7 Team selection by Kevin

Then Kevin tells the plan to the people that we need to divide as a team, As you know I am going to select the team members whether you like it or not I don't know if that is ok Kevin you can select the team ok then Kevin call Tucker and asks how many people there are 18 people and us three OKs a total of 24 people so we can divide into 2 groups each group 12 people ok what are your names? Ralph Carter, Antony Green, John Henry, David Michael, Axel Stein, Stephen Groot, Barton Thomas, Tony Mark, Harry Simon,  and me Kevin and Tucker are in one group ok then the second group is Bucky Brook, Steve George, Tom Pole, Andrew Leo, Liam Noah, Hudson John, Grayson Parker, Robert James, Julian Mason, Mark Wood, and Hank this is the second group members are you ok with this team yes Kevin now is your time to ask the doubts I have a doubt said Ralph Carter. Why did you choose me for your team I have no strength no Ralph I will train you ok Kevin than the people go to eat some food in the food court then Kevin calls Daniela and ask about the daughter they are watching the movie are you safe at their asked Daniela yes we are in the mall to hunt the zombie as a team ok be safe and take care ok Daniela I will call you at night bye ok then Daniela hangs up the phone then the people came back after eating the food. Then Kevin gives crucial training to people then they are ready to hunt the zombies. If you are all confused about your roles I will list them out for you

Attacker: Anthony Green

Attacker: Ralph Carter

Attacker : (sub) Tom pole

Strategic: Hudson John

Strategic:Bucky Brook

Strategic: Axel Stein

Defender: Mark Wood

Defender: Grayson Parker

Defender: Stephen Groot

Lab helper: Julian Mason

Lab helper: Tony Mark


next i will tell you second group members rolls

Defender: Robert James

Defender: Steve George

Defender: Andrew Leo

Attacker: John Henry

Attacker: Barton Thomas

Attacker:Liam Noah

Strategic: David Michael

Strategic:Harry Simon

Strategic: Nelvin Jose

Lab Helper: Melvin George

Lab Helper: Tucker

Captain: Kevin

ok set this are your's rolls ok then Kevin and Tucker going to rather the zombies at the mall. Then they came back to the mall and Kevin said through the wiki Toki be aler zombies are coming to the mall be safe ok Kevin? sorry again I have a bit of sick I will update the rest of the chapter after some days. Then zombies came into the mall and Ralph started to shoot the zombies then Kevin and Tucker almost shoot all zombies then the Hank came and say to Kevin there is one shocking news.