I spent the majority of my days in the library during my stay, where the hours seemed to blur seamlessly from day into night. It became my sanctuary, a haven of knowledge and solitude tucked away from the bustling world outside. Surrounded by towering shelves filled with ancient tomes and modern works alike, I lost myself in the realms of literature. Each book was a doorway to another time, another place, where characters lived and breathed within the pages.

The scent of old parchment and ink hung in the air, a comforting embrace that welcomed me each time I crossed the library's threshold. There, amidst the hushed whispers of turning pages and the soft creak of leather-bound volumes, I found solace. It was a place where I could ponder the mysteries of life and lose myself in the adventures of others, all while contemplating the fleeting nature of time itself.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the stained glass windows

Taking a deep breath, I contemplated the recent days, grateful for the opportunity to explore this corner of the planet. The experiences and insights gained from this journey were truly enriching, reminding me of how fortunate I was to witness such beauty and culture.

I peered out the window and noticed that the air was now hazy, making it appear quite cold outside. I gripped the warm shawl that Adeline had provided for me. As I wrapped it around my shoulders, I felt a sense of gratitude for her kindness and hospitality during my visit. The cozy shawl brought me comfort as I settled in for another peaceful evening in this unfamiliar yet welcoming place.

I was near a window when I heard a voice from behind me that was as deep as the ocean. It was exactly the voice I wanted to hear to keep me warm this winter.

"Lost in thoughts, Del?" Eric inquired as he approached me, his presence breaking the peaceful silence.

"Yes, nothing too serious," I answered softly, meeting his gaze with a smile. "Just watching the clouds descend to the ground."

"Hmm, I enjoy winters," Eric remarked, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation.

"Yeah, they are amazing," I replied, turning to face him fully, sharing a moment of quiet appreciation for the serene beauty around us.

In that fleeting instant, I wished time would freeze, allowing just the two of us to exist in this tranquil bubble. The stillness felt momentous, as if our eyes were communicating volumes without the need for words. It was a rare connection, where emotions spoke louder than any conversation could convey.

. As we stood there in comfortable silence, I couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence in my life. His simple statement about enjoying winters had brought a warmth to my heart that even the coldest of days couldn't extinguish.

"Dinner has been served, Del. You promised to come," Eric reminded me with a warm smile as we stood together in the corridor outside the dining hall.

I hesitated, wanting to express something important to him, but his presence and charm had me captivated. Managing a smile, I replied softly, "I know, I remember; shall we?"

"We shall," he answered with a small smirk, his eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement.

Chuckling softly at his playful demeanor, I moved closer to him, and together we proceeded toward the dining hall. As we entered, the room buzzed with conversation, the flickering candlelight casting a warm glow over the gathering of noblemen and ladies who had assembled for the evening's meal.

Upon our arrival, a hush fell over the room, and everyone rose to their feet in a gesture of respect. Eric, ever the gentleman, guided me gracefully towards the head of the table, where my seat awaited next to his. It was a position of honor, one that underscored his regard for me amidst the esteemed company present.

Taking my place beside him, I glanced around the dining hall, acknowledging the familiar faces and dignitaries seated around us. The atmosphere was convivial, filled with the clinking of silverware and the murmur of polite conversation that ebbed and flowed throughout the evening.

Throughout the meal, Eric engaged in lively discourse with those around us, effortlessly navigating the intricacies of courtly etiquette while ensuring I felt included in the conversations that unfolded. His thoughtful gestures and attentive mannerisms spoke volumes about his character, earning him the respect and admiration of those present.

As dishes were served and refilled, I found myself drawn into discussions ranging from politics to art, each topic punctuated by Eric's insightful observations and occasional wit. His presence at my side provided a reassuring anchor amidst the formalities of the evening, allowing me to navigate the social intricacies with confidence and grace.

Between courses, Eric leaned towards me, his voice low and intimate. "I'm glad you came tonight," he murmured, his gaze sincere as he met my eyes.

"As am I," I replied softly, touched by his genuine sentiment. Despite the pressures of court life and the expectations placed upon us, moments like these allowed us to forge connections beyond the superficialities of rank and title

The dining table was constructed of dark brown wood with golden seats and silver vintage cups, and a large number of dishes were served on the table. The dining room's walls were painted golden with blue paintings, which was quite beautiful. The atmosphere was filled with lively chatter and the clinking of silverware as we settled in for the meal. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at being surrounded by such opulence and grandeur.

The court noblemen began discussing the political climate of the country as the servants began placing dinner on everyone's plates. There was no such need for money or food; there were only a few robbers in the market, which the king told him a solution for, and it would act when he got the orders, Eric explained to them. 

Eric embarked on a thorough tour of his lands, traversing rolling hills and verdant valleys, keenly observing every detail and engaging with the locals in earnest conversation. From the bustling village markets to the tranquil hamlets nestled among orchards, he sought out the pulse of his domain, listening intently to the concerns and hopes of those under his stewardship.

Gathering beneath the ancient oak tree that served as a meeting place for generations, the court noblemen attentively absorbed Eric's meticulous account of his findings. With nods of agreement, they affirmed his keen insights and shrewd assessments of local sentiment. They shared stories of loyalty and resilience, tales of challenges overcome, and messages of unwavering trust in their wise and just king.

As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the assembled group, Eric's presence resonated with a sense of duty and dedication. He knew the weight of responsibility that rested on his shoulders, yet also felt the profound bond of kinship and mutual respect that bound him to his people and their aspirations.

Eric spoke with a confidence that belied the weight of his responsibilities, effortlessly maintaining a balance between his roles within courtly circles. His demeanor, always composed and assured, commanded respect and admiration from those around him, myself included.

For a time, the conversation flowed smoothly amongst the assembled noblemen and ladies, punctuated by laughter and polite exchanges. Yet, as the evening progressed, the attention inevitably turned towards me, prompting a nobleman to inquire with curiosity, "May we know who this sweet lady is, who joins us this fine evening, Eric?"

Eric, ever the diplomat, cleared his throat before speaking with a voice that carried both authority and warmth. "Delilah Frost, princess of Brookland, the sole child of King Edwin," he announced, his words introducing me with a sense of pride and respect for my lineage.

"Oh, Brookland is a splendid place! I must say, I have been there once," exclaimed one of the men, his enthusiasm genuine as he recalled his visit.

"Thank you, sir. You are welcome to visit anytime again," I responded softly, acknowledging his compliment with grace. It was important to me to foster positive relations and hospitality among our guests, reinforcing the spirit of camaraderie that defined such gatherings.

Everyone engaged in extensive conversation; the men focused on the politics and implications of the conflicts between certain kingdoms, while the women discussed new dresses, jewelry, or what their husbands bought for them. Pretty common themes, I'd say. I participated in a few talks, but not many because I didn't feel fully engaged in them. I preferred to observe the interactions and dynamics of the group instead. It was interesting to see how different topics sparked varying levels of interest among the guests.

As the evening wore on, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone's gaze was fixed on me. Each time I glanced around, my eyes inevitably met Eric's, though he quickly averted his gaze, pretending to look elsewhere.

I chose to remain silent, sensing there was something he wanted to discuss privately. After the dinner concluded and everyone retired to their rooms, it was just the two of us left in the quiet corridors of the castle.

"How about another walk?" Eric suggested, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

I hesitated for a moment, then decided to address the unspoken tension. "Do you normally interact this much with nature, or is it that you just want some privacy while talking to me?" I queried, my tone gentle yet probing.

Eric chuckled softly, his eyes meeting mine with a mix of amusement and sincerity. "A bit of both, perhaps," he admitted, his voice low and intimate. "But mostly, I think we should go for a short walk and get to know one another better before I proclaim my love to you," he added with a playful wink.

His words caught me off guard, a mixture of surprise and warmth flooding through me. Eric had always been charismatic and charming, but this confession hinted at something deeper, something that had perhaps lingered unspoken between us.

I scoffed softly. '' Did you just...''

''Not yet let us get to know each other better, Lady Frost'' he laughed at his sentence and then looked down, ''come on '' he said.

I laughed and we went to the gardens once again

It was so cold and windy outside. I almost wanted to run, but I pulled that feeling down. Eric took off his coat and gave it to me. I rubbed my hands together as we walked. The gesture warmed my heart, and I couldn't help but smile at his kindness. As we strolled through the gardens, I felt a sense of comfort and connection growing between us.

"You'll catch a cold, Mr. Corrigan," I said softly, a hint of worry in my voice as I glanced at him, noticing the chill settling in the evening air.

He turned towards me with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting a warmth that belied the coolness of the evening. "I'll stay warm," he assured me, his voice deep and resonant, "as long as I have the pleasure of seeing your smile." His words hung in the air, imbued with a quiet sincerity that melted away the cold and enveloped us both in a shared moment of warmth and connection.

'' Well, don't catch a fever then,Sire '' I said, smiling widely.

His eyes shined at my words.

'' Has anyone ever told you that you are the sunshine people desire in winter?'' he said after a small pause.

'' No, I can not remember anyone saying this to me. '' I replied with a smile.

'' See, this is what I am talking about. You make people around you very happy, especially me, Delilah. ''

Well, I must thank you for such a kind compliment, Eric," I said, my steps deliberate as I walked a few paces ahead of him. "You have not told me anything about yourself, your parents, or your siblings; do I hold the honor of knowing these details, Duke Eric Corrigan of Clovelly?" I questioned, teasing him gently.

Eric smiled warmly, his gaze thoughtful as he considered my question. "I cannot think of another woman who holds this honor, Delilah," he replied with sincerity, closing the gap between us until we stood together near the edge of a serene forest.

We lingered in comfortable silence for a moment, the tranquility of the night surrounding us like a protective veil. I waited patiently, sensing Eric's need to share something personal with me.

"My parents died last year, Delilah," Eric began softly, his voice carrying a hint of melancholy. "And I do have a younger sister, but she left the kingdom with her lover soon after my parents passed."

"I am so sorry, Eric. I'm sorry to bring up this topic," I murmured, guilt tingeing my voice as I realized the pain my question had inadvertently caused.

"It's okay, Delilah. There's no need to apologize," Eric reassured me gently, his eyes meeting mine with understanding. "The divine rules are absolute. We must bow down before God's will."

"You're right," I agreed softly, feeling a pang of sympathy for the loss he had endured. Together, we stood in quiet contemplation, the weight of unspoken emotions lingering between us.

"Dililah," Eric finally spoke, his tone hesitant yet filled with sincerity.

"Yes?" I replied, meeting his gaze with curiosity.

"I want you to know that I really like you," Eric confessed earnestly, his voice steady despite the vulnerability in his words. "I've been enjoying your company, and you make me happy. I've been experiencing feelings for a woman, at least, that I haven't felt in years. I genuinely like you, Delilah. Even though it's only been a few days, I want to give us a chance. I want you to be my lady at court, at the very least a proper one."

His admission took me by surprise, yet I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through my heart at his words. "Eric," I began, my voice softening with emotion, "I do like you as well. I've liked you since I first saw you, and your voice is soothing to me. Every time I hear it, I feel like a warm blanket is around me. You respect me, and I respect you. I, too, have never felt anything like this for any man I've met in my life. I want you by my side, and I'll be there for you forever."

As I struggled to find the right words, overwhelmed by the rush of emotions, I realized how deeply Eric had touched my heart in such a short time. His confession brought joy and anticipation, a sense of embarking on a new chapter of life filled with promise and mutual affection.

"Then there's something else I want you to know, as I don't want to keep any secrets from you, my love," Eric continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "I am the king of Cloverly."

His revelation hung in the air between us, the weight of his words sinking in as he displayed the royal seal that adorned every king at the time of their coronation. I stared at him in astonishment, my mind racing to comprehend the implications of his confession.

"You're the king?" I whispered incredulously, my heart pounding with a mixture of disbelief and awe.

Eric nodded solemnly, his expression a blend of vulnerability and determination. "Yes, Delilah. I didn't tell you sooner because I wanted you to know me first as Eric, not as the king. I wanted you to see the man behind the crown."