Crazy for you

"If you didn't exist, he would have never left me. You are the succubus. Die!" Sophia flipped, glaring at her with bloodthirsty eyes and trying to attack Agatha again. If she was not quick to dodge, Sophia would have grabbed her again.

Agatha sighed, at her antics. It was clear Sophia was anything but sane. She helped Sophia stand back up on her feet, humming a lullaby.

Once she heard the humming, Sophia's pupils dilated as she stared at Agatha and once again broke down into tears. In a delighted and remorseful face, Sophie pulled her into her embrace, "My Roselle. You finally came back to Mama."

Agatha just hummed, hugging her back and patting her back in rhythm. Sophia instantly went calm in her embrace and rested her head on her shoulder.

By then, Xavier burst into the room, still in his night clothes and saw Agatha hugging Sophia and had her calmed already which was rarer than anything.

Agatha's eyes went to Xavier with Stanley and Reginald behind him. It was quite clear Stanley informed Xavier and he came rushing even before dressing up.

Agatha gestured to be quiet and took Sophia to the bed and tucked her in. While calm, Sophia was nothing more than a walking corpse who doesn't even speak.

Once Sophia fell asleep to her humming, Agatha got up. Xavier was patient enough to quietly stand by the door and watch her move carefully.

"Hu-husband…" Agatha put out a smile and greeted him.

However, Xavier didn't seem quite happy with the whole situation. Grabbing her wrist, he dragged her out of the room, "Come with me." Xavier commanded.

"Keep a watch on the queen dowager," Xavier instructed Stanley and Reginald as he dragged her out of there.

Xavier didn't speak words, as he stormed through the corridors and Agatha didn't dare, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Xavier took her to his bed-chamber and pulled her in, he closed the door with a thud. Pinning her back onto the door, he leaned over her with one hand over her head.

"It's been two days. Just TWO days… since you married me! The first day, you injured your ankle and today… "Xavier glanced at the choking marks on her marks and couldn't help but gush over with guilt.

Why was it that every time he tries to get closer he somehow ends up hurting her? Everything he does ends up ruining her life. As if the whole universe was giving him a sign that he can never make her happy no matter how much loves her it will never be enough.

Agatha, on the other hand, was puzzled by his reaction. Didn't he wish her to die? Was he upset that she didn't die at the hands of his stepmother? Did he hate her to that extent? He could just never marry her or just divorce her. Why does he go to such an extent to assassinate her? It was not like her parents or she went to him for marriage. It was he who proposed marriage to her then why.

"Your Majesty, why did you even marry me?" Agatha questioned directly. She was tired of his games, like a double-faced person he said something to her and acted differently. What does he even want?

Agatha doubts he was after her father's support, her family bowed to remain loyal no matter what; if not, anyone with the blood of Chrishenburgh can be hanged. Or where they were scared they might still rebel so Xavier chose the obvious of marrying her and using her as a pawn. Then it would only disappoint him once he realized, women born in her family are treated worse than animals.

They are exchanged as pawns, if the head doesn't see them profitable to sell off as brides to prospective families, they most often end up sold into brothels, slaves or straight out killed. Even if they were born with beauty, the journey till adulthood was worse when you are the rabbit surviving among hyenas.

Agatha has seen the maids being brutally dragged to her brothers or father's room and losing their innocence to them and once they enjoyed them, they were discarded as garbage. Most times murdered. When you have seen the worst in men you wouldn't dream of a knight in shining armour and love, you would only wish to survive and live peacefully. That's what Agatha did.

Xavier was flustered by her question, taken back by it. "W-what?"

"Why did you even marry me?" Agatha remained stuck to her question and repeated it for him.

"Because I love you! From the moment I land my eyes on you. I have always loved you." Xavier yelled, almost breaking down.

'Then why did you kill me like that?' Agatha was so close to asking him. However, she controlled. There was no point he would just like and deny it. Other than her hearing from her mother-in-law, she had no proof against him. He must have planned everything out.

"Believe me when I say, even the thought of staying without you kills me. I wake up early eagerly waiting to meet you. I close my eyes at night just to meet you in my dreams. Even the little things remind me of you. That's how crazy I am for you." Xavier continued.

Agatha was scared to look into his eyes. She feared if she did, she might believe every word coming out of his mouth. As much as she wants to believe it, the stabbing pain of betrayal kills her. She didn't want love, just a peaceful life yet he took it away from her viciously. She can never forgive her killer.

Agatha kept her eyes averted in other ways, holding her breath as her toes curled up every time his breath touched her bare skin. Her body reacted so instinctively that she was scared that she might no longer control her body.