We both hurried upstairs since I was so terrified by the castle's eerie silence. We both hurried to Eric's chamber and opened his door.

And to our surprise, Ben's assertions were accurate; Adrian and Eric were engaged in sword combat with one another.

'' Leave him!'' Orion shouted

Their attention turned towards us. We have an audience. Adrian laughed and said,' Eric looked at me; he was very sweaty and was breathing heavily; he was injured badly. Adrian pushed Eric, and he fell.

"Eric!" I yelled as I watched his lifeless body fall to the ground.

''I am surprised you are alive,'' Adrian said, smirking.

From behind, two guards raised their swords to our necks.

Orion murmured, looking to the opposite side, "Fuck."

I angrily yelled, "Why are you doing this, Adrian, only because you want to rule a kingdom to rule?"

He laughed and swung his sword in circles. Just to rule a kingdom, no princess, it is about being powerful; instead of following the orders of a king, why not become one?'' he laughed. And your clueless prince did not even suspect anything. Haha, I guess no one expects an angel to set the world on fire, right, princess?'' he added.

'' You are a sick man; are you realizing that these words came from you?'' I scoffed

Oh really? I could be the villain in your story, but I'm a hero in mine. There's only a difference in perspective, my dear. He responded with a mocking smirk, "I wasn't born to be soft; I was born to make this world fear me and shatter and quake at my fingertips.

'' That is the definition of a complete psycho'' Orion said and elbowed the guard in the stomach. I quickly followed him and repeated what he did.

It seems like you're continuing a dramatic scene where tensions are high and there's a physical confrontation. Here's how the continuation might unfold:

Adrian's relentless assault continued, his skill with dual swords proving formidable against both Eric and me. Orion's injured leg weakened his stance, and my attempts to defend were strained under Adrian's swift and precise strikes.

With a burst of desperation and adrenaline, I lunged forward, aiming for an opening in Adrian's defenses. He parried with lightning speed, forcing me back and nearly disarming me. Eric, wounded but determined, fought with fierce resolve, his movements a testament to his training and bravery.

"Delilah, stay back!" Eric shouted, his voice strained with pain as he engaged Adrian in a deadly dance of blades. Despite my fear, I couldn't let them fight alone. I circled, looking for an opportunity to strike, to somehow tip the odds in our favor.

Adrian's eyes gleamed with determination, his focus unwavering as he pressed his advantage. The clash of steel rang through the air, each blow echoing the stakes of this deadly encounter. Orion, struggling to stand, gripped his wounded leg, his face contorted with pain but his spirit unbroken.

In a desperate move, Eric feinted left and struck right, aiming for Adrian's exposed side. Adrian anticipated the move and parried with a swift counterattack, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. I moved to intercept, deflecting his strike just in time.

"Enough!" I shouted, adrenaline coursing through me. "Adrian, this ends now!"

Adrian's face twisted into a grim smile, a mix of amusement and menace. "You think you can stop me, Delilah? You're just like the rest—weak and naive."

With renewed determination, I focused on Eric's fighting style, finding a moment of synergy. We moved as one, anticipating Adrian's every move. Orion, despite his injury, joined in with a renewed sense of purpose, his attacks now coordinated with ours.

The fight raged on, each of us pushing our limits. Sweat mingled with blood, and the intensity of our struggle echoed through the chamber. Adrian's skill was undeniable, but our resolve to protect Eric and each other burned brighter than ever.

As we fought, a plan began to form. Eric signaled subtly, and we adjusted our tactics, exploiting Adrian's aggressive style. With a synchronized effort, we created an opening. Eric struck low, aiming for Adrian's leg, while I feinted high, drawing Adrian's attention away from Orion.

The plan worked. Adrian's focus momentarily shifted, and Eric's blade found its mark. With a cry of pain, Adrian stumbled back, his face twisted in disbelief and fury. Blood stained his clothes, evidence of the wounds inflicted upon him.

I tried my best and blocked every one of his attacks and successfully made a cut on his chest; he didn't groan in pain but instead smiled. '' Nice one,'' he said.

The adrenaline coursed through my veins, fueling my determination as I faced Adrian, the man responsible for so much chaos and pain. His sneer only stoked the fire of anger within me, each blow I struck driven by the memory of those we had lost.

"You're pathetic," I spat, my voice edged with fury. I swung again, aiming for him with all the strength I could muster. Adrian deflected my strike, but in that momentary distraction, I seized the opportunity to retaliate. My blow landed with a satisfying force, knocking his sword from his grip. It clattered to the ground, echoing in the tense silence of the chamber.

But Adrian was relentless. Before I could react, he pinned me against the cold stone wall, his hands tightening around my throat. Panic surged through me as I struggled for breath, his grip unyielding and suffocating. I clawed at his hands, fighting against the crushing pressure, but it was like trying to break free from iron chains.

"Give up already," he taunted, his voice a chilling whisper against my ear. "You know you've lost, Delilah."

Desperation fueled my defiance. Just as darkness threatened to overtake me, Orion's voice cut through the haze of pain and fear. His swift action was a beacon of hope in the darkness. With a swift, decisive thrust, he drove his sword into Adrian's back, piercing through flesh and bone.

Adrian's grip on me faltered, and I pushed his collapsing body away with every ounce of strength I could muster. He crumpled to the ground, blood spreading beneath him like a crimson pool. Relief flooded through me as I gasped for air, Orion's presence a reassuring anchor in the aftermath of violence.

"Thank God," I whispered, the words a fervent prayer of gratitude for Orion's timely intervention.

Orion, his own breaths coming in ragged gasps, nodded solemnly. "I'll go get a doctor," he said, his voice strained with fatigue and urgency.

As Orion hurried off to fetch medical aid, I leaned against the wall, shaking from the adrenaline and the lingering shock of the encounter. The weight of what had transpired settled heavily upon me, a mix of emotions swirling within—relief, sorrow for those we had lost, and a fierce determination to ensure that justice prevailed.

I sprinted over to Eric and touched his pulse. His beating was incredibly slow. I cried out inconsolably, "Hey, Hey, It's Okay, Hey, Eric, Wake Up, Come on, We'll Wake Up, Don't Leave, Not Yet, Please...Stay...Hold On Just...For A Little While...''

His eyes opened a bit as he said, I am sorry.''

'' Shh, it's okay. Just stay with me for now'' I said, creasing his face, Where are the fucking doctors?

His palm cupped my face, then he closed his eyes.!!!!'' I yelled, shaking him frantically.

The doctors came inside, and there were a lot of crying nurses. They took Eric to his bed and asked me to go out. At first, I refused, but then I went outside. The sun was rising now. Orion was beside me as I looked at him.

The entire castle stirred with a chaotic energy as the sun cast its first light upon the scene of turmoil. Shouts and cries echoed through the corridors, blending with the sorrowful wails of distraught maidens. It was a cacophony of grief and confusion that enveloped us all.

Amidst this tumultuous awakening, I stood numb and detached, my mind struggling to comprehend the events that had unfolded. Orion's muttered curses resonated faintly in my ears, his frustration palpable as he questioned the whereabouts of those who should have protected us.

"They couldn't have known," I murmured softly, my voice barely audible above the din. "The guards... many of them were complicit, manipulated into complacency or worse."

Orion's gaze hardened with understanding, his jaw tightening in anger at the realization of the betrayal that had permeated the castle walls. "They were drugged," he concluded grimly, his voice a solemn acknowledgment of the depths of treachery we had faced.

As we exchanged these quiet words, the weight of the night's horrors pressed down upon us. The sunrise, once a symbol of hope and renewal, now illuminated a realm shattered by violence and deceit. Each breath carried the heavy scent of bloodshed and betrayal, mingled with the lingering cries of those who had fallen.

''That makes sense; we spoke in a low voice.

I wiped my tears, and a nurse came outside and treated our wounds. They took Orion to another room to treat his wound properly while I made my way to the room I stayed in.

I sat on the bed and looked around the room. I looked at my hands, where once there was a ring.

My forearm hurts a lot. I just looked at the bandages and thought about everything that went down tonight.


I stayed at the castle because the doctors advised me to stay here and wait for the wound to heal. Orion's wounds were much deeper than mine, which was one of the main reasons I stayed back.

I have no idea how Eric is; I just know that he is alive, which is all I need to know. There is nothing more I want to know about that man.

I haven't stepped outside in two days. Meeting to meet and intend was to meet and intend, but I did not intend on meeting anyone unwanted, but I thought of going outside today. I went to see Orion, and I made my way to the room where he was.

I knocked gently on his door, the weight of recent events hanging heavy in the air between us. The creak of the door opening was met with a hesitant smile from Orion, a brief flicker of relief amidst the lingering tension.

"Hey," I greeted softly, my voice carrying the echo of sleepless nights and unanswered questions. "How are you holding up?"

Orion's smile widened, a touch of warmth in his eyes as he replied, "I'm great, considering everything. How about you?"

I sighed inwardly, a mix of emotions swirling within me. "I'm... managing," I admitted, choosing my words carefully. "It's been a lot to process."

His gaze softened, sensing the turmoil beneath my calm exterior. "I understand," he murmured sympathetically.

A moment of silence hung between us, pregnant with unspoken thoughts and unshed tears. Orion shifted slightly, his expression turning more serious. "So... have you talked to or seen Eric?" he asked, his voice gentle yet probing.

I hesitated, my gaze dropping to the floor briefly before meeting his eyes again. "I... haven't sought him out," I confessed quietly. "After everything... I just wanted him to live. I don't... I don't intend to... to have any more... relationships with him," the words came out haltingly, each syllable weighed down by the weight of recent betrayals. "If he wants to talk, he can come... nobody's forbidden him from doing so."

"You have a good point, so have you thought about leaving, or have you talked about it to your father? He was here just a few hours ago," he asked.

"He was?'' I asked in shock.

"Yeah, I understand that, but you know.

"Yeah, he asked about you, but I replied that I was unaware of your current location. He indicated that he had been lodging with Eric.

I answered, teasing displeasure in my tone, "Of course, he is with his friend, not that he wanted to see how his daughter is after the night she had been through."

"Maybe he does not know what happened," he said.

"He knew you were hurt and was not aware that I was also hurt; do you really think I can live in an illusion anymore, Orion?'' I added.

"Don't take stress from such things, and tell me when we should take our leave," he said, smiling.

I smiled, seeing how much he cared, and said,'' When you have fully recovered and I know you are still hurt, rest properly."

"Alright, princess, I will," he said, nodding his head.

I looked at him and said, "Thank you, Orion, for being there for me—not just last night, but always. Thank you; I couldn't ask for a better friend."

"You don't need to thank me; that is what friends are for," he chuckled.

"No, I do need to thank you. It was a lot. Now rest, okay? I will go now," I said, standing up.

"No, you do not need to, and thank you for coming," he said, winking at me teasingly.

''You're welcome'' I laughed a bit, left, and went outside.

I was walking towards my room when I was stopped by the man I least wanted to see, Eric. He looked very weak, and there was a bruise on his cheek, which was still purple.

"Can we please talk only for a few minutes?" he said, looking at me with guilt plastered all over his face.

"Sure," I said with a straight face, and I went inside my room. He followed me inside. "What is it that you want to say?" I added.

"Look, I have to give you an explanation,'' I cut him off immediately. "What, no, you do not have to,'' I snapped at him, looking at him.

"I do; please don't cut me off; just listen," he said, pleading with me.

"Eric, what is there to listen to? I know that you signed a contract with my father; I don't know what the terms were, but you had to make me fall in love with you; that was the condition, right? ''

Yes, but that's not the whole story. Do you think I know how you looked at that dance? Please understand that my love for you is genuine. When you were there, did I know whose daughter you were? He asked, "Did I know anything at all?" I just listened to him.

Delilah, why would I need your lands when I am a king too? If I just wanted lands, I could start wars with other kingdoms. Why would I just do this to you? Your father did send me a proposal that, if I made you fall in love with me, I could have authority over this kingdom and take over all the land there. This was the first time I had ever seen him like this. He continued in a very tearful voice.

I stayed quiet. I was too shocked to say anything at all. Was this true?

"Then what did I hear last night?" I managed to ask.

"He was teasing me about how all this happened on its own," he said, smiling through his tears. , ' And I could not say anything to you to stop you; I kept this fact away from you, which made me think at the time that maybe I was at fault, but Delilah, I swear I did not lie to nor I loved you because of any contract. 

Please believe me. I say that I love you, and when I looked at you for the first time, I was amazed not by your looks nor by anything else but only because you were everything I ever wanted. You made me feel what love is: I love you, and that is the beginning and end of my life.

"Eric, I don't know what to say. I want to believe your words. I really do, but..." Eric stopped my words.

"Erase the doubts, Del. I love you, and I really do," he began softly, his eyes searching mine with a mix of longing and sincerity. "You've pierced my soul, and now I am half in agony and half hopeful. I've loved none but you."

He paused, taking a deep breath as if gathering his thoughts. "Please don't leave me. There hasn't been a day where I haven't thought about you. I just... I wanted to come to you looking a bit better, which is why I waited a few days," he explained, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability.

"I know I've made mistakes," he continued, his tone filled with remorse, "but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us. I've been restless, Del, haunted by the fear of losing you. Please, give me a chance to prove my love for you. Let me show you that I can be the person you deserve."

As he spoke, his words carried a depth of emotion that resonated deeply within me. The sincerity in his eyes and the earnestness in his voice melted away any lingering doubt. In that moment, I realized how much he truly cared, and my heart softened with a mix of forgiveness and hope for our future together.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips lightly, feeling a rush of warmth and familiarity wash over me. In that moment, I felt like I was home. I was with the man I loved. I was with Eric.

As we pulled away slowly, I hugged him tightly, resting my head on his chest. His heartbeat was steady beneath my ear, a comforting rhythm that reassured me of everything we had been through together.

"You should have told me this before," I said, crying on his chest.

"I was too scared to say anything, my love; I thought I lost you." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"And I believe this belongs to you," Eric said softly, his eyes locked onto mine as he slid the ring onto my finger. It was a simple band, yet its significance weighed heavily in the air between us. I lifted my hand, watching as the light caught the glimmer of the ring, reflecting our shared journey of love, trials, and the hope for a future together.

"Oh yeah, that does," I replied with a soft chuckle, blinking back tears that threatened to spill over. The moment was surreal yet comforting, a reminder of how far we had come and the challenges we had overcome.

"Shh, it's okay," Eric whispered, his fingers tenderly brushing strands of hair away from my face. "I am right here for all of it; I love everything about you, love."

His touch was a balm to my heart, easing the tension that had built up during our tumultuous journey. I closed my eyes briefly, letting his words sink in, feeling the warmth of his presence enveloping me like a protective shield.

"Oh, really," I teased gently, a hint of playful skepticism in my voice. "You know actions speak far louder than words."

Eric's response was immediate and heartfelt. Without a word, he leaned in and kissed me, his lips meeting mine in a tender embrace that spoke volumes of his love and commitment. In that kiss, I felt the depth of his emotions, the sincerity of his promise to stand by me through whatever challenges lay ahead.

The world around us faded into the background, leaving only the soft rustle of the wind outside and the steady beat of our intertwined hearts. It was a moment of pure connection, where words were unnecessary, and our souls communicated in the language of love.

As we lingered in each other's embrace, I couldn't help but reflect on our journey together. From the moment we first met, through the trials that tested our resolve, to this poignant moment of reconciliation and renewal, our relationship had been a rollercoaster of emotions.

We had faced adversity, misunderstandings, and moments of doubt. There were times when I questioned whether we would overcome our differences and find common ground. Yet through it all, Eric had remained steadfast, his love unwavering even in the face of challenges.

"I love you," Eric murmured against my lips, his voice barely above a whisper but resonating deeply within me.

"I love you too," I replied softly, my heart overflowing with gratitude and affection. "Thank you for this ring, for your love, and for believing in us."

Eric smiled warmly, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You've always been worth believing in, Delilah."

With his arms around me, I felt safe and cherished. The weight of past grievances and uncertainties melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and optimism for our future together. We had weathered the storm, emerging stronger and more resilient than before.

As the sun began to set outside, casting a warm glow into the room, I realized that our love story was far from over. This moment marked a new chapter, one filled with promise and possibility. We had learned from our mistakes, grown from our experiences, and now, we were ready to embrace the future with open hearts and a shared commitment to each other.

The sound of footsteps approaching broke our reverie, and we reluctantly pulled apart, though our fingers remained intertwined. It was Adeline, her eyes filled with joy and relief as she stood at the doorway, witnessing our tender reunion.

"Delilah, Eric," she said warmly, her voice filled with emotion. "I'm so glad to see you together again. The kingdom has missed its king and queen."

Eric nodded, his expression serious yet determined. "We have much to do, starting with rebuilding trust and ensuring the safety of our people."

Adeline smiled knowingly. "And you have each other. That's where it all begins."

As she left us alone once more, Eric turned back to me, his gaze unwavering. "I won't let anything come between us again, Delilah. I promise."

"And I believe you," I replied with a smile, feeling a sense of peace settle over me. "Together, we can face anything."

Hand in hand, we watched the sunset together, knowing that our love had weathered the storm and emerged stronger than ever. The future was uncertain, but with our hearts united, we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that love, forgiveness, and resilience would guide us through.