More Secrets

 Rain's P.O.V.

 As soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep, but opening my eyes, I'm surrounded by nothing but black, and I know exactly what's going on. I found the light silver glow and walked towards it before hearing the comforting voice of the moon goddess, Selene. I can't help but smile as she comes into view before panic starts, knowing that we only have a meeting like this when something terrible has happened or will happen.

 "Hello, daughter. I'm glad to see you in such good spirits." Selene said with a smile of her own as she reassured me. "This is a good meeting. No need to panic. I've come to inform you of my plans for Odett's future."

 "What do you mean? Won't she be the next Werewolf Queen?" I ask her, my voice thick with confusion and fear. Was she planning to take Odett away from me and Zion? I don't want to lose her, but I know that Selene will always make the best decisions, and there's nothing I can do or say to change it.

 "Please calm down, my child. I'm not taking her away from you. She is your daughter, but Odett will also be important for many others in the future." She says as she places a hand on my shoulder, pushing a calming aura onto me and helping me relax instantly. "She will create her own pack of hybrids and species of all kinds. It will be a safe haven for those rejected or used because they are different."

 "I don't understand. I thought we were the only hybrids?" I ask.

 "You were the first, but there will be many more. Some will be in hiding, scared of those they should be able to trust, and others will be born into families that are ostracized for who they love and are mated to. Odett will be their savior with the help of you, Zion, and those close to her." She says with a knowing smile, showing she knows more but isn't able to tell. "But until then, she will be all yours and will need Alpha training."

 "Alpha training? Wouldn't she be the Luna?" I ask. This whole conversation has been one confusion after another.

 "No, she will be the Alpha. Her pack will have three Alphas, to be exact, but she will be head Alpha." She answers before starting to fade into the blackness. "That is all the time we have for this meeting. Be well, my child, and know that you are loved and have immeasurable strength."

 "Thank you, Selene," I say right before she completely disappears, leaving me alone in the black abyss to think about everything she's told me.

 Once I've sat silently and thought everything over, I'm ready to wake up. I focus on what I feel and smell like Dosha taught me the first time I met Selene in my dreams. Taking slow, deep breaths in my nose and out my mouth, I smell Zion and feel our comfortable and plush bedding.

 A sense of calm takes over as I slowly begin to move around. I turn over on my side and open my eyes to find Zion peacefully sleeping while facing me. I can't help but smile at the look on his face, combined with the morning light slipping in through the cracked curtains. I slowly reach up to trail my fingertips across his jaw, making his eyes flutter open and a smile grace his face.

 "Good morning, my beautiful mate." He says in his deep, raspy morning voice, and if I weren't so close to giving birth to the twins, I would have jumped him at that moment.

 "Good morning, my handsome King," I respond with a smile. "How did you sleep?"

 "I slept great being next to you." He says, scooting closer to me and kissing me on the forehead. "As much as I would love to stay in bed and hold you close, we must get up and ready for your baby shower."

 "You mean our baby shower?" I say with a light laugh. "These are our babies."

 "No, my love." He says, snuggling his face into my neck and inhaling my scent. "This is all for you. You are sacrificing for our twins and deserve everything you'll get today."

 "I thought baby showers were for getting gifts for babies... It's what the name implies." I say in my confusion.

 "It's for the mother as much as for the babies." He replies, not moving from my neck. I can feel him smiling against my skin, making me think he's hiding something.

 "What aren't you telling me?" I ask skeptically.

 "I don't know what you're talking about, my love." He says as he pulls away from me and climbs out of the bed before walking around to my side and helping me up while never losing his smile. "We need to get a move on."

 I hummed in response as I watched him disappear into his walk-in closet, and then I made my way to our bathroom to do my morning routine. After showering and brushing my teeth, Zion walked in and let me know that Jess and my mom were on the way up to help me get dressed, making me even more suspicious.

 "Why do I need help getting dressed?" I asked curiously.

 "Baby love, I'm not trying to be mean, but you can't even bend over to rub your feet. I think it would be easier on you if they were here to help since I can't. I have to head to the office." He says, giving me a sheepish grin.

 "I don't know whether to be thankful that you are so considerate or offended that you think I'm fat," I say, slightly aggravated.

 "Not fat, my love. Very pregnant!" He says as he wraps his arms around my waist, lifting my belly slightly to relieve some pressure, making me moan at the feeling.

 "Fine, but I better see you later!" I say and hiss as he slowly releases my belly. "How do you do that?"

 "Do what?" He asks with a little laugh.

 "Get me to submit to you when I should be mad instead?" I respond, but before he can answer, there's a knock at the door.

 He moves quickly to open it and lets my mom and Jess in. My mom is carrying a shoe box while Jess is holding a garment bag that clearly has an outfit in it, but since it's zipped, I can't see exactly what it is. I look at them with a lifted brow, making them laugh before Zion kisses me on the forehead and bolts for the door.

 "What's all of this?" I ask.

 "You're outfit for the celebration. I'm glad you've already showered, so that's one last thing we have to do." My mom answers as Jess sets the bag and shoe box on the edge of the bed.

 "Why do I need to dress up when only a few of us will be there?" I ask, but they purposely ignore me as my mom sits me on the chair at my vanity and starts pulling out my makeup as Jess starts brushing out my hair.

 After thirty minutes, my makeup and hair are done, and they're helping me get undressed before Jess brings out a beautiful, off-the-shoulder, black maxi dress and black gladiator sandals. They helped me into the dress and shoes and led me to the full-length mirror in the corner of the room so I could see myself.

 "It's beautiful, but do you think this may be too formal?" I ask them.

 "Not at all; you are the Queen," Jess says while my mom disappears into my closet before reappearing with my crown in hand.

 "I may be the Queen, but everyone thinks I'm dead, remember?" I ask and feel a little pang in my heart.

 "You should still be treated and presented as the Queen you are. You are our Queen, and we know you are very much alive." My mom states as she paces the crown on my head and turns me to look back at the mirror. 

 I must admit that the crown feels right on my head and isn't as heavy as the first time I wore it at the crowning ceremony. I nod in agreement since I know there's no point in trying to argue with them. I let them lead me out of the room, but when they started to leave the suite, I began to grow curious.

 "Won't people see me?" I ask cautiously.

 "It's all been taken care of." My mother says dismissively as they continue to lead me down the hall and into the elevator. "Everything is fine. Just trust us."

 As we reach the first floor, the door opens to Zion, Odett, Orian, Joshy, Sam, Evan, and James waiting for us. They all bow as Zion walks over to my side with a smile. He offers his hand and leads me from the elevator as Jess moves to Orian's side, and my mom and the others step behind us. I feel Dosha push forward, and my senses go into overdrive as my mind begins to spin.

 "Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I ask in frustration.

 "We're having a baby shower and celebration of your presence," Zion answers as he wraps an arm around my waist while he guides me through the hall and toward the banquet hall's double doors.

 I could feel Jess and Orian getting nervous as we arrived at the doors. I turned to look at them, but they avoided my eyes. When I linked them to ask what was wrong, they dismissed me immediately, stating that everything was fine and that they had just been up late last night. I take a deep breath to try to calm my growing anger, knowing that they are hiding something from me.

 "Where is Morgan, Mia, and Annie?" I ask, finally noticing that only some people are here.

 "Everyone is inside waiting for the Queen's arrival," Zion says with a smile.

 "Stay calm and trust our mate. He won't put us in danger." Dosha reminds me.

 "I know, but I can tell they are hiding something from me, and they know how much I hate secrets," I tell her, taking another deep breath as Dosha pushes her calming aura onto me.

 Zion reaches for the door before looking at me and asking if I'm ready. I nod, and he tightens his grip on my hip as he pushes the door open. I'm brought to tears by the sight in front of me.