chapter 3 The more cases in Tellaro

And in the morning Kevin got up from the bed and fresh up and Kevin got a call from Hank and asked what is the decision of the research center about lockdown? Hank replied to Kevin that they said that we can look for 1 week if the cases are increasing we can go for the lockdown. Hank said this is the decision from the board of research center ok Hank. Then Kevin booked the cab to the research center and he waited for the cab in the lobby of hotel and Kevin asked hotel manager to turn on the tv and watched news and the breaking news is the zombie virus are increasing in Tellaro and Kevin say in mind ohh my God and cab came Kevin went to the research center and Kevin went to the lab to see Hank and Tucker. Kevin discusses the cases of Tellaro. Kevin asked Tucker about the blood result of yesterday's and Tucker says to Kevin that it will take 2 more days ok Tucker then tells about the famous food in Tellaro Beef Stroganoff, Reuben, Sandwich, Waldorf Salad,French Fries

Caesar Salad. Thank you for the information Tucker. Ok, what is the result of the post Mart of the first man infected with the zombie virus? Tucker says i don't know Kevin let's see the doctor brain  ok doctor what is the result?  The man died because of the virus and brain was completely damaged ok doctor thank you Then the after noon came up Kevin says to Tucker to order the food then he ordered the food came in 15 mins then Kevin eat the food and say to Tucker the food was so delicious. And again news came that the zombie virus has infected the 30 human beings in Tellaro and Hank comes to see Kevin and he says that there is a meeting in the boardroom of the research center about the situation in Tellaro. The meeting started and board members discussed the zombie virus to the staff and Kevin said to the board that there is no use for the meeting and there is no solution for this zombie virus. We can't make a vaccine for this virus. There is only one way to prevent the virus is lockdown. We want to lock down the entire Tellaro but the people will be in panic and the board says we can wait for 3 more days then also cases are increasing. We can lockdown the entire Tellaro ok board members then Kevin went to his room .  Kevin asked about Tucker's family and Tucker replied that i have a father and mother and My wife and child ok Tucker then Tucker asked Kevin what about your family? I have a wife and child. Tucker asked about the father of Kevin. My father and mother died because of a car accident ohh i am sorry for the father and mother Kevin said that is ok Tucker. There is a call from Hank for Kevin say hello Hank say there is a breaking news  turn on the tv and watch news ok Hank can you please hang up your phone ok Kevin Tucker turn on the tv and watched the news the breaking news in Tellaro the zombie virus are increasing in human beings and children's Tucker and Kevin said ohh my God. Then Kevin call chief and says the virus are increasing in both human beings and children's in Tellaro there is a critical situation ok Kevin i am some work in company ok chief and Kevin hang up the phone Kevin say we have meeting in my cabin tell Hank to come immediately ok Kevin. Then Hank came and started the meeting Kevin said to Hank and Tucker about the lockdown what is your suggestion ask Kevin? Tucker said the only way to prevent the virus is lockdown but we have no rights to make decisions ok any other suggestions No Kevin said both ok then meeting dispersed if you have the works to do you two can go then Kevin search about what is zombie virus in the internet  Viruses that have been buried under the Arctic ice caps or permafrost anywhere on the Earth, and are capable of unleashing a deadly strain that the human population may not be equipped to deal with are labeled as Zombie viruses. Ok then he actually worried about the danger of zombie virus in children's and humans then he prayed to God and Kevin started thinking about the solution to prevent zombie virus and Kevin doesn't gets an answer for the solution then he called his senior scientist Alexandre brook and he says the zombie virus in Tellaro Kevin asked there is any solution for prevent it no Kevin there is no solution for zombie virus only way to prevent the zombie virus is lockdown thank you for the information Alexandre brook ok Kevin bye and he hang up the phone  then Kevin call his friend Peter mark and his wife answered the phone Kevin say hello peter are you Peter's friend yes where is peter? Peter got infected with the zombie virus and Peter's wife asked Kevin if you're a scientist can you help Peter from this zombie virus Peter's wife cry and say can you please help him ok where is peter? I don't know, can you please hang up the phone? I will find him, okay Kevin. And she hang  up the phone.  In the evening Tucker and Hank go to Kevin's cabin and Kevin says that Peter got infected with the zombie virus . I want to find him will you help me to find peter ok Kevin we will help to find peter thank you said Kevin then he booked cab to the hotel it will come in 15 min and he waited in the varantha of research center then cab came and Kevin get in and Kevin arrived at hotel and call Hank and Tucker in conference call Kevin says i got an idea to prevent this virus Tucker ask what idea? Hunting the zombies.