A Cursed Blessing

The incident put a small hiccup in the original plans Technical Sergeant Ursing brought for the trainees to put into exercise. Fading slowly, the last images of doom and gloom for several new planets that are currently being terraformed to harbor new life--all destroyed for resources.

Amelia's mouth becomes arid landmass. What is that supposed to mean? Six months? Do we even have time for that? Is everyone gonna die without ever getting the jobs they desired? She touches her home planet, Cennet, dearly. Imagining the slowly dissipation of the world as seen in the fortellings of Nostradamus. Now comes the hyperventilations, her body shakes and her eyes widen at the thought of not fulfilling her purpose--letting her people die.

Trappist gasps and tries to forcefully break the glass and looks at Ursing who is already breaking their capsules. Crash!

Amelia lands on the ground and Trappist holds her and taps her face, "Hey! Hey! It's okay! Breathe, take deep breaths. They're not here yet!" Her shakiness prevelant, but soft as she mutters 'Fuck' repeatedly under her breath.

Ursing shakes his head, raising his wrist to his lips, "I'm gonna need a therapist and a medical drone asap."

Not even five seconds go by and there is already a medical drone hovering over Amelia, it gives her an injection of Lorazepam. The drone then turns into a makeshift stretcher with a team of medical professionals running in and taking her away towards the medical hospital a couple of doors down.

Trappist holds her hand to her chest seeing Amelia being taken to the hospital, "Where is the hospital room?"

Ursing doesn't respond. Not only its supposed to be on a need to know basis, but also she didn't address him how she is supposed to. Mostly the latter. He turns around and continues with his speech--but now its going to be a little more urgent, "Listen up Trainees! We're going to have to speed up your training a little. Be prepared to give your all and put your soul into the next six months."

Trappist's tries to speak, but is at a loss for words. Her mouth slack open, rolls her eyes and walks back to her capsule where it reforms around her--getting settled again. Petty, much?

Nostradamus, is held by Amelia as she stops shaking on her way to the hospital room. Light from the massive Sun Rod mounted at the center of the military station slowly dims slightly. Colors turning ever so red-orange. A hint of dark blue. She slowly awakens, still with the residual worry she had before only milder. With the System in her hands, lifts it up--ready to throw it somewhere, away from her. This thing is a curse. It has to be. But what if its not. Something to help her plan ahead to save her planet. But still its... Her arms and hands go limp on her lap.

She stares at this new System. What is this? Her mouth shut this whole time only opening to let out a dissatisfying long, low exhale. War is coming to Cennet already, she has to find another planet for them to escape to soon. There was already an interplanetary missile attack on Elaria, what was originally Trappist-1g. It failed because of their anti-air missiles, but the intent was given.

There is no telling how long it'll be before an attack is placed for Cennet. Ever since their technology boosted and started pulling in their trade ships for a new luxury resource, some sort of indestructible food source that was approved by everyone, the others started getting antsy about it. Maybe there was something else that it did, because suddenly the cost of space tourism cheapened.

The door whirs open and close, the therapist being a beautiful 40 year old women. A comfortable plaid shirt and her hair is well kept--a smile on her face, but her eyebrows curled ever so upward. Maybe she can be professional like her, have a helpful position, maybe even... Amelia shakes her head at the thought. She has it going well, she can't just focus down this rabbit hole. There is a family to save, a planet to evacuate.

The therapist sits down on a chair next to Amelia, handing her a flower. This is normal for her, it helps open them up. "Hey Amelia. I'm Shaneth. Everything alright? Seems like there's been an incident at the auditorium." She says gently.

Amelia doesn't open her mouth, not because she's wanting to be rude. She tucks her knees together and covers her face with a teddy bear the doctors gave her when she first arrived at the room at her request, "Y-Yes. I kinda h-had a panic attack. But I'm okay now! Don't wo-"

"I do have to worry, sweetie." She interrupts. "What happened?"

Amelia gulps, it must've been audible because Shaneth's ears perk up and looks at her in the eyes. Which only makes Amelia hesitate more, "I-I saw our whole nebula's worth of planets get destroyed by these creatures called Cravers."

Shaneth keeps an endearing face, "Was it a nightmare or-"

Amelia grabs her hands and looks her in the eyes, "It wasn't a nightmare! It was from Nostradamus..."

Taken aback even Shaneth leaned back a bit before tilting her head to the side, "Nostradamus?"

Amelia shows her the black cube almost holographic in nature with a bright green dot emitting light at its center, "Yes, Nostradamus. My cursed blessing." She softly strokes the object, almost like calming a terrified dog or cat.

"Well then," Shaneth says, "If it is true, you are in a safe place. And I know you're under Ursing. He doesn't let something like slide without putting something into motion."

Amelia holds her breath, limbs tingling. "Is that true?"

Shaneth smiles, "Yes, you're in good hands. He might sound cruel, but he does care for each and every one of you trainees."

A smile creeps slowly on Amelia's lips and she unconciously bites it down, "So there's a chance we can be safe!"

"Let's not be too hasty now. Make sure you do your best in training, trainee."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Amelia can't help but get out of bed and walk out.

"Amelia! Your attire. You want to go out looking like that that?" Shaneth asks.

Realizing she's still in hosptial attire, Amelia's ears redden and she swiftly comes back in the room and changes into her trainee's suit. Again?! She embarrassed herself again?! This is going to be a long eight months indeed.

Besides that minor hiccup, Amelia darts out of the hospital room--a fluttery feeling in her chest, "Thank you, Miss Shaneth."

She's going to go back in the Auditorium with Nostradamus. Her planet needs her. No time to sulk anymore. She'll be sure to let Trappist and Technical Sergeant Ursing know she's okay now. It's time to learn how Nostradamus works.

There's no way in hell that those Cravers will lay a hand on a single planet.