Zombies in Tellaro

chapter 1

A breaking news

Good morning, I am Kevin Wood  and I'm working at a famous company in Europe as a scientist. One day a news came that he got an award for good scientist in the company there was a party for his achievements and then party over at midnight. The next morning Kevin wood turned on the tv and watching the news and it was a breaking news that the European village Tellaro one men infected the virus of zombie an he got call from company and asked that how did humans affecting the infection of zombie and Kevin described about how zombie virus can cause human beings this because The virus emerged due to the thawing of permafrost as the global temperature is rising.one of his junior Jo asked how we can destroy the virus and Kevin wood replied by hitting the brain of the virus and scientific name of this virus is Pandoravirus and his chief Mark John asked what is the symptoms of the virus in human beings ? And Kevin wood says that symptoms in the human beings are  

•Muscle soreness

•Warm and red/purplish or black-spotted skin

•Ulcers and blisters that erupt on the skin.


•Extreme tiredness


These are the symptoms of this virus and his chief Mark John say thank for the information Kevin then the discussion about the virus was over then the evening Kevin wood went from the company and reached at home and turned on the tv and watched the news that one more man in Tellaro infected the virus of zombie by bitten.and he got the call from one of the research company from Tellaro and My name is Hank George and i want your help to research about the zombie virus and Kevin wood said  i have to ask about this message you told about coming to Tellaro and research the virus and if my chief agreed i will come tomorrow evening.And Kevin was so confused and call chief and asked permission to go Tellaro for the research and chief agreed for going Tellaro is right thing he thinks in the night and finally he got an answer that going to Tellaro is right thing because he can able to help the people to prevent the virus.