69. Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon and Gate Guardian

"Eh, Miss Keqing?" Ryūhei didn't expect to see Keqing here.

"Ya, Ryūhei. I happened to hear that someone wanted to borrow the street, so I came. I watched your game from the start, so I gradually understood a little." She turned to the audience who commented on why Eni could summon Blue Eyes White Dragons.

"You see, there should be some types of card. You can see this! It's an effect card, while this one is a normal card." Keqing pointed at the Maiden with Eyes of Blue before pointing at the Blue Eyes White Dragon. "You can see the difference in the description below. With a certain condition, this Maiden card can special summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. In summary, a special summon doesn't mean it needs to be summoned by sacrificing a card. When I heard the explanation of the summon rule, a normal summon is kinda a bit harder. That's why the special summon exists. Then again, I bet this kind of card is a rare one, am I right, Ryūhei?"

Ryūhei nodded while smiling lightly.

"Yup. Miss Keqing is right. I separated the rarity for each card. There are normal cards, rare cards, super rare cards, ultra-rare cards, and ultimate rare cards. Due to the effect of summoning one of the powerful cards, this card is categorized as ultra rare. So, you need to spend some money to get this one. And, you will understand how hard it is to get the card later after I officially sell the cards from my shop. Anyway, let me finish this game first, I'll announce something after this."

Ryūhei explained to them before glancing at Eni.

Eni nodded before declaring, "Labyrinth Heavy Tank destroyed. My turn is over."

"Now it's my turn. Draw!" When Ryūhei saw the card he drew, he immediately slapped that card onto the field.

"Activate, Labyrinth Wall Shadow! The effect is the same as the Labyrinth Heavy Tank. The only difference is, this card will destroy the opponent's monster cards with less than 1600 ATK. Tributing my face-down card, summon a Labyrinth Wall in a defense position! I set one card in the spell/trap zone! My turn is over."

"Draw!" After Ryūhei's turn ended, Eni drew a card, then she did the same as Ryūhei to slap the card onto the field.

"Activate a spell card, Silver's Cry! With this card, I can target 1 Dragon Normal Monster in my graveyard and Special Summon that target. Special summon, Blue Eyes White Dragon! My turn is over!"

Ryūhei was in a pinch now. Although he had a Labyrinth Wall with 3000 DEF, it would not be long for Eni to fuse those Blue Eyes White Dragons.

"My turn! Draw!"

When he drew a card from his deck. He clicked his tongue after seeing that he only got the Axe of Despair.

"I set a monster card in a defense position. Due to the effect of the Labyrinth Wall Shadow, I can perform a special summon Suijin, Kazejin, or Sanga from the deck, hand, or graveyard to the spell/trap zone in the face-up position. Special summon, Suijin! Shuffle! My turn is done!"

Ryūhei just needs Kazejin to special summon the Gate Guardian. In other words, he had to be faster than Eni before she fused those Blue Eyes. However, the goddess of fortune seemed to fall on her.

"Draw!" After seeing the card, Eni threw that card on the field. "Activate a spell card, Graceful Charity! I draw 3 cards and discard 2 cards. Activate a spell card, Greater Polymerization. Fuse the three Blue Eyes White Dragons!" Then, Eni picked up the Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon in the extra deck zone before slapping it into the monster zone. "Due to the Greater Polymerization effect, my Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon can't be destroyed by card effects, and if this card attacks a defense position monster, it will inflict piercing damage."

Seeing that Eni successfully summoned an iconic fusion card, Ryūhei grumbled in a low voice.

"Fuck this bullshit!"

No one heard him since the audience cheered for Eni since her stand was undoubtedly an advantage. In their thoughts, Ryūhei would definitely lose after seeing a 4500 ATK monster on the field.

"Switch to the battle phase, Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon, attack the Labyrinth Wall!" Eni declared. But then, Ryūhei activated a trap card.

"Activate, Negate Attack! Since you declare an attack, this card will negate the attack and end the battle phase."

"My turn is done." Eni declared.

"My turn. Draw!" When Ryūhei saw the card he drew, he lit up his eyes.

"Activate, Swords of Revealing Light! With this card, you can't attack for 3 turns! Activate the Labyrinth Wall Shadow effect, and summon Kazejin. I set a monster card in a defensive position. My turn is over!"

Ryūhei already had all of the monsters required to special summon the Gate Guardian. However, he didn't have it in his hand. Luckily, the Swords of Revealing Light came into play.

"My turn. Draw! Activate a continuous spell, Heart of the Underdog. Activate a spell card, Cards of Consonance. To activate this card, I need to discard 1 dragon-type card with 1000 or fewer attacks before drawing 2 cards. I discard The White Stone of Ancients. Then, draw 2 cards. I set a card into the spell/trap zone. My turn is over! During this phase, I can activate The White Stone of Ancients effect. I banish this card and target 1 Blue Eyes monster in my graveyard and add it to my hand."

Ryūhei twitched his lips. It seemed Eni wanted to crush him in this duel.

"It's my turn. Draw! I set a monster in a defensive position. My turn is done!" Ryūhei didn't do anything in this turn. Even though he was still holding out because of the Swords of Revealing Light, his situation was not looking good as he still did not have a Gate Guardian in his hands.

"My turn. Draw! Activate the effect of the Heart of the Underdog. I'll reveal the card I drew, Call of the Haunted. Because of this, I can draw one more card. Activate a spell card, Ancient Rules. With this card, I can special summon a normal monster with level 5 or more. Summon Blue Eyes White Dragon! My turn is over."

"Tsk." Ryūhei clicked his tongue. Call of the Haunted was a troublesome card that could summon a monster from the graveyard. In other words, even if Ryūhei destroyed Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon with a spell or trap card, he could still call that monster back to the field. In this turn, Ryūhei just set a trap card before ending his turn.

"The last turn before the effect of Swords of Revealing Light disappears. Hehe. You will lose, my dear master!" Eni put on a smirk. But, Ryūhei replied nonchalantly.

"Is that so? Something might change since this duel is still going on."

"You're right. But… Draw! Activate the effect of the Heart of the Underdog. I'll reveal the card I drew, Fusion Recovery. Draw one more card. Activate a spell card, Fusion Recovery, recover one polymerization and a monster fusion in my graveyard, and send them to my hand. Activate a spell card, Polymerization. Fuse 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons into a Blue-Eyes Ultimate White Dragon! My turn is done."

With 2 Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragons, people wondered how Ryūhei could survive the next turn.

"My turn. Draw! My turn is over." Ryūhei declared. He didn't have more slots in his spell/trap zone, so he could only end his turn without doing anything.

"My turn. Draw! Activate the effect of the Heart of the Underdog. I'll reveal the card I drew, Silver's Cry. Draw one more card! Activate Silver's Cry, special summon Blue Eyes White Dragon. Switch to the battle phase." Eni knew that the last set up card by Ryūhei was a trap card. And it might destroy her monster. However, she didn't worry since he had 2 more high-level monsters.

"Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon, attack the Labyrinth Wall!"

Suddenly, Ryūhei grinned.

"Activate a trap card, Mirror Force! Destroy all of my opponent's monsters!"

Eni couldn't help but be dumbfounded by that. However, she still had another card she could use to revive the Blue Eyes.

"Switch to the main phase 2. Activate a continuous trap card, Call of the Haunted. Special summon, Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon! My turn is over."

"My turn!"

In this turn, Ryūhei drew the Gate Guardian. However, he was worried that there might be something more that Eni was hiding.

"I set up a monster in a defensive position. My turn ends." Ryūhei wanted to see what she was up to.

Eni started her turn by drawing 2 cards. Then, she summoned Assault Wyvern in an attack position. When he saw that, he twitched his cheek. Assault Wyvern had an effect to special summon a dragon-type monster from hand or graveyard. And there was a Blue-Eyes Ultimate White Dragon in there.

"Switch to the battle phase!" In that turn, Eni successfully destroyed his Labyrinth Wall. But when she attacked him with her Assault Wyvern, Ryūhei immediately spoke,

"Activate the effect of the Stone Statue of the Aztecs. Double the damage you took!" His monster DEF was 2000, while her monster ATK was only 1800. So, when Eni attacked him, she took 200 DMG. However, after activating his card, the damage became 400.

After her turn ended, Ryūhei drew a card and tributed a card on the field to summon a Labyrinth Wall. Then…

"Activate a spell card, Mystical Space Typhoon. Destroy the Call of the Haunted. Since that card is destroyed, the Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon also goes back to the graveyard. Special summon by tributing Suijin, Kazejin, and Sanga on the field to summon the Gate Guardian! Equip a spell card, Axe of Despair, to increase Gate Guardian's attack by 1000. Tribute summon, Sanga of the Thunder! Switch to the battle phase! Attack the Assault Wyvern with Sanga! Then, direct attack with the Gate Guardian! My turn is over!"