I laughed as I entered the space and saw them conversing.

I slammed the vase to my right, saying, "Thank you so much for deceiving me; it was too good to be true anyway."

They both looked at me with wide-open eyes as I caught their attention.

Eric became pale when he saw me and said, "Del, it's not what you think." I raised an eyebrow, feeling a surge of anger. "Save your excuses," I spat out, feeling betrayed by my two closest friends. "I trusted you both, and this is how you repay me?" My voice was filled with disappointment and hurt as I turned to leave the room, their words falling on deaf ears.

Oh, right. Forget about it. My voice was breaking as I spoke, and tears were running down my face.

As my father stepped forward with a plea for patience, his voice calm but urgent, I could feel the heat rising within me. The air crackled with tension as I turned sharply towards him, my words sharp and filled with hurt.

"Please listen, my daughter. Don't jump to conclusions," he implored, his hands outstretched in a gesture of both supplication and concern.

"Listen to you! I think I've heard enough to jump to conclusions, Father," I retorted, my voice edged with bitterness. With that, I spun on my heel and stormed away, my emotions a tumultuous mix of anger, confusion, and profound disappointment.

As I strode purposefully down the corridor, my mind raced with the echoes of conversations and half-truths that had unraveled before me. Each step echoed loudly in the hallway, mirroring the pounding of my heart. It wasn't long before I heard Eric's voice, calling out desperately from behind me.

"Delilah, wait! Listen to me!" His words pierced through my resolve, causing me to falter momentarily. I hesitated, torn between the need to escape and the ache in my heart that demanded answers.

I quickened my pace, unwilling to confront him just yet. Eric's voice grew louder, echoing off the walls as he closed the distance between us.

"Del, please, just hear me out," he pleaded, his tone raw with emotion.

I turned abruptly, my eyes blazing with fury and hurt. "Yeah, listen to what a pathetic explanation that was on how you fooled me," I shot back, my words laced with scorn. "All for some dumb contract."

Eric's face contorted in anguish, his hands reaching out as if to grasp onto something—anything—to bridge the widening chasm between us. "Delilah, please, you have to understand," he began, his voice cracking with the weight of unspoken truths.

"Oh, please, Eric, leave me alone," I continued, my voice rising with each word. "You are the last man I want to see on earth. You are a liar." The accusation hung heavy in the air, bitter and searing. "Everything you said and everything you did was all a lie. Our fucking love was a lie."

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as the depth of betrayal settled in my chest like a heavy stone. "And I'm not crying because of you," I choked out, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and heartbreak. "You're not worth it."

My words hung between us, charged with the pain of shattered illusions and the stark reality of betrayal. Eric stood before me, his expression a mask of torment and regret. For a moment, neither of us spoke, the silence thick with unspoken truths and fractured dreams.

Finally, Eric took a step forward, his voice barely a whisper. "Delilah, please," he began, his voice pleading. "I never meant to hurt you. I was trying to protect you."

I scoffed bitterly, shaking my head in disbelief. "Protect me? By lying to me? By deceiving me?"

Eric's shoulders slumped, his gaze searching mine desperately. "I made mistakes, Delilah," he admitted, his voice hoarse with emotion. "But my feelings for you were never a lie. They were real."

I felt a pang of uncertainty pierce through my anger, a flicker of doubt in the midst of my pain. Could it be true? Could Eric's love for me have been genuine, despite the deception?

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself, but the torrent of emotions was overwhelming. "You made me believe in something beautiful, something real," I continued, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and sorrow. "I trusted you with my heart, and you used it as leverage for a goddamn contract. How could you do that to someone you claimed to love?"

ric stood there, silent, his face a mask of regret and guilt. His silence only fueled the fire of my anger and hurt, the betrayal pulsing through me like a relentless storm.

"All those moments we shared, all those promises you made—they were all just part of your game," I accused, my voice trembling with the weight of disillusionment. "You played your role perfectly, didn't you? Making me fall for you, making me believe we had a future together. But it was all just an act."

Eric's shoulders sagged under the weight of my words, his gaze dropping to the floor as if unable to meet my accusing stare. The room felt suffocatingly quiet, each breath heavy with the shards of shattered trust and broken dreams.

"I never meant to hurt you," Eric finally murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I never wanted any of this."

My anger flared anew at his words, my fists clenching at my sides. "Do you really expect me to believe that?" I shot back, my voice sharp with disbelief and pain. "Everything we had, everything we were building—it meant nothing to you?"

Eric looked up, his eyes pleading with mine. "It meant everything to me," he insisted, his voice cracking with emotion. "Delilah, please, you have to believe me. I never intended to deceive you."

"Then why did you?" I demanded, my voice raw with hurt. "Why did you lie to me?"

Eric hesitated, his expression tortured as he struggled to find the right words. "I thought I was protecting you," he admitted, his voice thick with remorse. "There were things... things I couldn't tell you. For your own safety."

I scoffed bitterly, shaking my head in disbelief. "So you decided to manipulate me instead?" I retorted, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and heartbreak. "You made decisions for me, for us, without giving me a choice."

"I was wrong," Eric conceded, his voice heavy with regret. "I should have trusted you. I should have been honest with you from the beginning."

"But you weren't," I countered, the pain in my chest threatening to suffocate me. "You led me on, made me believe in a future that was never real."

Eric took a step forward, his hand reaching out tentatively as if to bridge the ever-widening gap between us. "Delilah, please," he pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. "I love you. I've always loved you."

My heart wavered at his words, torn between the desire to believe and the fear of being hurt again. "Love isn't built on lies," I whispered, my voice breaking as tears stung my eyes. "You shattered everything."

I could feel the tears streaming down my face, but I refused to let him see me break. "You know what the worst part is? I loved you. I really did. And you took that love and twisted it into something ugly and deceitful. I thought we were building something together, but it turns out I was just a pawn in your grand scheme."

My voice grew stronger as I spoke, fueled by the pain and betrayal that had been festering inside me. "So no, Eric, I'm not crying because of you. I'm crying because I was stupid enough to believe in you. I'm crying for the time I wasted, the love I gave, and the dreams that were shattered. But most of all, I'm crying because I have to face the reality that you are nothing but a liar and a fraud."

I turned away from him, the weight of the truth settling heavily on my shoulders. "Goodbye, Eric," I whispered, my voice trembling with a mixture of sorrow and resolve. "I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for. But don't you dare come near me again. I'm done with your lies and your manipulations. I deserve better than this. I deserve better than you."

With those words hanging heavy in the air, I walked away, each step a painful reminder of the shattered trust and broken dreams that now lay in ruins behind me. The path ahead seemed uncertain and daunting, but as I moved forward, I knew that I had made the right decision for myself.

Eric's voice echoed faintly in the distance, filled with regret and sorrow. "Delilah, please..." he called out, but I didn't turn back. I couldn't bear to face him again, to see the pain in his eyes that mirrored my own heartache.

As I reached the threshold of what had once been our shared sanctuary, I paused, taking a deep breath to steady myself. The weight of goodbye hung heavy in the air, a bittersweet farewell to a love that had once felt invincible.

Closing the door behind me, I felt a surge of mixed emotions—relief mingled with grief, freedom intertwined with sorrow. It was the end of a chapter, a painful yet necessary closing of a door that could no longer lead me where I needed to go.

In the quiet solitude of my own thoughts, I knew that healing would come in time. The wounds Eric had inflicted would scar, but they would also remind me of my own strength and resilience. I had learned a painful lesson about love and trust, about the frailty of promises and the danger of illusions.

Walking away from Eric was not just an act of self-preservation; it was a reclaiming of my dignity and my worth. I deserved honesty, loyalty, and a love that was true and unwavering. Somewhere amidst the wreckage of what we had once shared, I knew I would find the courage to rebuild myself, to rediscover the woman I was before Eric and to embrace the future that awaited me beyond his deceitful shadow.

As the echoes of Eric's voice faded into the distance, I took one last look back, a silent farewell to a chapter of my life that was now closed. With each step forward, I left behind the pain and the heartache, carrying with me the hard-earned wisdom that would guide me on the journey ahead.

I was done with his lies and manipulations, but I was not done with myself. In the quiet strength of my resolve, I knew that I was worthy of a love that honored truth and cherished trust. And as I walked away from Eric

With tears streaming down my face, I walked away, leaving Eric standing there in shock. As I continued to distance myself from him, I felt a sense of liberation and empowerment knowing that I was finally free from his deceitful grip.

"Delilah," he said in a pleading tone.

''No, Eric...I am no longer doing this... i threw the engagement ring on the floor,'' give this to someone who you truly love'' I stated with tears in my eyes

He was left speechless by what I said, so I quickly fled down the stairs and outside. I made my way to the stables, got my horse out, and then hopped on him before riding outside.

Tears began streaming down my face as I replayed his words in my mind, "I love you." The weight of those words felt like a cruel joke now. How could you sink so low, Dad? A treaty? A fucking contract? Was that all it was? Was our relationship just a transaction to you? The realization hit me hard, and the betrayal cut deep.

Maybe I was naive to hope for something more—what was I thinking?—but all I ever wanted was a lasting, loving relationship and a happy ending. The kind of happy ending that seemed so simple, so achievable in my dreams, but now felt utterly out of reach. The idea that love could be reduced to mere terms on a piece of paper shattered everything I believed in.

Every memory I had with him, every moment we shared, felt tainted now. Was there ever any genuine affection, or was it all just part of some calculated agreement? The questions swirled in my mind, each one more painful than the last. I had always looked up to you, always trusted you, and now that trust was irreparably broken.

The sense of betrayal was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but feel crushed under the weight of my shattered expectations and the harsh reality of our fractured bond. I had dreamed of a future where love was pure and untainted, where relationships were built on mutual respect and affection. Instead, I was left with a hollow emptiness, a deep ache that seemed impossible to heal.

I wiped my tears, feeling the anger and sadness mix into a bitter cocktail of emotions. I knew I had to move forward somehow, but the path ahead seemed daunting and uncertain. The hope for a happy ending felt distant, but I clung to the small, fragile belief that I could find a way to heal and rebuild, even if it meant doing so on my own.

I yelled "HALT!" and galloped my horse faster into the forest, wanting to get away from this place.

My whole world has been shattered into so many pieces. I needed him; I thought he was the one who would be there for me. All those compliments and all those words were lies.

I was traveling through an unknown land, shrouded in pitch-black darkness, with snow falling heavily around me. The destination was unclear, but one thing was certain: I would never fall in love again. The pain of heartbreak had turned this dream into a bleak and lonely journey. I decided to let go of this not-particularly-lovely dream, focusing instead on finding a way out of the darkness. The only path forward was to leave the past behind, to release the memories that weighed me down, and to embrace the uncertainty of the future with whatever strength I could muster."Good evening, princess." A man on a horse stooped in my way; his face was covered in a hood.

"Who are you?" I managed to say.

He lifted his hood and said,'' "Not your prince charming, sweetheart."

Benjamin, "Perfect timing,'' step aside, I have somewhere to go," I said sharply.

"Several men came from behind and surrounded me. I remember you saying to maintain distance, right?'' he said, smirking.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him.

"I want you, all of you," he said, getting off his horse.

One of his shots hit my horse, and he fell upfront, causing me to fall on the ground. "DASH, I exclaimed in fear.

Ben pulled my hair tightly. "How is that for distance?" he grinned.

He shouted, "YOU FOUL YOUNG LADY, who do you think you are?" while I groaned in pain and mustered up the courage to pull the dagger from my pocket and stab him in his leg'. '' Your tiny kingdom will be in crisis after your little prince dies in a few hours, and you will be crawling towards me and pleading with me to be with you," he declared in a harsh baritone.

"What do you mean by he will be dead soon?" I said frantically.

''Aw, you must be unaware of the little game Adrian and I played where I got to rule this foolish land and Adrian got to have you, he said, laughing. He then took out the dagger and flung it away.

He added, rolling up his trousers from his ankles and revealing a steel armor below, 'Well, you know, princess, when I came to meet you that evening, you were inquisitive and gorgeous, and you still are. But your attitude was wearing on my nerves, and I got some information from my men that you are staying here, being the king's little queen.

After learning that Adrian Burton was planning to kill Eric in the same manner that he had killed the previous king and queen, I decided to visit him. I met with him, and he liked my motive, as I wanted nothing but you, so I performed a quick bow-and-arrow trick at the ball, but he was unfortunately given assistance too soon, which is why he survived but will die tonight.

'' Adrian?..'t do. "Such a thing," I said, backing away from him.

"Well, he is doing it, my dear, sorry to disappoint," he said, smirking.

"Why would Adrian do such a thing?" I asked, getting impatient.

''You see, dear, Adrian loves power, and your little prince prevented him from having it. He had been planning this for three years, killing his parents first. He paid the doctors heavy amounts just to remain silent in his plan, and later on, he killed the doctors and all the nurses because he thought they would reveal his little secret. Now he plans to kill Eric, and because he was the king's most trusted man, he would be inheriting the throne, which is why he assisted me in getting rid of you.''

I couldn't speak. This had to be a deception; it simply couldn't be true.

He held my arms tightly and pressed his sword against my neck. "Now you will be a good girl and cooperate with me," he said, kissing my cheek.

I forced him to fall to the ground by wrapping my leg around his and stabbing his blade into his chest to draw blood. As I turned to look back, one of his men slowly pressed his dagger into the back of my arm, inflicting pain that caused me to scream and pull it back. Then that man grabbed my hair and helped me stand.

My eyes welled up with tears as the crushing weight of reality settled over me. The resilience I once prided myself on had withered away, leaving me vulnerable and exposed. Every hardship, every struggle seemed insurmountable now, and the world, once full of promise, felt unbearably harsh and unforgiving. In that moment, I questioned whether the fight was worth it, and the thought of death began to seem like a merciful release from the relentless pain of existence.Suddenly, that man fell to the ground when an arrow was shot at his chest; the same was done to the other two men, and the man who shot those men was none other than Orion.

''Orion!" I exclaimed when I saw him, and I felt so relieved.

"Are you okay? I saw you running out of the castle. I called out to you, but I think you were lost in thought,'' he said, looking concerned.

"I...uh...I am," I said quietly.

"It is quite a long story,'' I said, looking at him.

"You are bleeding, wait... oh my god," he said.

"Yeah, I am. It hurts, but it is bearable," I said as a single tear went down my face.

He took his sword and ripped a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around my arm and made a tight knot, which made me whine. "That is for keeping your pain away from your best friend," he said.

"Sorry, I guess," I said in a low voice and then he put his coat around me.

'' And this is for keeping you warm,'' he said, smiling.

'' Thank you'' i said

Then I recalled Ben's words. My heartbeat went fast. What if they were really true? What if Eric's life is in danger?

'' Orion, we have to go back to the castle. "I think Eric's life is in danger," I said, panicking.

"What, how come?'' he asked, looking at me.

"It will be too late if I explain everything to you right now; I will tell you on the way back,'' I said.

"Sure, of course,'' he said, helping me on his horse, and we rode back towards the castle.

I spoke quickly because I couldn't believe what was happening to me; it felt surreal. I told Orion everything, including how Eric crushed my heart, how I got lost in the woods, who these people were, and how Ben had told me that Adrian had been plotting to assassinate Eric. The entire time I was speaking, Orion was quiet.

Wait, you're telling me that Eric used you to acquire our properties and that his desire to be with you stems from a foolish contract? He asserted, "Who are you, and where is the woman who hated treason and betrayal?"

"She is talking to you at this very moment, and yes, it all comes from a contract, and I do want to help him; you know, I want to make him remember our last meeting, I just wished he loved me the way I loved him," I said in a low voice.

"Well, princess, whatever you say, but you did not deserve this, Delilah. I have seen the way you looked at him, the way you smiled at him that night at the ball; you looked as if you could not be happier, but I respect your decision, and I want you to know that I am right behind you and I am with you," he said, smiling.

I laughed and again found myself crying, thinking, "Oh, how much those words mean to me." I said, "Hey, don't say things like that. It will make me cry," I said, as tears began to stream from my eyes.

''Hey, don't cry; it will only hurt for a short period. Adrian seemed quite suspicious, as seen by his body language, and the fact that he always remains with Eric makes so much sense. "Sorry, I want to comfort you, but it may not be helping much," he added while changing the subject.

I softly chuckled and said,'' "It's alright, I am feeling better now." The coat kept me warm, and we rode for another

This is the last time I'm coming here, Eric, and only for the happiness of the locals since I don't want them to suffer for a whole year after losing their monarch, I thought to myself.

We both hurried inside once we had gotten to the castle. I did not know what to do. We decided to be quiet because there could be many people in this conspiracy, including the people who worked here.

We both made our way towards the grand hall. We barged into the hall and saw dead bodies everywhere. My mind was going in so many directions. These were the corpses of the soldiers who I think tried to save Eric. Oh god, help me. What happened here?

"Delilah, we should keep looking; let's hurry up before it is too late," Orion rushed me.