chapter 4 Hunting the zombies

Tucker and Hank said that is a great idea but we have to ask permission from the government and board members of the research centre said Hank but they will not give the permission said Tucker Kevin said we are not officially not doing the hunting so we do not need the permission of board members Kevin says I have a gun ask shooting order to shoot the zombies do the formalities for that okay Kevin. And Hank I need a car and a fire and rescue truck, and a traveller And Hank one more thing buy some guns ok Kevin? Then Tucker ask shooting order to government do the formalities for that okay then Hank came with guns and Kevin ask vehicles are ready yes Kevin then Tucker came with a shooting order Kevin say let's hunt the zombies and they get into the fire and rescue truck and started the journey to the town of Tellaro and he got the call from the chief asked what is the situation in Tellaro? Kevin replied that the situation is very dangerous and we are going to hunt the zombies and shoot them and I will examine the body but Kevin there are a lot of problems will be there ok do you have the shooting order from the government? Yes, Chief ok I will call you night, ok Kevin be safe bye and Chief hang up the phone then. Kevin tells Tucker to ask research centre board members to talk to the government and lock the border of Tellaro.   People should not go out from Tellaro ok then say to the research centre and ask the board members and tell them to say now itself to the government and say the result now itself ok Kevin? Then Kevin was driving the fire and rescue truck and Tucker see the zombies Kevin say I have an idea what I think zombies are scared of water ok Kevin ask Tucker you no driving yes then take the wheel ok if I am saying to hit the brakes hit ok Kevin then hit the brakes and Kevin get down from the truck and run to back of a truck and on the water of fire and rescue truck and Tucker drive in speed ok then Kevin turn on the water and hit the zombies then water is over then Kevin said to tucker to hit the brakes and Kevin run to fire and rescue truck and Kevin say to Tucker to move from driver's seat I will take the wheel ok Kevin say to Tucker and hank to take the gun and shoot the zombies and one more thing take one body of zombies ok Kevin then Tucker Take one of the bodies of zombies and put the back of fire and rescue and Kevin says to Tucker and Hank to come back to the truck and stop the hunting also stop the firing ok Kevin then Hank and Tucker get into the truck and Kevin go fast to the research center then Kevin says Tucker to take the zombie to the lab ok Kevin Hank arrange some more vehicles and guns ok Kevin then Kevin went to the lab to examine the zombie the brain was completely damaged ohh this was a mans body Tucker identify the body and post mart it then inform to his family ok. Do the formalities for that okay Kevin then he gets a call from the chief and asks what is the situation of Tellaro. Verse than old the research centre board members lock the border of the Tellaro then we started the hunting we kill 10 zombies and take one of the bodies of the zombies then I examine the body its man's brain was completely damaged and I ask Tucker to post mart the body and identify his name and inform the family. Ok, Kevin, I will call you at night ok Chief then he hangs up the phone. Then Kevin calls Tucker and say that there is no hope I think we want to do it as a group for hunting the zombies you have friends call them and say to come ok Kevin then Kevin calls Hank and asks to buy some zombie traps and I need a big rope and minigun ok Kevin than he started to think how we can prevent zombies Kevin does not get any explanations on his mind. Then he called Tucker to ask the government to lock down the entire city of Tellaro. Do the formalities for that ok Kevin then the evening came up then Kevin booked the cab to the hotel and waited in the office Varatha and the cab came Kevin got it to the cab and Kevin reached at hotel in 15 min and Kevin fresh up then Kevin ordered the food into his room Kevin eat the food it was so delicious then Kevin got call from his wife name was Daniela ask are you safe at there yes Daniela calm down ok Kevin ask about the son his name was Tony sleeped what about daughter her name was Angel she also slept  Ok bye Kevin be safe i will call you tomorrow night ok Daniela . Then she hangs up the phone and Kevin took the phone and play the game for half an hour then he turned of the phone and watched the news was the cases are increasing more and more then the government decides to lock down entire city of Tellaro the research people can got  research center then the cases increase more on 200 children and 400 humans ohh my God Kevin say in his mind then Kevin turned of the television and call Tucker and ask your family is safe yes Kevin i also watched the news it was so sad ok Tucker can you please hangs up the phone ok Kevin then Kevin put conference call and add Tucker and Hank i got an idea we need to cure the zombies .