
The next morning…

Agatha didn't remember when she fell asleep last night. But as she opened her eyes the first thing her eyes landed on was Xavier's resting face.

With the soft warm sunshine falling on his face, Agatha gulped by how close his radiant face was. Especially his facial features.

His messy morning dark hair hid his forehead, the thick eyebrow arched by the end and a thin sharp nose, even though he was male he had clearer skin than most females. Agatha had the impulsive urge to poke his cheeks and see whether they would bounce back like jelly.

"Just… a little… " Agatha tried to control her urge but in the end, she gave in and poked his cheeks. As if she found a new toy, it was way more bouncer than jelly, she couldn't stop herself from poking again and again.

Agatha completely forgot he was human and asleep as she indulges herself in the fun. Xavier woke up from the continuous poke on his cheek and saw Agatha having fun with herself.

Xavier grabbed her by the wrist and pinned her down onto the bed with him hovering over her.

"You seem to be having a good time with my cheeks." Xavier teased.

Agatha instantly regretted every action of hers. She bit her lips in nervousness, her eyes forcefully shut to hide herself from the embarrassment.

Xavier found her shy look further alluring, wanting to tease her more. However, he held back on his desire, and placed a kiss on her palm, "Good morning."

Agatha remained silent, wanting to just run away from there. But she had to do something before the maids entered the room.

The vision was one of the powerful things, whatever one sees they believe even if it's just a beautiful lie. An illusion that can hide reality is shown at the right time and place.

Xavier's eyes fell on her lips which were a bit redden and swollen from her biting. It suddenly seemed more delicious than ever. Even the sweetest of sweet dishes seem tasteless and dull in front of her. How much does he want to have a taste of it? If only… just a small taste…

Xavier broke out of his thoughts, almost fearing that he committed something wild. He got up from the bed instantly and left the room.

Agatha didn't think about his strange behaviour, it was not a new occurrence in their decade-long marriage. He has left her side like this for a long time.

Agatha didn't waste time pondering over his mood swings, and quickly unwrapped the bandage over her ankle using one of the hairpins, she opened the already unhealed wound, dropped a little blood on the bedcover, and wrapped her wound back.

By the time the maid entered, it was quite clear they consummate their marriage. To take a step further, hide most of her body as if she was shy to show the marks left behind.

"Please prepare the bath and leave the room. I wish to take a bath alone." Agatha ordered, sitting by the bed with her cheeks flushed red.

"Your Highness… it's nothing to feel embarrassed about." Her maid tried to console her.

" I said I wish to take a bath alone." Agatha raised her voice a bit and the maid backed out, leaving her in the room.

Agatha sighed, dipping her body into the warm bath and cleansing herself. It worked today. Someday she would have to share a bed with him. What will she do then? How to swallow all the hatred and pain? She knows she also desires to meet her son but to meet him she had to go through a path that she wasn't even prepared for yet.

Agatha washed up dressing herself in the undergarments before she left her maids in to dress her up. Once all dressed up, Agatha was about to leave for breakfast when her eyes glided towards the glass of milk by the table.

"Your Highness… ?" The maid called her out seeing her staring at the milk.


"You were staring at the milk for quite some time. Do you want a glass of milk? " Her maid inquired.

" No. I hate milk." Agatha replied, pacing away.

Downstairs a table was put in the middle with elegant and niche food and cutlery. On one end, Xavier was sitting all dressed up while another seat on the other end was left empty for her.

Agatha gave a quick bow to Xavier, before sitting in her place and nibbling on a piece of bread quietly.

"Is the food not to your liking?" Xavier was quick to notice that she only took one bite of the bread, while all the other food was left untouched.

Agatha smiled and shook her head, "No, your majesty. I am not that hungry." She responded before going back to eating.

Xavier was shocked by her answer. It was not like she had eaten anything after their marriage ceremony yesterday. She even skipped dinner. How can she not be hungry? One must be starving by now. But seeing it didn't seem like she was lying.

Xavier never shared a meal with her to know even what she likes or disliked. The eating habit was far from it. Did she always eat so little or was it just before him?

Xavier laughed at himself. How can he even say he loved her when he didn't know the tiniest thing about her? No wonder she always acted polite and strange in front of him.

"What do you like to eat?" Xavier decided to change it. Change him. He wishes to know more about her. Every little thing.

"Huh?" Agatha was taken aback by the abrupt question and blinked at him perplexed.

"Food. What kind of food do you like?" Xavier repeated his question.

Agatha didn't have an answer to his question. She and food had a strange relationship. From the moment she was born, she was always to be a lady that caught novelty's eyes. To make sure, her mother never let her have more than a plate of food in a day. Even water intake was monitored. Most times her food was blanched vegetables with no seasoning. Agatha never loved food, so answering what her favourite food was something impossible for her.

"It's strawberries… '' Agatha lied, putting up a big smile.