Family Lunch

                 Zion's P.O.V.

   While sitting in my office with Sam and Orian, discussing the ins and outs of the upcoming meeting with the supernatural council members and the current leaders and housing said members, leaders, and all their worriers, Orian mentions that it may be a good idea to contact the three other Alpha Kings to see if they have been receiving the same attacks from the so-called Rouge King. I give him the green light to make the calls while Sam and I focus on where we will be housing the incoming warriors.

 After an hour or two of getting everything settled, Odett comes rushing in, giggling as she carries a plate of cookies while being escorted by Evan and James. I laugh as she quickly puts the plate on the coffee table and lunges for me with arms wide open. She moved so fast that I barely had the time to catch her as she continued to giggle. She's definitely gotten faster, thanks to her training.

 "Hello, Princess. What brings you to the office? Where's your mom?" I ask after catching her and hug her as I walk back to my chair behind my desk.

 "She's in the suite. She said I could bring you some cookies Uncle Evan taught me to bake." She said with a smile as James picked up the plate of cookies and placed them on my desk.

 "You made these?" I ask her as I take one from the plate.

 "Yes, sir. Uncle Evan helped me, but I made them. They're chocolate and caramel." She said proudly. "Try it. It's really good."

 "This is probably the best cookie I've ever had! You did a great job, baby girl." I tell her after I've scarfed down the whole cookie before reaching for another.

 "Really? You mean it?" She says, holding her hands together anxiously.

 "I wouldn't lie to you, Princess," I say honestly. "But I wouldn't go around telling everyone how good they are, or there'll be none left."

 "I can always make more, silly." She says with the biggest smile.

 "As long as you promise mamma and I get the first ones from each batch," I say, putting on my best negotiator's face.

 "Deal!" She says excitedly, making the others laugh at how determined she looks.

 "How was Rain feeling when y'all left?" I ask James and Evan.

 "She's tired. She would never come out and admit it, but her eyes betray her. She feels worthless as everyone else is doing what needs to be done for the upcoming war while she's stuck in the suite, unable to contribute. She also feels like no one will understand why she stayed hidden and let everyone mourn her loss. She thinks they won't forgive her for abandoning them." James says as he stares at the ground.

 "Then we'll have to change her perspective of things," I say as I begin to think of ways to make her see things differently.

 "Jessica thinks we should plan some kind of grand re-emergence for her, and I have to say I think it's a good idea," Evan says, making Orian laugh.

 "My mate does know how to get the Queen out of her comfort zone and how to make a great impression," Orian says.

 "Maybe y'all can enlist her help," I say, giving them the green light. "You should also ask Mia, Annie, and Luna Morgan for assistance on the matter as well." 

 "That's a great idea," Sam says as he swips a cookie from the plate.

 "How did the calls to the other Kings go?" I ask Orian while ignoring the fact that Sam took my last cookie, handing Odett my phone and placing a headset over her ears so she can watch her videos while we talk.

 "They've not had any unexplainable attacks other than random rouge attacks here and there but will be keeping a watch for anything as well as offering any assistance if we need them." He answers.

 "I would rather not depend on them if we can handle it ourselves. But I do appreciate their offer." I say. "I wonder why Douglas hasn't made a move to take over their territories as well."

 "He could be wanting to take over one Kingdom at a time. We know he has his eyes set on Rain. Maybe he thinks it will be easier if he has her by his side." Sam says cautiously.

 "That's not going to happen!" I say, letting out a growl uncontrollably, startling Odett and causing her to rip her headphones off. "I'm sorry, Princess. I just got a little angry."

 "Are you mad at mamma?" She asks, looking up at me nervously.

 "Why would I be mad at momma?" I ask her. 

 "Aunt Jess said something about them spending a small fortune in an online shopping spree on me and the twins, and I think mamma was worried you would find out and be mad." She says with worry written all over her face.

 "Absolutely not, Princess. As long as you four have everything you need, it doesn't matter what she spends." I tell her with a smile as I pull her closer to me to reassure her that I'm not mad at her mother. "I could never be mad at her for making sure our children are taken care of. That's what parents do."

 "Does that mean you'll come to eat lunch with us? Mamma didn't have breakfast because she was sick and worried about you." She says, and now I'm worried about her. I look at James with a confused expression.

 "She was feeling nauseous and wanted to skip breakfast, but I made her promise to have an early lunch before Evan started helping Odett bake cookies." He explains. I nod in understanding and look at my watch to see it's almost 11 A.M.. If she didn't eat breakfast, I'm sure she is starving by now.

 "Then why don't we all have Lunch in the suite together," I say as I place Odett on her feet and stand. "Orian, will you call her mother and let her know to join us for lunch?"

 "Of course, my King." He says while pulling out his phone to make the call.

 "James, will you ask Annie to prepare lunch for everyone and herself and bring it up when it's ready?" I ask.

 "I'll get right on it." He says before linking her quickly. "She will have it done soon. She wants to know if she will be joining us."

 "Yes, there is no need for her to eat alone, and I know Rain would enjoy her company as well. We're pretty much family now." I say as we leave my office.

 "Family lunch!" Odett says, running for Sam, taking his hand, and smiles. 

 "Their bond is growing quite quickly, even with her being so young." Orian links me as he looks at them before looking back at me.

 "It is. With Odett's vampire D.N.A., she apparently feels a deep connection to him, even without being able to sense the mate bond yet. It won't be long till she figures out what it is." I tell him through the link as we walk up the stairs on the way to the fourth floor. 

 "Daddy, can I get on your shoulders? My feet hurt." Odett asks, giving me her best pouty face. I laugh and pick her up, tossing her over my shoulders and making her giggle.

 "Maybe we should have taken the elevator." Orian half-jokes.

 "We have an elevator?" Odett asks.

 "Yes, sweetie. But we don't use it a lot." I tell her.

 "Does mommy know? She complains about the stairs all the time." She says, making Orian laugh lightly.

 "Yes. I think she might still be mad at me for making her take the stairs when she first arrived instead." Orian states.

 "You made her take the stairs? She wasn't fully healed yet." I link him, slightly irritated.

 "She wouldn't let me help her walk and was being very stubborn. I wanted to see how much she could take before accepting my help." He links back.

 "How far did she make it?" I ask, now curious.

 "All the way to her old room. That's when I knew she would make the perfect mate for you." He responds, making me laugh.

 "Knowing her, she's just waiting for the right time to take revenge on you," I tell him.

 "I agree and will accept any punishment." He says honestly as we make it to the fourth floor.

 "That's a good thing," I say, laughing as we make it to our suite.

 When I open the door and walk in, I find Rain sitting on the couch in the living room while Jessica is rubbing her feet and legs. I try to push back my nervousness, thinking she might have hurt herself while I wasn't here. I'm not sure I could handle knowing she's hurt, and I couldn't do anything to help her.

 "A little birdy told me I was wanted for lunch," I say, trying to smile.

 "Oh, and who might the little birdy be?" Rain asks, causing Odett to giggle at her.

 "It's me, silly," Odett says as I put her on the couch beside Rain.

 "What's wrong, my love?" I ask. "Are you hurt?"

 "No, my ankles were swelling, so Jess volunteered to rub them for me since I can't reach them myself," She says with a smile as she rubs her growing belly.

 "I'm here now, so I can take over," I say, relieved that nothing happened to her. Jessica laughs before moving so I can take her place.

 "What's for lunch?" She asks, looking at me questionably while I rub on her feet. I look to James for an answer as Lady Ezmerelda walks in with Annie walking in behind her with a trolly of food.

 "Smells like steak paninis," James answers as Annie starts handing out plates of food.

 "That's right. And I made the Queens with extra protein and veggies per Doctor Jameson's orders." Annie says as she hands Rain her plate before taking her own and sitting at the kitchen table with Odett.

 "So, what's this I'm hearing about an online shopping spree?" I ask, making Rain's body go ridged as Jessica bursts with laughter. She narrows her eyes at Jessica to make her stop, but it has the opposite effect on her, and she laughs even louder, making Rain huff in aggravation before looking back at me.