Chapter 5 Curing the zombies

Curing is possible for zombies ask Tucker Kevin replied we can try to cure the zombies ok Kevin then he called Chief and asked about his opinion on curing the zombies and Chief replied I don't think it is possible but you can try ok chief. Then he hangs up the phone and Kevin thinks about curing. He calls Tucker and asks where is the blood sample I need now itself ok 2min Then Tucker gives the blood sample to Kevin and says Tucker to take the Microscope then Kevin put the blood drop into the microscope lens and look and he sees the virus content was moving like a bacteria in the body then he calls Tucker and Hank for a meeting then Kevin search in the internet curing is possible for zombies. There was no result then Tucker and Hank came. Kevin said that curing is not possible. I searched on the internet and there was no result  Tucker What will we do now? Kevin says we want to hunt the zombies now ok Kevin Hank take the vehicle and come to Tucker take the guns and go with him I will come in 1 min ok Kevin calls his wife Daniela and ask you are safe yes Kevin says I am going for hunting the zombies ok take care then Daniela hangs up the phone Kevin went for hunting Kevin says to Tucker to shoot the zombie and take body ok Kevin. Then Tucker takes the body and put it back on the vehicle Kevin tells Tucker to take the wheel then Kevin takes the gun and gets off the vehicle and shoots all zombies then Kevin runs to the vehicle and says we can stop hunting. And Hunt more tomorrow ok Kevin says Tucker to move from the wheel then Kevin fastly drives to the lab then Kevin tries to cure the body but it was not possible then Kevin tries to cure it again there was no result then Kevin says, Tucker to take blood sample I want it in 3 days ok Kevin. Then he ordered the food and eat It was so scrumptious than yesterday and he got a call from the chief and asked about the curing Kevin replied that there was no use for curing I tried many times there was no result ok Kevin try other ways ok chief then I will call you at night then chief hangs up the phone Kevin calls Tucker and ask what is your daughter's and sons name Tucker replied that my daughter's and son's name is David, Diana ok Tucker Then it becomes evening Kevin calls Hank and say I need a vehicle ok Kevin to come to research centre varatha ok Hank then Kevin came to varatha then Kevin says Good night Hank see you tomorrow ok Kevin Good night then Kevin take the vehicle and went to the hotel then Kevin get into the room and fresh up. Kevin turned on the tv and watched the news. The breaking news was that so many children and humans were infected with the zombie virus Oh my god Kevin says in his mind then Kevin turned off the tv and thought  I will go alone to Hunt the zombies.  Then Kevin calls Hank and asks I need guns, Hank asks for what Kevin? To hunt the zombies where I want to come to my house ok Hank where is your house? In the near town of Tellaro ok Hank send me the location of your house, ok Kevin then Kevin went to Hank's house and take the guns Hank said to Kevin be careful, ok Hank then Kevin started the vehicle and went to the town in Tellaro and Kevin stop the vehicle and get off from it and shoot the zombie it was peter Kevin was so sad then Kevin take Peter's body and put it on vehicle's back. Then Kevin came back and shoot so many zombies then Kevin stopped the hunting and called Tucker sorry for the disturbance. It is ok Kevin tell me Tucker my friend Peter is dead can you call the doctor to post Mart the body ok Kevin you come to the research centre ok Tucker Then Kevin started the vehicle and went to the research centre and Kevin take the body to the mortuary Kevin says to the doctor to inform his family then he take the vehicle and went to the hotel and Kevin fresh up then he calls Daniela and says my friend Peter is died because of the zombie virus ohh my God tell Daniela don't be upset ok Daniela but I say to Peter's wife I will find him don't be sad then he says where are Diana and David they sleep ok Kevin I will call you tomorrow be safe good night ok Daniela good night then Daniela hangs up the phone then Kevin ordered the food and eat it was so verse and Kevin gave the food to the dog then Kevin calls peter's wife and say so for the disturbance it's ok Kevin tell me Peter is dead. I give Peter's body to the post-mart They will give the body after the formalities. Kevin says don't be sad, ok Kevin then she hangs up the phone. Then Kevin calls the chief and says my best friend Peter dies oh so sad don't be upset  Kevin. What is the situation In Tellaro? There is a very complicated situation here. Be secure and safe Good night Kevin ok chief bye good night then chief hangs up the phone then Kevin plays the game for 1-hour  then he calls Tucker sorry for the disturbance again no problem tell me, Kevin I need a phone, AirPods and some accessories ok Kevin for what? I will tell you tomorrow Kevin put the phone on conference call and added Hank and Tucker. I need some people to hunt. We are going tomorrow morning to a big mall  take some people with you ok Kevin for what? I will tell you tomorrow, ok Kevin.