Chapter 6 Kevin in mall

Kevin then sleeps and it becomes morning then Kevin got up from bed and fresh up Kevin calls Tucker and says to come to Tellaro town and inform Hank about the message then calls the people who know about the shooting okay Kevin then Tucker hangs up the phone then Kevin ordered the breakfast and it was so scrumptious. Kevin then took the vehicle and went to the town of Tellaro then Kevin got a call from the chief and asked about the situation. We are going to the mall in Tellaro to hunt the zombies ok Kevin be safe and give me the updates on the situation in Tellaro ok Chief I will call you at night ok Kevin then chief hangs up the phone then Kevin reaches in the mall then Kevin calls Tucker and asks where are now? I am coming to the mall. Ok Tucker can you do a favor for me tell me, Kevin. I need the key to the mall, ok I will find the owner of the mall and I will give you the keys ok Tucker thanks then Tucker hangs up the phone then Hank comes to the mall and asks where is Tucker? Tucker is on the way ok Kevin what are we going to do in the mall? First, we are going to bring Zombies to the mall, then we will divide it into teams and split up into different places of the mall and we will take some woki toki and electronic applications to communicate ok Kevin. Then Tucker came with people who know about the shooting then Kevin ask Tucker where is key to the mall I got it ok open the mall no wait first we need to rather the zombies into the mall I and Tucker will rather zombies to the mall Hank stay hear in my signal open the shatter ok Kevin. then Kevin and Tucker say the weapons must take care of themselves sorry, I have a little bit of work, I will update the chapter tomorrow. ok then Kevin and Tucker started to walk from the mall then Kevin find the zombies Kevin Says Tucker to run back to the mall and alert the people ok Kevin what about you? I will run after you ok then Tucker comes fast and says the zombies are coming stay alert ok Tucker where is Kevin asked the people. Kevin will rather the zombies and Kevin will join up in a minute ok Tucker takes the weapons and load them ok then Kevin came and says to everyone to be alert for the zombies are coming ok Kevin then Kevin says people to be in a group and hide in different places of mall be safe ok Kevin than the important thing doesn't make any noise ok you take woki toki from the mall I will tell you information through it don't miss the woki toki it's important ok Kevin then you can go and hide then the people go Kevin, Tucker and Hank stay in the fun games area of the mall ok then zombies came up to mall Kevin says in the wiki toki that the zombies are coming inside the mall be alert ok Kevin then Kevin put a trap on mall's varatha one zombie is trapped then Kevin shoot the zombie. The people started to shoot the zombies and then the zombies died almost ok then Kevin told through the woki Toki to come to mall Varanda then the people came to the mall Varanda and Kevin said to the people good job guys you do your level best keep it up thank you, Kevin. We need to do as group i have a plan what plan asked Tucker I will tell you later ok Kevin. I will update the rest of the chapter later. I have a bit of work