Future Female Alpha

                       Zion's P.O.V.

      After Luna Morgan, Mia, and Nick's arrival, I quickly linked with Orian to suggest we give them time to catch up with each other. I say that, but in reality, I wanted to save myself and the others from the headache their squeals would cause. Don't get me wrong, I love the excitement in my mate's voice, but there are too many females in this suite at the moment. Orian agrees but thinks we should take Nick with us.

 "Do we have to?" I ask.

 "Yes, remember he was the one that drove them here. I imagine he's heard enough and needs a break." He responds with a laugh.

 "Fine," I tell him with a huff before turning my attention to my mate. "Well, ladies, King Arnald, Beta Mark, Orian, Sam, Nick, and I will leave y'all to the planning."

 We left the suite and made our way to my office on the first floor. Once in my office, I offer everyone a drink, and they accept. Orian pours everyone a glass and hands them out as we sit on the large couches and relax.

 "So, how was your journey?" I ask Nick.

 "It was loud. My mate and Luna Morgan talked nonstop about the surprise baby shower and how excited they were to see Queen Rain." He says as she looks down at his half-empty glass of whisky with a smile on his face before continuing. "Alpha Eithan wanted to come too, but as baby showers are usually the ladies' thing, he decided to pass." 

 "So what you're saying is he didn't want to be surrounded by so many she-wolves, so he threw you into the wolf's den," Orian says, making Nick sigh while nodding his head, and we all let out a light laugh.

 "That's my cousin for you. How are things progressing in the pack?" I ask him.

 "Great. The pack is back on track, and everyone is getting along well. The pack members have all accepted and respected Eithan and Morgan, welcoming them with open arms." He says with a genuine smile, but then it fades into a scowl, and he lets out a low growl before continuing. "We haven't made any progress on the Rouge King front, though, and we still can't locate Leana."

 Orian, Sam, and I let out a low growl of our own, mirroring Nick's, and I notice Arnald and Mark both giving us a questioning look, so I decide it's time to explain who he's talking about and our response. Letting out a sigh, I dove into Rain's past, carefully leaving nothing out as they would need to know every bit of her truth. They listened carefully, nodding in understanding occasionally to show that they were still following.

 After more than four hours of describing Rain's past and answering their questions to the best of my knowledge, I was missing my Queen and felt the overwhelming need to be by her side. We decided to head back to the suite so I could be closer to her.

 We walked into the suite to find only Rain, Odett, Jessica, and Lady Ezmerelda left in the room. Orian linked me to let me know the others had gone down to the banquet hall to begin preparations for the baby shower and surprise reemergence ceremony. 

 I have to hold back my irritation at the fact that she was left without guards, but Orian quickly reminds me that not only was she with one of the strongest witches in the south, but she was also with her female Beta. I really hate it when he makes sense.

 We sat and talked until Annie links me to ask if Orian and I could come down to the Banquet hall to help but not tell Rain anything about it. I swear it's like they don't know how much my mate hates secrets. Orian laughs at my hesitancy but tells me to tell her one of the other leaders needs to speak with us.

 "I'll be back with our dinner as soon as I handle things with the other leaders. Jessica, Sam, and Evan will stay with you to keep guard." I tell her as Orian and I stand before kissing her on the forehead and leaving our suite with Orian, King Arnald, and Beta Mark following me.

 When we reached the banquite hall, we met with Annie, Mia, and James, looking slightly overwhelmed but proud of the work they'd done so far. There's a big balloon arch over the double door entrance and one at the back of the room at the double doors that lead outside into the garden behind the castle, and there are tables set up everywhere and covered in Royal blue and dark purple table toppers that match the ballon arches perfectly and flowers everywhere.

 "Everything looks great. What do you need me for?" I ask them.

 "Well, we need to ask if we should send out a pack-wide mind link for a baby shower. We can keep Rain anonymous until the party and ensure they know it's mandatory but don't have to bring a gift. Otherwise, I'm not sure how we will get everyone to show up." James answers.

 "Yes, I think that that will be a good idea," I say after giving it some thought. "Either that, or I could send out a link for a mandatory meeting. But I think your idea will be better. They won't feel quite so blindsided."

 "Oh, I think they will be plenty blindsided, but maybe that's a good thing." King Arnald says. I turn to give him a questioning look. "Don't get me wrong; I completely understand why you made the decision to keep her in hiding. But I've also seen how people could fall apart without their Queen. You're people have been moping around since I arrived. This might give them the kick start they need to prepare for this impending war."

 "I know, and she's feeling guilty for not being able to help her people as well, so this will be good for her. I just hope she doesn't get mad that we kept it a secret from her." I say, letting out an exasperated breath.

 "So, she's not a fan of secrets and surprises, I take it?" King Arnald asks, making everyone shake their heads vigorously at his question.

 "No, the last time I kept a secret from her, she almost lost it. She is a force even I will not take on when she is mad." I answer him, and he lets out a light laugh.

 "That strong, huh?" He asks.

 "She is strong enough to make me submit to an Alpha order, even before we had marked each other. Not to mention, the last time we argued, she almost lost control and leveled the entire castle." I answer, gaining gasps from everyone around us. I guess I forgot to tell them.

 "What was the argument about?" James asks.

 "I told her that when the battle starts, I want her with the kids in the shelter in the basement," I tell him as I scrub a hand down my face.

 "You promised her that you wouldn't keep her prisoner, and you know she would never stand by and let everyone defend her with their life. Queen or not, she is a born fighter." Annie says, with everyone nodding in agreement.

 "I know it was a foolish decision on my part. One that I am trying to fix. But our argument brought on another vision from the Goddess Selene." I say before discussing her dream and meeting with the Goddess.

 Soon, I started to feel panicky for some unknown reason and decided to check in on Rain. Excusing myself, I tell Nick to stay and assist his mate and the others while Orian, King Arnald, and Beta Mark follow me. About halfway to our suite, I remember I was supposed to bring food up for us and link Annie, asking her to bring it up so we could all eat together while they took a break. She agrees and says she will be up right away.

 When we reach our suite, I see Rain lying on the couch while Jessica, Sam, Odett, and Lady Ezmerelda surround her, and I'm hit with waves of emotions from nervousness, anxiety, nausea, and panic. I rushed to her side, asking what was wrong, and she told me how she was feeling.

 I was about to suggest we have Dr.Jameson come check her out, but she continued to say that he had already been here and what he said. When she got to the point about bed rest, I knew that was the reason for her anxiety. She's already stuck in the suite, but this means she wouldn't even be able to leave our bed except for baths or to use the restroom. But my mind went blank when she got to the part about already being dilated.

 "Okay, ummm, what does dilating mean?" I ask, completely confused and slightly embarrassed. I should have read that 'What To Expect While Expecting' book James gave me.

 "It means her body is getting ready to give birth," Jessica says with a laugh.

 My mind begins to race as so many things rush through my mind. I panic as I ask what needs to be done while moving around like a madman when she stops me, tells me everything has been done, and tries to reassure me that everything will be okay. The thought suddenly crashed into me: She has had to deal with everything alone while I focus all my attention on training.

 I apologize for stressing her and not helping while promising myself that I will do better and be a better mate. She says she's ready to have the twins and see her feet again, making me laugh. I assure her that everything will be okay and laugh even harder when her stomach growls after I tell her that our food will be here soon when Annie links me to let me know they're on the way up with food.

 We all sit around the living room talking and making little PG-rated jokes since Odett is at the kitchen table with Sam, Annie, and Lady Esmerelda until the food is gone and Rain is yawning. Annie linked me to let me know they will finish the preparations for tomorrow morning before they all say good night and leave our suite.

 Once everyone has left the suite, I tell Odett it's time for bed and send her to the bathroom to brush her teeth as I help Rain into bed. After I help her get comfortable, I leave and get Odett tucked in for the night. Reaching Odett's room, I find her sitting up in bed.

 "Good night, Princess," I tell her before kissing her forehead, but I'm caught off guard with her question.

 "Why do you call me Princess?" She asks, looking up at me with eyes so much like her mother's.

 "Well, Princess is what you call the daughter of the Queen. You will be Queen when you are ready to take over our jobs when you and your mate are ready." I tell her.

 "Would you call me that even though my fate isn't to be the next Queen?" She asks, looking somewhat nervous.

 "Of course, You are the daughter of a King and Queen. But why wouldn't your fate be to be the Queen?" I answer her question with one of my own.

 "The Moon Goddess says I have a different future than mamma." She answers.

 "You've spoken to the Moon Goddess?" I ask her, and she nods.

 "I talk to her in my dreams. She says my destiny is to create a new pack and that my sister will be the next Queen." She says with a big smile.

 "Then you will make a great Luna of your pack," I tell her, making her giggle as she lays back. "Good night, sweetie. I'll see you in the morning."

 "Silly daddy. I'm going to be the Alpha." She murmurs as she slowly falls asleep. I smile as I watch her sleep. She will no doubt be a strong and fair Alpha. She has grown so much in a short amount of time, and Sam will definitely have his hands full with her. I wonder how he is going to feel knowing she will be the Alpha and he will be the Luna. Who would have thought my daughter would be a Female Alpha?