Kevin in Tellaro To reasearch

Chapter 2

Kevin in Tellaro

He reach in the company and do his work Then after he start going to Tellaro in Train

 By evening.Kevin reached at Tellaro by next morning and he want find research center and he contacted Hank George and he booked a cab to the research center and the road was no clear there were two Zombies and the cab driver took the shortcut to the research center and Kevin arrived and see Hank George and he told about the researches going how to prevent this virus from human beings. And Kevin says that there  is no use for the research because we can't prevent it Kevin said to Hank George. he asked why Kevin? he replied to Hank if one man is infected with the virus the other human being also has been infected by being bitten in hand's or anywhere in our body and Hank asked how? Kevin says that the virus can spread through by biting because it contains the saliva of a human being's mouth.And he said to Hank asking the body of a human being who infected the virus to take a blood sample ok Kevin.I Will assist you one of my junior and his name is Tucker he will tell about this place and show your lab thank you Hank it is my pleasure to work with you sir Kevin wood says don't call me sir you can call me Kevin Tucker said today one words i will call you Kevin.

Ok show me my lab now then Hank calls Kevin and says one more man is infected with the Pandoravirus (scientific name of zombie virus) Hank says to Kevin to turn on the tv and watch the news ok Hank can you please hang up the phone ok Kevin.  And he watched the news and he turned of the Tv and ask Tucker to take his phone and he contacted Hank  and asked about the body he replied that it is ready i will bring by evening ok Hank and he hang up and Kevin asked Tucker to tell about this place ok Kevin  Tellaro is a small fishing village, perched on a cliff on the east coast of the Gulf of La Spezia in Liguria, northern Italy. It is a frazione of the commune (municipality) of Lerici. It has been rated as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Thank you for the information Tucker  then the evening Hank brought the body of a human being and his name was John Carter he is infected with the virus. Kevin asked Hank who is this first case or second and Hank replied to Kevin that this is first case ok Hank says it was very tough to find because first case John Carter was very violent and he tried to bite in my hands one men hit in his head and suddenly John Carter died brilliant move who is that man "ask Kevin? Hank replied that his name is John booker Tell him that I appreciate you for the brilliant move.ok Kevin i will tell him 

Take the body to the lab then Tucker got the city find the second case ok Kevin 

 Then he gets call from chief what is happening in Tellaro  chief the cases are increasing ok Kevin find solutions there is no solution chief asked there is a vaccine for this no chief  if so many cases are increasing there is no way to prevent.there is only one way to prevent  it we want to destroy the human brain ohh so pathetic ok chief i will call you at night ok Kevin  bye chief and he hang up and he examined the body of first case in the lab and he says  Tucker to took knife and scissors and he tear the stomach and examined.There is no use for examining the human being's body. Tucker asks why Kevin? because it's virus we can't examine 

The body first  wants to take a blood sample. Kevin tells Tucker to take the syringe and he takes the blood sample and gives it to the lab and asks lab authority when will get the result. It will take at least 3 to 5 days. Then we want to post Mart's body and Kevin asks Tucker to do the formalities for that okay Kevin then it was night around 8 o'clock and he booked a cab to go to his hotel . Then cab came the road was so verse and the street lights are working properly and Kevin ask driver's name and he replied Freddy John Issac then he asked that you have heard  about the zombie virus in the city yes said Freddy what did you think about this virus? and he said that i don't think much about this virus. I have one suggestion and Kevin ask to say there is one way to prevent it we can lock down the city but they will cause so many problems because if we says suddenly that we are going to lock down entire city the people will be in panic 

ok i will say your suggestion to the research center ok sir.Then finally arrived at the hotel .

 And he fresh up Kevin call from chief and ask how is going on Tellaro  he says nothing and chief again ask how to prevent this virus and he says one cab driver his name is Freddy John Issac suggest about the lockdown in entire city i want to tell about this suggestion to the research center and Kevin also says to the chief there is a chance if we lockdown the  cases of zombie viruses will decrease ok Kevin bye and he hang up the phone and he call Tucker immediately and pass the suggestion about lockdown  discuss about this suggestion to Hank and tell him to pass this suggestion and discuss in research center and ask him to call me at tomorrow morning.