A meal together

Xavier nodded, carving the information in his mind. He made a note to himself to import as many strawberries as he can when they are back at the castle.

After finishing breakfast, Xavier tried to hold her hand as they walked towards the carriage, but Agatha acted as if she never saw him coming and left before him.

Xavier cleared his throat acting as if it never happened and followed behind her. Agatha stepped inside the carriage sitting at the corner of her seat, looking out of the window while Xavier sat across her, his eyes never leaving her.

The journey was rather quiet, by nightfall they reached the capital of the kingdom. The streets that were filled with people even though it was already late at night were a sight to see. The lanterns hanging overcast light to the streets. And the shops that remained open, adhering to the customers.

Xavier saw the delighted look on her face with a hint of curiosity, "Wish to go out and look around?" Xavier asked.

Agatha stopped admiring the streets and refused his offer. As much as her heart desired to go out and enjoy. She was not an ordinary person. Living for oneself only works if you are not put up on a pedestal. She was still the queen.

"Moon is pretty because it's unattainable for us. Just like the capital, it's beautiful because I am passing by." Agatha remarked looking out of the window with a smile on her lips.

Xavier wasn't quite sure what she meant by that. Did she desire something unattainable? It was just a capital, they can visit any time she wishes. He didn't mind her enjoying the capital for a bit. Xavier didn't try to question her choices. If she wishes they can come back.

Back at the palace, the preparation to welcome the new queen and bride was on point. The queen's man anxiously looked at his pocket watch as he instructed the servants to prepare everything.

As soon as the carriage stopped in front of the door, Stanley briskly walked up to the door. With chins held up, chest puff up, waiting for the door to open. Soon the creaking noise of the door opened, Stanley and every staff bowed their heads and in a monotonous tone they spoke in sync, "Your majesty."

Agatha stepped down from the carriage and looked at the staff. Stanley stepped forward introducing himself with a bow and then he introduced the heads of staff. Agatha nodded, already knowing them from her previous life.

Once done with all the introduction, Stanley showed her to the room. Stanley was a young man still in his twenties. However, he was known to be stern and punctual like an old man. Even in her weakest state, he remained by her side. Maybe it was his loyalty to her that the king couldn't tolerate which cost his life in the end.

Right after their son Adrien was born, Agatha slowly grew weak and when she was told she can't have any more kids, Stanley was there in her sorrow. Even when she tried to end herself, he was holding her back from taking the last step. But she couldn't be there when he was found dead one day. No one knew how he died. Some said he was tired of taking care of her insane episode daily and hanged herself while some said Adrien was his child, not the king's. Agatha to this day can't be sure, except that she failed him.

"This is your bedchamber. If you are satisfied with anything you can tell me. I will ask the staff to change it." Stanley stated, letting her examine the place.

Agatha looked at the room which was nothing more than a prison of her life. How much she hated the cage of her that was adorned in jewels and gold.

For those decades, how many times she cried herself to sleep in that bed? How many countless times did she wake up urging for human warmth? How many times she had looked in the mirror and thought how ugly she was to not catch her husband's feelings? How many times has she tried to look a bit pretty to get his attention yet he never showed up? How many she went hysterical in the same room and threw a fit? This was her cage, the prison that she was back at.

"It's just perfect how it is," Agatha commented, her eyes stuck on the old plain white ceiling.

"As you wish, your majesty. You must be tired from the long journey. I will ask the cook to prepare your supper." Stanley looked at his pocket watch and mentioned.

" Please bring it to my room. I wish to eat alone." Agatha informed. She was in no mood to see his face today. It was better the faster she brace herself that soon he will be like a ghost to him. The only things she should focus on were giving birth to Adrien and killing Xavier, not something stupid like why her heart felt fuzzy.

Agatha called in her maid in the meantime and changed out of her gown to a peignoir when Stanley bought her supper. Agatha sat down on the rounded table by the window facing the garden.

As soon as she was about to take the first, a knock on the door echoed in the room. Stanley went to open the door, and Xavier entered the room with Reginald following behind him holding a tray of food.

"Mind if I join you for supper?" Xavier asked, signalling Reginald to put the food on the table.

Agatha forced herself to smile and nodded. Of course, he had to ruin one moment of peace for her. Hopefully, he doesn't try to make any small talk and eats his meal in quietude.

"Leave us alone," Xavier ordered the servants still standing there.

Only when they were both alone in the room, Xavier looked at her, quietly eating her meal. He was not sure he could call it eating, she was nibbling it once again. She was already skinny like a corpse, so why not eat more?

"You should eat more, with the amount you eat, starvation might kill you before-..." Xavier held back he almost spilt something he shouldn't.

Agatha glanced up, raising a brow," Before?"