocolate on the corner of her lips.

  "That sounds great," I say, wiping the chocolate from her mouth. "I didn't know Uncle Evan knows how to bake."

  "My mother insisted that I knew how to bake so I could impress my mate. And help with pregnancy cravings." He says with a laugh. "I guess she didn't expect my mate to be male."

  "Well, I fully appreciate her insistence, but I have had to limit my intake so I don't have to spend even more time training or at the gym, or else I'm going to get fat," James says with a smile, wrapping his arms around Evans's waist.

  "They are such a cute couple." Dosha and Jess say simultaneously, making me giggle in agreement.

  "I have to agree with you on that," I say with a smile while looking at the two love birds as they laugh and help Odett take the hot pans from the oven.

  "Now you have to let them cool down. They should be ready for you to place on the cookie plater in about twenty minutes, and then we can help you take some to your dad's office for him and the others while your mom and Aunt Jessica have some with a glass of milk." Evan tells Odett.

  "Okay, Uncle Evan." She replies with a smile as she sets a timer.

  "I wonder if Zion is planning to come back to the suite for lunch," I say more to myself than anyone else.

  "I'm sure he will. He has a lot on his plate at the moment, but he wants to spend as much time with you as possible." Jess says, and I nod in understanding. I wish there were something I could do to ease his workload and stress. Jess wraps her arm over my shoulder. "Hey, don't stress. Everything will work out."

  "You're right. I wish I could do something." I say, letting out a sigh.

  "Your time will come, my Queen. I'm sure of it." James says, still holding Evan by the waist. "You just need to focus on the twins right now. Everything will come together, and your reemergence from the dead will be epic."

  "It'll shock the hell out of everyone, that's for sure," Evan says, echoing his mates' words and making Jess laugh.

  "We definitely need to plan an epic way to announce the rebirth of the Queen," Jess says, making Odett giggle again.

  "Okay, y'all are being dramatic," I say as I roll my eyes at them.

  "No, ma'am! You aren't being dramatic enough." Evan says, letting out a laugh at my denial. "This is a big deal. Right now, everyone is mourning the loss of their Queen. Do you understand how big of a celebration it will be when they realize you are still alive?"

  "Or they will hate me for hiding like a coward while everything around us is going to hell," I say, easing down onto the couch when I realize my feet and legs are swelling like balloons.

  "They will understand why you made the decisions you did to protect yourself and the pups and the fact that it even gave them a bit of peace from Douglas' attacks as well," James says, making Evan and Jess nod in agreement.

  "I hope they see it that way," I say as I attempt to rub my feet to no avail. Jess sees my failing attempt and sits beside me on the couch, pulling my legs into her lap to massage my feet and legs for me.

  "Trust me, they will," Jess says, trying to reassure me as she continues to massage my feet. "Now, let's get this swelling down."

  As Jess continues massageing my feet and legs, Evan helps Odett take the cookies from the cookie sheet to the serving plate. Odett rushes over with a glass of cold milk and a plate with two cookies, putting it on the coffee table in front of the couch we're sitting on before asking James to help her take the others to Zion in his office. He looked at me as if asking if that was okay. I nod before reaching over, kissing her on the head, and telling her to have fun as I grab a cookie.

  "OH MY GODDESS! These cookies are amazing." I say after taking a bite, which melted in my mouth.

  "Ohh, let me try one." Jess giggles, and I pass the plate of cookies to her. "I think I found my new favorite cookie."

  "I agree," I say around another bite of my cookie. "I wonder if Evan would give me the recipe?"

  "I mean, you are his Queen, so you could always order him to give it to you. Or make him bake you some every day." Jess says, laughing at the face I make.

  "I am not a tyrant who will take whatever I want or force someone to do anything for me," I tell her.

  "I know, I know," Jess says with her hands up in mock surrender. "Just ask him for the recipe. He loves you, so I'm sure he'll willingly hand it over." Before I can retort, Zion walks through the door carrying Odett on his shoulders, followed by James, Evan, Sam, and Orian. 

  "A little birdy told me I was wanted for lunch," Zion says with a smile.

  "Oh, and who might the little birdy be?" I ask, making Odett giggle.

  "It's me, silly," Odett says as Zion puts her on the couch beside me.

  "What's wrong, my love?" Zion says, noticing Jess still massaging my feet. "Are you hurt?"

  "No, my ankles were swelling, so Jess volunteered to rub them for me since I can't reach them myself," I say with a smile as I rub my belly.

  "I'm here now, so I can take over." He says, making Jess laugh before moving so Zion can take her place.

  "What's for lunch?" I ask, suddenly feeling hungry since I passed on breakfast.