A few days ago, I had given up on love and dismissed the concept of it entirely. The idea of finding a true connection in a world filled with constraints and expectations seemed like an elusive dream. Yet, today, everything has changed. I find myself inexplicably drawn to Eric, my heart beating faster whenever he's near.

It's as if a veil has been lifted, revealing a new realm of possibility and emotion that I hadn't dared to hope for. His kindness, intelligence, and the way he effortlessly makes me laugh have captured my attention in ways I never imagined.

As we spend more time together, whether it's in the quiet moments of conversation, the shared laughter over meals we cook together, or the walks we take under the sunlit sky, I feel a growing sense of connection that defies my previous doubts.

Eric has become more than just a charming acquaintance or a friend; he's someone who makes me believe in the magic of unexpected beginnings and the power of genuine affection. In his presence, I've discovered that love can be gentle, reassuring, and filled with possibilities I had once thought were out of reach.

I woke up this morning with a smile that wouldn't fade. It's not just his handsome face or charming personality; it's everything about him—the way he walks with confidence, the gentle cadence of his voice when he speaks, and the warmth of his touch when he holds my hand. He makes me feel truly special, like I matter in ways I never thought possible. I can't help but wonder what he thinks of me, hoping beyond hope that his feelings mirror mine.

Eric gives me a sense of significance, as though I'm more than just a cursed princess in his eyes. He treats me with a tenderness and respect that goes beyond mere duty or obligation. It's as if he sees past the facade I've put up to protect myself, and in doing so, he's slowly melting away the walls around my heart. For the first time in a long while, I feel grateful for someone's presence in my life, grateful for Eric and the way he's changing everything I thought I knew about love and happiness.

I never imagined I could feel this way again after all the heartbreak and disappointment I've endured. Yet here I am, embracing these newfound emotions with a mix of excitement and trepidation. As we navigate this uncertain path together, I can only hope that Eric feels even a fraction of what I feel for him, that our connection is as deep and meaningful to him as it is to me.

Sitting up straight, I leaned against the headboard, my thoughts drifting as I absently gazed around the room. Another letter had appeared, catching my attention once more, accompanied by yet another delicate rose.

The sight of the rose, its petals a soft, inviting hue, stirred a mix of emotions within me. Each letter and each rose seemed to carry a silent message, a thread weaving through the moments shared with Eric. They spoke of his thoughtfulness, his attention to detail, and the growing connection between us that was as fragile and beautiful as the flower itself.

I reached for the letter with a sense of anticipation, unfolding it carefully to reveal Eric's distinctive handwriting. His words, penned with care, spoke of moments we had shared, thoughts he had pondered, or perhaps plans he had for us. Each letter was a treasure, a glimpse into his heart that mirrored my own growing feelings.

As I read, a smile tugged at my lips, touched by the sincerity and warmth conveyed through his words. The rose beside the letter seemed to symbolize not just his affection but a growing bond that transcended mere words.

 I giggled and picked up the letter, which said:

My dear princess

By the time you read this letter, I anticipate that I will either be participating in an archery tournament or having thoughts about you and nothing else. I want you to know that I love your company. I hope you enjoy mine as well, Delilah. I will be slightly busy with my duties today. I apologize for that.

 You are my guest, and I must keep you entertained. Feel free to roam around the castle and have chats with the other ladies of court here. As soon as I get time, I will come to you. Moreover, I will miss you throughout the day. I have asked Adeline, one of the maids, to accompany you wherever you go so that you don't get lost. 

I hope that you miss me a lot. I want you to feel comfortable and taken care of during your time here. Adeline will ensure you have everything you need while I am occupied. I look forward to reuniting with you later.


I put the letter on my chest and closed my eyes, just feeling the moment. His letters made me want to smile, cry, laugh, and hit him at the same time. I do feel sad that he will be busy today. I was looking forward to meeting him.

I hope he knows how much his words mean to me, even when we can't be together. I'll have to wait patiently until we can see each other again.

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said in a loud, clear voice.

''Good morning, Your Highness,'' she said, carrying a golden tray that had my breakfast in it.

''Good morning, you must be Adeline, am I right?'' I asked.

She replied with a smile, "Yes, Your Highness, I was ordered to accompany you today." I nodded in acknowledgement and thanked her for the breakfast. As I ate, I couldn't help but wonder what the day had in store for me with Adeline by my side.

After finishing my breakfast, I carefully selected a gown in the softest shade of pink. Its delicate fabric shimmered in the morning light as I dressed, feeling its gentle embrace against my skin. The gown, adorned with intricate lace and subtle embroidery, seemed to embody a sense of elegance and grace, perfectly suited for the day's activities ahead. With each delicate fold and careful adjustment, I prepared myself not just outwardly, but inwardly, for the events that awaited me.

and decided to take a stroll in the garden. As I entered, I noticed Eric engaged in practicing archery, accompanied by another gentleman. Intrigued, I moved to the side to watch them, admiring Eric's skill and concentration.

Just as Eric hit the bull's eye with impressive precision, I couldn't help but clap softly, a smile spreading across my face. The archery competition had drawn quite a crowd, but his shot seemed to captivate everyone, including me. Eric glanced around, pleasantly surprised to see me among the spectators, his expression momentarily caught off guard before transforming into a confident grin.

With a swift and charming gesture, he approached me, bow in hand, and exclaimed, "Ah, my good luck has arrived at the battlefield." His playful tone drew chuckles from those nearby, adding to the jovial atmosphere of the event. As he stood there, radiant with accomplishment and a hint of mischief, I couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for his skill and charisma.

His playful remark caught me off guard, a mixture of amusement and warmth washing over me.

The other man added, "Ladies, please sit down and enjoy yourselves," with a rather unpleasant expression on his face. He then looked at me and smirked, making me feel awkward.

Eric fixes his arrow on his bow and aims for his target, releasing it so perfectly that he hits the bull's eye again. I cheer him up.

The man grunted and said, "Nice luck, Corrigan."

"Why don't you give it a try then?'' He snatches the knife from Eric's hands. How is Eric able to be so patient and humble? I already would have punched that man. He is so rude! Eric's calm demeanor is truly admirable, especially in the face of such disrespect. I can only hope to handle situations like that with as much grace as he does.

Eric stood between us and snapped at that man. My face started to become red, and my blood was boiling in my veins. Who are you to tell a woman when to laugh and when not to? How dare you address her by that title? I won't be silent if you disrespect a lady, especially my lady Damien. Mark my words,'' he said, his voice growing louder with each word. I gripped his hand, entwining my fingers with his.

The man aimed his arrow with focused determination, but to everyone's surprise, it veered wildly off course, missing the target by a wide margin. A soft chuckle escaped my lips involuntarily at the unexpected outcome, my amusement genuine and unintended. However, instead of brushing it off with a light-hearted remark, the man's face darkened with irritation, his pride clearly wounded by the public display of his failure.

Silence fell briefly over the archery range as he retrieved his arrow, his jaw tensed with frustration. Sensing his discomfort, I quickly composed myself, offering an apologetic smile and a reassuring nod, hoping to diffuse the tension. Yet, the atmosphere remained strained, a stark contrast to the earlier camaraderie of the competition. It was a poignant reminder of how swiftly the mood could shift in such competitive settings, where skill and luck often danced a precarious balance.

"You find this amusing?" he snapped, his tone edged with displeasure. "Why don't you try your hand at it, Miss Cursed Princess?"

His words stung, a pointed reminder of the label that had haunted me for so long. Despite his taunt, I maintained composure, meeting his challenge with a steady gaze. As he closed the distance between us in three measured steps, I felt a surge of defiance mixed with caution.

I believe I will," I replied evenly, suppressing any trace of unease. Turning to Eric, who had been silently observing, I added with a touch of challenge, "Would you care to lend me your bow?"

Eric looked at me and said, "You don't have to."

I accept his challenge, so let's see what he gets for publicly humiliating me in this way, I said as I moved forward. Eric handed me his arrows and bow.

I adjusted the bow carefully, feeling the tension of the drawn arrow as I aimed with unwavering focus at the distant target. The archery range around us hummed with the energy of competitors and spectators alike, their murmurs blending into a steady background noise. With each breath, I steadied myself, aligning my stance to optimize precision.

The bow, an extension of my arm, felt familiar and balanced. Its polished wood and taut string conveyed a sense of readiness, a readiness mirrored in the hush that settled over the range as I prepared to release. My gaze narrowed on the target, a small circle marked in the center with a contrasting bullseye, the ultimate challenge for every archer here today.

Eric, standing nearby, watched attentively, his eyes reflecting both curiosity and anticipation. He had been a formidable competitor moments ago, his own skill on display with impressive accuracy. Now, as he observed my preparation, his demeanor shifted subtly, perhaps sensing the gravity of the moment or simply appreciating the intensity of the competition unfolding before us.

The arrow felt weightless yet purposeful as I adjusted my grip, ensuring every detail aligned with the shot I envisioned. Time seemed to slow, the world narrowing to the bow in my hand and the target ahead. In that suspended moment, nothing existed beyond the challenge and the potential for success.

With a controlled exhale, I released the arrow. It soared through the air, a fleeting blur of motion that seemed to defy gravity itself. As it neared the target, there was a collective intake of breath from the spectators, a silent chorus of anticipation. Then, with a satisfying thud, the arrow struck true, embedding itself in the exact center of the bullseye.

A ripple of applause broke out, mingling with exclamations of surprise and admiration. Eric's eyes widened in genuine astonishment, a nod of approval unconsciously escaping him. It was a moment of validation, not just of skill but of the dedication and focus that had led to this precise execution.

I lowered the bow slowly, savoring the rush of accomplishment that surged through me. The intensity of the competition had momentarily faded, replaced by a quiet satisfaction in knowing I had met the challenge head-on and emerged victorious, if only in this singular shot.

''Ninety-six degrees to the north, Del'' Eric announced.

You can do it, Your Highness! '' Adeline exclaimed.

I launched the arrow from the bow, a grin spreading across my face as it sailed through the air with precise accuracy, striking the target dead center. Chuckling softly to myself, I glanced down at the bow, a sense of satisfaction warming me from within. Turning towards Damien, who had been watching with a stoic expression, I couldn't resist teasing him.

"Looks like the cursed princess can shoot after all, am I right, Mr. Damien?" I quipped playfully, hoping to lighten the mood with a touch of humor.

His response was unexpected. Damien simply lowered his gaze and walked off without a word, leaving a lingering awkwardness in the air. Sensing the tension, I sighed inwardly, regretting my attempt at levity. However, moments later, Eric approached, his presence bringing a welcomed ease to the atmosphere.

"Accepted, sir," I replied with a small smile, tilting my head slightly and offering a respectful bow. Eric's ability to diffuse tension with his understanding demeanor was a testament to his character, and I appreciated his gesture of acceptance.

"When will I learn about all of your abilities, Delilah?" Eric asked, his tone filled with genuine curiosity and a hint of admiration.

I chuckled softly, meeting his gaze with a playful glint in my eyes. "Oh, when indeed," I teased, enjoying the banter between us. "And when will I get to know how you manage to sneak those lovely letters into my room?" I continued, teasing him in return, a hint of mystery in my voice.

Eric grinned mischievously, leaning in closer. "Ah, I have my resources," he replied cryptically, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

The playful exchange between us was a welcome distraction from the day's events, reminding me of the camaraderie and friendship that had developed between Eric and me over time. His ability to find humor in any situation and to appreciate my quirks and talents endeared him to me even more.

As we strolled together, the archery range gradually quieted, the competition winding down as the sun dipped lower on the horizon. Conversations around us shifted to reflections on the day's performances and plans for the evening ahead. 

I launched the arrow from the bow, a grin spreading across my face as it sailed through the air with precise accuracy, striking the target dead center. Chuckling softly to myself, I glanced down at the bow, a sense of satisfaction warming me from within. Turning towards Damien, who had been watching with a stoic expression, I couldn't resist teasing him.

"Looks like the cursed princess can shoot after all, am I right, Mr. Damien?" I quipped playfully, hoping to lighten the mood with a touch of humor.

His response was unexpected. Damien simply lowered his gaze and walked off without a word, leaving a lingering awkwardness in the air. Sensing the tension, I sighed inwardly, regretting my attempt at levity. However, moments later, Eric approached, his presence bringing a welcomed ease to the atmosphere.

"Accepted, sir," I replied with a small smile, tilting my head slightly and offering a respectful bow. Eric's ability to diffuse tension with his understanding demeanor was a testament to his character, and I appreciated his gesture of acceptance.

"When will I learn about all of your abilities, Delilah?" Eric asked, his tone filled with genuine curiosity and a hint of admiration.

I chuckled softly, meeting his gaze with a playful glint in my eyes. "Oh, when indeed," I teased, enjoying the banter between us. "And when will I get to know how you manage to sneak those lovely letters into my room?" I continued, teasing him in return, a hint of mystery in my voice.

Eric grinned mischievously, leaning in closer. "Ah, I have my resources," he replied cryptically, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

The playful exchange between us was a welcome distraction from the day's events, reminding me of the camaraderie and friendship that had developed between Eric and me over time. His ability to find humor in any situation and to appreciate my quirks and talents endeared him to me even more.

As we strolled together, the archery range gradually quieted, the competition winding down as the sun dipped lower on the horizon. Conversations around us shifted to reflections on the day's performances and plans for the evening ahead. Despite Damien's abrupt departure, the camaraderie among participants remained palpable, a testament to the shared passion for archery that united us all.

Later that evening, as twilight cast a soft glow over the castle grounds, Eric and I found ourselves sitting by a crackling fire, reminiscing about past adventures and sharing dreams for the future. The warmth of the fire mirrored the warmth of our friendship, creating a moment of peace and contentment amidst the bustle of court life.

"You know," Eric began thoughtfully, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us, "I admire your spirit, Delilah. Your determination and wit—it's what sets you apart."

I smiled gratefully, touched by his words. "And I admire your ability to see beyond the surface," I replied softly, appreciating his genuine understanding of who I was beyond the expectations of courtly life.

Our conversation meandered through memories and aspirations, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and mutual respect. Eric spoke of his own challenges and ambitions, his words revealing a depth of character that matched his charm and charisma. In turn, I shared glimpses of my world outside the castle walls, where my passions and interests thrived away from the scrutinizing eyes of court.

As the night deepened, our conversation turned lighter, filled with laughter and shared anecdotes. The fire crackled merrily, casting flickering shadows across our faces as we lost ourselves in the simple joy of each other's company. It was in these moments, away from the formalities of court, that our friendship blossomed, grounded in mutual trust and a shared sense of adventure.

As I glanced at Eric, his features illuminated by the firelight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected bond that had formed between us.

Eric, can I ask for a favor?" I ventured, turning to him with a hint of hesitation.

"Ask for my life and it too shall be yours, Delilah Frost," he declared dramatically, his expression earnest yet playful.

I couldn't help but laugh at his theatrical response. "Well, right now all I want is just a piece of paper, a pen, and a quill," I replied with a smile, my request simple yet important to me.

"Of course," Eric nodded, his demeanor shifting to one of practicality. "All that material will be in the library; feel free to visit there whenever you like."

Before I could respond, a young man approached us with a sense of urgency. "Sir, your presence has been called; please follow me. All the dukes and noblemen have arrived."

Eric glanced at me with a touch of regret. "Will you join me for dinner?" he asked, his tone carrying a hint of desperation.

"I would love to," I answered sincerely, sensing his need for support amidst the formal gathering.

As Eric departed with the attendant, I found myself approached by Adeline, a trusted lady-in-waiting who had been a steadfast companion in courtly matters.

"Would you like to visit the library, Your Highness?" she inquired, her voice warm with familiarity.

I nodded gratefully, a smile tugging at my lips. "Yes, please," I replied, appreciating the opportunity to retreat momentarily from the bustling atmosphere of court.

Together, Adeline and I made our way through the grand corridors of the castle, the soft glow of torches guiding our path. The library, a sanctuary of knowledge and solitude, awaited us with its towering shelves of leather-bound books and polished wooden desks adorned with quills and inkwells.

Stepping into the library was like stepping into another world—a world where stories unfolded with every turn of a page, where knowledge flowed freely amidst the comforting scent of aged parchment and ink. Adeline and I exchanged a knowing glance, sharing a mutual appreciation for the tranquility that enveloped us.

I settled at a secluded corner, where a window bathed in moonlight cast a gentle glow over the pages before me. With a sense of purpose, I began to write, the quill gliding effortlessly across the paper as thoughts and ideas took shape. It was a rare moment of solitude amidst the demands of court life, a moment to reflect and create without the weight of expectations.

As the hours passed, lost in the rhythm of writing, I found solace in the quiet companionship of the library. The occasional rustle of pages turned by fellow scholars, the distant murmur of voices engaged in scholarly debate—all contributed to the tapestry of intellectual pursuit that defined this sacred space.

Outside, the night deepened, stars twinkling in the velvety sky above the castle walls. Yet inside the library, time seemed to stand still, suspended in the timeless pursuit of knowledge and discovery. It was a haven where I could explore not only the vast realms of literature and history but also the depths of my own thoughts and aspirations.

As I completed my writing, I set aside the quill with a sense of fulfillment, the parchment before me now adorned with words that captured my thoughts and emotions. Adeline approached quietly, a respectful gesture of support as she observed my work with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Adeline," I said softly, grateful for her understanding.

She nodded in response, her expression conveying a shared sense of accomplishment. "It is my honor to assist you, Your Highness," she replied warmly.

With a final glance around the library, I knew that this tranquil interlude had rejuvenated my spirit, preparing me for the challenges that awaited beyond these hallowed walls. As I rose to leave, I carried with me not only the written words on parchment but also a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

The library doors closed behind us with a soft click, leaving behind the quiet solitude that had embraced us.

Dear father,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing this letter to let you know about your well-being and to tell you about the beautiful things here in Clovelly. It is certainly the most beautiful place I have laid my eyes on—way more beautiful than I imagined. Instead of interacting with the populace, the king here has replaced another man with his duties, Duke Eric Corrigan. Eric takes care of all the financial and agricultural needs of the community with great care and acts accordingly. He is a very sweet man and takes great care of my stay here. I will soon be with you in a few days. I want to explore Clovelly more. Also, please take care of your health and write to me when you have the time to do so.

With love, your daughter. Delilah Frost. I am looking forward to sharing all the wonderful experiences I am having here with you. I miss you and can't wait to see you soon. Please take care of yourself, and know that I am thinking of you always. With love, your daughter, Delilah Frost.

I pick up an envelope, carefully fold my letter inside, and seal it with a deep red wax stamp bearing our family crest. Urgently, I turn to Adeline, imploring her to swiftly find a reliable messenger to deliver this letter to my father. His swift receipt of these words is crucial.