Chaotic Birth

 Rain's P.O.V.

 I stood quietly in the peaceful darkness that I'd become accustomed to and waited patiently, thankfully not feeling any pain. I didn't have to wait long as soon the brilliant silver light erupted, and Dosha and Selene emerged as the light dimmed, and I could feel their warmth radiating off of them. But soon, I notice the grim look on her face, and the peacefulness I had felt melts and gives way to caution.

 "Hello, my dear daughter," Selene says. "I have come to bring you a warning."

 "A warning about what?" I ask, my stomach feeling like it is in knots as panic sets in. My first thought is that something is wrong with the twins.

 "The twins will be fine, do not worry, my dear. I will watch over them as I did with Odett. I came with a warning about Douglas." She says, and my heart stops for a moment. "He knows that you are about to give birth and thinks that you will be in a vulnerable state. He is planning to make his move now."

 "So he knew that I am alive?" I ask, and she nods.

 "He had quite a few moles in your Kingdom who were unaware of each other, so they could not implicate each other if caught and given an Alpha order to reveal each other. Zion has taken care of one, and you have taken care of another already, but there is one more. You know who I'm talking about?" She asks. I think for a second before it hits me.

 "The omega she-males from the kitchen." I blurt out.

 "Just the one. The others are simply pawns in her game. Douglas promised her the Luna Queen position when he takes over. We both know he will not give her what she desires as he plans to force that position on you." She states, and I nod in understanding. "After giving birth, I will send you and Dosha the extra strength you will need, but that does not mean that this will be easy."

 "I understand, Moon Goddess," I say as I bow my head to her.

 "Be well, my daughter, and know that I am watching over you," Selene says as she disappears, and I am thrown back to reality with another wave of pain rushing through my body.

 Usually, I am asleep when she comes to me, but I don't think I was sleeping just now as I am in a room full of people. I regained consciousness just in time to hear Orian speak.

 "They are here, Zion." He says, looking from Zion to me as I emerge from my pain.

 "Go!" I tell Zion as he looks at me with worry. I can tell that he doesn't want to leave my side. "I am fine, my love. I can handle this, but you need to protect our people."

 "I can't leave you like this. I need-" He tries to argue, but I shake my head.

 "Save our people!" I command him. He isn't happy about it as he tries to fight off the command before kissing me on the forehead and rushing out the door, letting out a loud, ferocious growl.

 "He is mad now, but he will forgive you," Orian says before bowing his head and making his way to the door to follow Zion.

 "Stay by his side, Orian," I tell him as he reaches the door.

 "Yes, my Queen." He says before continuing.

 "Get Odett and the others that are still in the castle and around the grounds into the shelter in the basement," I say to Sam.

 "My Queen, I can't leave you. Zion would never forgive me." Sam replies.

 "Do I need to command you too? Get my daughter and our people to safety!" I tell him. He doesn't move at first, but when I send him a glare that shows how serious I am, he sighs and nods.

 "Yes, my Queen." He says before moving quickly. Only then do I notice my mom and Jess by my side, but before I can say anything, another wave of pain hits me harder than the others.

 "My Queen, it's time." Docter Jameson says, nodding to my mother and Jess, who take their positions on either side of me and help me get into position so that I can push. "I need you to take deep breaths, and when I tell you to, I need you to push hard. Just like we practiced."

 "Okay." That is all I can get out before I'm thrown into another contraction, and I push as he says. After a few minutes, which felt like hours, I heard a cry, and tears began to flow down my face.

 "It's a girl." He says, holding her up so that I can see her. But I don't get long to admire my beautiful baby girl as another contraction rushes through my body. The doctor handed her off to a nurse who cleaned her off in the connecting bathroom and wrapped her up in a blanket. "Okay, one more baby to go. You can do this."

 I nod, and when the next contraction hits, I push again. This time, it only takes a few pushes before I hear another cry, and I fall back on the bed. He announces that it is a boy before handing him to another nurse. I remember what Odett said about it being a girl and a boy, and I smile inwardly.

 "She was right," Dosha says, and I smile again.

 "That she was. How are you? Been a while." I ask her, making her laugh.

 "Better now." She says before turning serious. "We need to heal quickly. Our mate will never admit it, but we are needed in the battlegrounds."

 "Jess, Mom, I need you and the Doc to get to the basement with the twins," I say, sitting up and wrapping the thin white sheet that is now covered in blood around my body to make a makeshift dress of sorts.

 "We can't leave you in your state," Jess says, but I laugh.

 "You don't need to worry about me. I'm already healing, thanks to the Moon Goddess." I say. "I need you both to watch over Odett and the twins. While you are down there, I also need you to do me a favor."

 "What is it?" Jess and my mom ask in unison.

 "I need you to collect three she-wolves and place them in the cells," I tell them before moving toward them, placing my hands on both their forearms and sending them an image of the she-wolves they need to locate.

 "How the-. You know what, I'm not even going to ask." Jess says as she lets out a laugh.

 "Good, because I have no idea either. I will explain why I need this done after everything is over, but for now, make sure my pups are safe and yours." I say before placing my hand on her belly and smiling at her. "I'm sorry we couldn't be pregnant together."

 "Oh, don't worry, there's more to come, I'm sure." She says while laughing before she walks to the door, leading Doctor Jameson and the nurses holding the twins out of the room.

 "My dear daughter, please come back to me safely. I just got you back and can't lose you again." My mom says as she fights back the tears.

 "Don't worry, Mom. I still have many things I need to do in my life," I tell her with a smile before hugging her tightly. "I'm not going anywhere for a long time."

 I pull away and nod, showing her that I will be okay and that she should go. Once she's out the door, I take a deep breath and steady myself as I reach out to find Zion. I see him fighting with three rogues and notice that Orian is to his left while King Arnald and Beta Mark are on his right, fighting off their own rogues as well. From what I can see, they are holding the line well but are struggling to keep up as more and more rogues come charging at them, replacing the ones that are getting killed off.

 I take another deep breath and try to widen the range of my vision so that I can locate Douglas. I know he won't be far off, and if I can get to him first, that means no one else will be in his range. I need to get him as far away from our warriors as possible. When I locate him, I smile.

 "Gotcha!" Dosha says with a menacing growl.

 "You ready for this, Dosha?" I ask her, feeling the pure power radiating through me.

 "Abso-fucking-lutly!" She responds while baring her teeth in anticipation. "Let's end this pathetic bastard!"

 "Your wish is my command!" I tell her as I walk to our balcony, which, unluckily for Douglas, gives me the perfect directory as I jump off of, soaring through the air and shifting mid-jump.