Bed Rest

                       Rain's P.O.V.

   After returning to our suite, we all sat around and ate lunch while conversing about different things. I noticed Zion and Orian suddenly got quiet, and when I looked over, I could tell they were talking through the link. I automatically got nervous, thinking something had happened, but then I heard someone approaching the door before there was a knock.

 When no one moves, and Zion helps me up from the couch, asking me to get the door, I grow suspicious but still make my way to the door anyway. I notice no one is talking, but I know Zion wouldn't be put in harm's way. As I open the door, I'm hit with Mia and Morgans's excitement and their high-pitched squeals, and I can't help but let out my own squeal.

 "What are y'all doing here?" I ask them in disbelief.

 "We're here for your baby shower," Mia says while looking over my shoulder at everyone.

 "What baby shower?" I asked, whirling around to look at Zion.

 "Ask Jessica and Orian," Zion says with a shrug, but I can see the shit-eating grin on his face. He knew about this and didn't tell me?

 "We know you can't have a traditional baby shower since you're technically in hiding, but we felt like we had to do something for you," Jess says, laughing. "Why did you think I didn't let you buy everything for the twins while we did our little online shopping spree?"

 "Oh, so you had a hand in spending a small fortune?" Zion asks, and my body goes ridged. Was he mad? He told me he didn't care as long as we had everything we needed for them.

 "Yup!" She answers, popping the P.

 "That makes sense. She would have never let herself spend all that money on her own, even if it was for the twins." He says, letting out a deep belly laugh as he shakes his head. He's laughing, so I guess he's not mad after all.

 "Of course, he's not mad, silly girl," Dosha says, and I have to resist the urge to roll my eyes at her.

 "Is it just you two?" I ask Mia and Morgan as I let them in.

 "Wow, it's like you didn't even notice me," Nick says from behind them, feigning hurt as he puts his hand over his heart, making me laugh. " You wound me, my Queen."

 "Oh, shut it!" Mia says, pulling him into the suite before closing the door. "Forgive my goofball mate."

 "How long are y'all here for?" I ask them as I give Nick a hug.

 "Just two days. Christian wants us home before shit hits the fan." Morgan says, and I nod in understanding.

 "Well, ladies, King Arnald, Beta Mark, Orian, Sam, Nick, and I will leave y'all to the planning," Zion says as he walks over to me, kissing me before they leave, and the suite is ours for a few hours.

 Jess pulls a binder out of her bag that I didn't even notice she had as Mia and Annie catch up. We all sit around the living room, discussing what we want to eat and where we will have this impromptu baby shower, making sure to include Odett and her choices as well. Of course, it will be held in the ballroom, and we decided to have a bunch of snack foods and smoothies. Annie jokes about how I can't go without my daily smoothie.

 After a few hours of planning and talking about what's happened over the past few weeks, Annie, Mark, Mia, and James leave, telling me they will get everything set up for in the morning. I was shocked to know it would happen so soon, but since they must return soon, I understand the rush. 

 After another hour or so, Zion and the guys returned with King Arnald and Beta Mark, and we fell back into a comfortable conversation. Before I knew it, it was dark out, and Zion got a link that he needed to speak with a few of the other leaders in the kitchen.

 "I'll be back with our dinner as soon as I handle things with the other leaders. Jessica, Sam, and Evan will stay with you to keep guard." Zion says as he and Orian stand before kissing me on the forehead, leaving our suite with Orian, King Arnald, and Beta Mark in tow.

 I'm hit with a wave of nausea and exhaustion as I attempt to stand, making me dizzy. I fall back onto the couch before I can brace myself for the fall. Jess and Sam are in front of me in a flash with worried expressions.

 "Are you okay, Sis?" Jess asks quickly.

 "No need to worry. I just got dizzy and had to sit back down." I tell them while holding my hands up reassuringly, only to see how badly I'm shaking. I quickly clasp my hands together in my lap, hoping they didn't notice.

 "You're shaking," Jess says as she grabs hold of my shoulders. "Are you feeling okay?"

 "I'm fine, Jess. I just got hit with a wave of nausea and exhaustion. I'm sure that's normal for pregnancies this far along." I tell her.

 "Do I need to link Zion and Dr.Jameson?" She asks, and I begin to panic. They have enough to deal with, and I don't want to worry them more than I already have.

 "No!" I practically scream, making her jump. I take a long, deep breath, trying to calm my panic before continuing. "Sorry, I just don't want to worry them more than I already am."

 "Rain, you can't keep this from Zion. Not only is he your mate, but he's also the father of your twins. He needs to know." She argues, and I know she's right, so I nod, not wanting to argue with her. 

 "I'll tell Zion, but only after he's done dealing with the other leaders," I tell her.

 "I'll link Dr.Jameson then." She says, and I huff but nod in agreement. 

 It doesn't take long for Dr.Jameson to get to the suite, leading Jess and me to our makeshift delivery room. I explain my symptoms as he does a thorough exam, nodding occasionally to show that he's listening. Once he's done with the exam, he sighs, and I can feel his worry and my anxiety skyrockets.

 "I recommen that you be placed on bed rest. Your blood pressure is low, it seems you are experiencing preeclampsia, and you are beginning to dilate." He says. "I know this isn't a good time, but if you keep going at this rate, you will be going into labor by the end of the night."

 "I understand, Dr.Jameson. Thank you." I say, climbing off the bed with help from Jess.

 "Should I tell the King?" He asks, and I shake my head.

 "No, I'll tell him when he is done with his meeting," I tell him when he gives me a concerned look.

 "Okay. I will take my leave, but if your symptoms continue to get worse, please do not hesitate to link me, my Queen." He says, waiting for me to nod in understanding before walking out of the room.

 "You heard the Doc. Time to get in bed." Jess says, leading me out of the room.

 "Can I just lay on the couch?" I practically beg, making her laugh.

 "Fine, but if you need anything, you will ask me, and I will get it for you." She demands, and I quickly agree.

 She helped me onto the couch and brought a blanket and pillow to help me get as comfortable as possible. She explained to Sam and Evan what Dr.Jameson had said and that I had been placed on bed rest. They both look at me with a worried expression.

 "I'm fine, guys." I try to reassure them.

 "Have you told Zion?" Sam asks, looking nervous.

 "No, I decided to wait until he has finished his meeting," I tell him.

 "Well, I hope you're ready because he's on his way up," Sam tells me, and my stomach twists into knots.

 I brace myself for the onslaught of questions he will probably have, as well as his confining me to the bed. It's not like I can leave the suite anyway, but now I won't even be able to leave the bed. While I was stuck in my inner turmoil about my immediate future, Zion burst through the door in a panic, making me jump while the others followed behind him.

 "What's wrong?? Are you hurt? Are the twins okay?" He asks quickly as he rushes to my side frantically.

 "Everyone is okay. I just had a dizzy spell." I tell him, but then continue before he can say anything else. "Dr.Jameson has already done a checkup. He did, however, put me on bed rest until I gave birth. He says that my blood pressure is low and that I'm experiencing preeclampsia and beginning to dilate."

 "Okay, ummm, what does dilating mean?" He asks with the cutest look of confusion.

 "It means her body is getting ready to give birth," Jess says with a laugh.

 "What needs to be done?" He asks as he starts to move around frantically.

 "Everything has been handled, the room is ready, and if we need anything else, we can order it after the twins arrive. Calm down, my love." I tell him while holding my hand out for him to take. He comes over to sit on the edge of the couch, taking my hand in his and holding it up to his lips.

 "I'm sorry, my Queen. I know you've handled everything. I don't mean to stress you out." He says while letting out a strained groan as he scrubs his hand over his face. 

 "There's no reason to stress. Honestly, I'm so ready to have these twins. I'm tired of being sick and tired all of the time, not to mention I would like to see my feet at some point." I say with a light laugh, trying to break the tension in the air.

 "I know my love. You'll be able to see them soon." He says, letting out a chuckle of his own. "Our dinner will be up soon."

 My stomach growls at the mention of food, which makes everyone laugh, and Zion leans over to place small kisses on my belly. Suddenly, I smell pork tacos just before there's a knock on the door and. Sam jumps up to open it, and Annie, Mark, Mia, and James walk in carrying multiple plates of food. We eat our dinner while filling them in on what Dr.Jameson said.

 Soon, everyone said goodnight and left our suite for the night. Zion tells Odett that it's time for bed and that she needs to get ready as he helps me get up off the couch and gets me comfortable in our bed. Odett comes in to tell me good night and kisses me before she takes her to her room to tuck her in. As soon as I lay my head on the pillow, I feel the darkness pull me into a comfortable bliss.