
 Zion's P.O.V.

 After Rain's speech, Mia suggested opening gifts, so Jessica and I helped her up and started walking towards the chair designed like her throne where all the gifts were. Midway through the walk, Rain started feeling some pain and leaned over on me. When I asked if she was okay, she said she was. I knew she wasn't telling me the truth, but I decided to ignore it and keep walking.

 Unfortunately, she doubled over before we could reach the chair, grabbing her side. I quickly picked her up and noticed liquid running down between her legs as Odett called for her in a panic. I yell for Doctor Jameson, knowing he's here somewhere. He tells me to get her to the suite when he reaches us, but I know he wants her in the makeshift delivery room.

 I rush through the crowd in a panic, thankful that they made a path for us, and up the stairs to our suite where I lay her down on the bed, only now noticing that our friends followed. Doctor Jameson walks around me and starts to cut Rain out of her dress and before I know it a growl erupts from my chest, knowing that everyone can now see my mate's naked body. Thankfully, he wasn't bothered by my outburst, covered her body with a thin white sheet, and continued to do his job.

 "What's going on, Doc?" I asked through the link, not wanting to alert the others when I noticed the stressful look on his face.

 "She's in labor, and it's too late to give her anything to help with the pain." He responds as he continues to work.

 "What can I do to help?" I ask out loud as panic starts to set in as another contraction runs through her body, making her scream in pain.

 "They are here, Zion," Orian says, looking between me and Rain.

 "Go!" Rain says, but I can't bring myself to leave her side, so I just shake my head in response. "I am fine, my love. I can handle this, but you need to protect our people."

 "I can't leave you like this. I need-" I try to say, attempting to keep the panic out of my voice.

 "Save our people!" She commands. I try as hard as I can to fight it off, but I give up as my anger at getting commanded to leave her while she's in labor gets the better of me, and I need to go before Ryker loses his temper. I kiss her on the forehead and rush out the door before letting out a loud, ferocious growl.

 "How could she command us away at a time like this?" Ryker growls.

 "She is thinking of her people, like a true Queen should," I tell him, trying to make him understand. "Focus your anger on Douglas and his men."

 "We need to make this quick. We should be by her side!" He growls again.

 "Then let's get this done," I tell him, earning another growl.

 "Zion, I can't reach the patrol guards on the east side of the border," Orian says.

 "The east border was supposed to be our most secure side. What happened?" I ask, growing even more irritated if that was possible. "I need eyes in the area now."

 "Yes, my King!" He says before his eyes glaze over. "We have 20 warriors on the way now."

 "Tell them we will meet them there," I say before making it out the door and shift, moving quickly east toward the border.

 We reached the border in less than two minutes, but not before the other 20 warriors. The scene was complete chaos as wolves were tearing each other apart. I looked around, trying to find Douglas, but he was nowhere to be seen as five rogues charged towards us. The fighting lasted more than twenty minutes before a flash of silver ripped through the two rogue wolves who had me pinned. 

 "What the hell was that?" Ryker says as he stands, wincing as he puts pressure on his right hind leg.

 "That was our mate," I say as her scent hits our nose. "Follow her! She must know something we don't."

 "Where are the pups? Surely she hasn't given birth that quickly?" Ryker asks as we try to keep up with her speed.

 Before I realize it, we are outside our territory at a small waterfall and come to a halt as we no longer see or smell Rain, but I come face to face with a shabby, grayish rogue wolf almost as big as Ryker. He's foaming at the mouth while trying to lunge at me. Ryker moves quickly to dodge while extending his left leg, kicking the rogue in the face and earning a yelp in return.

 The rogue quickly regained his composure and attempted to lunge again, but before he could move, he heard a loud, earth-shattering roar, freezing him in place. Zion immediately recognized it as Rain's wolf. He looked up toward the top of the waterfall to find Dosha standing tall, the sun making her pure silver fur glisten and glow.


 Rain's P.O.V.

 After jumping off the balcony at full speed and shifting mid-air, Dosha landed gracefully on all four paws before taking off in Douglas's direction. Unfortunately, before reaching him, we crossed paths with a group of rogues attempting to attack Zion and Orian. Moving quickly, Dosha was able to catch them off guard since they were preoccupied and take them out while not slowing down her pace. I knew Zion would catch my scent and follow behind, but I had hoped we could reach Douglas and quickly take him out before Zion could reach us.

 "We need him by our side when we confront Douglas," Dosha says.

 "What if we lose control and hurt him in the process? I couldn't forgive myself if he were to get injured because I couldn't control my powers." I tell her quickly.

 "Have faith in the Goddesses and trust yourself. We can do this." She assures me.

 I can tell she has faith in our abilities wholeheartedly, So I push away every thought that is causing me to hesitate and put my trust in us and the Goddesses. There's a reason they have placed their trust in me to complete this task, and I refuse to fail them. Dosha and I quickly devise a plan and hide our scent before we reach Douglas.

 We're downwind, so only Zion will be able to follow, and we will remain undetected until the time is right. Dosha quickly detours and hides us from sight as we make our way up and around to the top of the waterfall so we can lie and wait for the perfect time to attack. When I see Douglas about to lounge for Zion again, I decide to make my presence known by letting out a ferrous growl.

 As Zion and Douglas whip their heads up to look at me, I see love and determination fill Zion's eyes while also seeing fear and anxiety fill Douglas's. He was counting on me not being here because he knew I was giving birth to the twins, giving him the chance to confront us one at a time. Seeing him fill with anxiety gives me the extra push I need. He knows he can't take us both head-on because we are stronger together, and I plan to take full advantage of his knowledge and anxiety.

 Quickly jumping from the top of the waterfall, I land behind him, pinning him between Zion and me. He has no chance of escaping now, and I can feel his panic in full swing. I link Zion to inform him who the rogue is and that we have to work in unison to end this quickly. He understands imediatly and agrees to follow my lead.

 Just as Douglas lunges at me, I doge to my left as Zion uses the opportunity to attack him from behind since Douglas is distracted by me. He's losing control, and his greed for power is becoming too overwhelming for him to handle. Zion sinks his teeth into his back while digging his claws into his side. Douglas lets out a low whimper and shakes him off. Unfortunately for Douglas, Zion takes a chunk of hairy flesh with him while leaving claw marks running up his side. 

 Douglas is now bleeding profusely, causing the ground around him to become slick. He lunges for me again, but instead of dodging, Dosha lifts her paw and slashes his face with her claws, making him stagger back momentarily. Zion uses this opportunity once again to attack his blind spot. 

 "You would think he would learn his lesson and try to take us both in his sight." I think to myself.

 "He's losing too much blood and isn't healing. He's losing his mind due to his greed. We are his only target at the moment, which will be his downfall." Dosha tells me. "We must finish this quickly before he can regain his composure."

 Agreeing with Dosha, I shift back to my human form and call on the elements to surround us. In doing so, I had to drop the protective barrier that I had previously placed around the waterfall area so that his men couldn't come to his aid. Once I can feel the elements, I raise my hands, forming a triangle with Douglas in the center, and say, "Restrain". 

 Suddenly, strands of green and blue lights spring from my hands and wrap around him tightly, holding him in place as he attempts to thrash wildly to escape. I control the stands, lifting Douglas off the ground and tightening them around his throat. Before I can successfully cut off his oxygen, causing him to suffocate, I hear a shrill scream from an unknown female to my left, and an unseen force hits me.