
Xavier saw how she was trying to look anywhere but meeting his eyes. Just a talk, just one glance, she wouldn't die to do that.

Xavier grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into his embrace. As Agatha was stunned by the gesture, as her eyes met his she was instantly intoxicated by that inky iris, sucking her soul in.

"When someone talks, you should look into their eyes," Xavier spoke, his breath tingling over the top of his nose. Agatha was too immersed to even focus on his words, her eyes trailed from his dark eyes to his thin lips. Something drew her towards those. Her body moved on its own as her lips went closer to his. Why was he suddenly so irresistible?

Agatha didn't even realize when her lips touched his, as her legs weakened to stand on their own if not for Xavier holding her.

Xavier was astonished by her sudden kiss, it was too unexpected that his eyes almost popped out of his eye socket. Feeling no response from him, Agatha gathered her senses back and pushed him away. Shocked and embarrassed in herself.

"I should go." Agatha excused herself and ran out of the door leaving petrified Xavier to question his whole existence. It was already late by the time he came out of his shock.

Agatha hurriedly stepped through the corridors to her room. Millions of questions ran through her mind. Why did she do that? Has she gone mad?

Agatha opened the door to her room, with Stanley and Reginald still there. She didn't bat an eye on them, and rushed to the bathroom, rinsing her mouth and face aggressively.

"Stanley, ask the maid to prepare my bath," Agatha ordered from the bathroom, with anger and disappointment at herself.

Stanley did as she asked him, Agatha sunk her body in the tub of warm water trying to cleanse whatever evil demon manifested her. She denies believing it was her who voluntarily kissed the man she despised to her very bone.

"Your Highness… " Her maid saw her crazily scrubbing her body with the sponge.

"Leave me alone," Agatha yelled, dunking her head into the tub, for a little bit of tranquillity yet it was nowhere to be found.

"Your Highness…" After a few moments, the maids knocked on the door with concern, "You need to get ready for the assembly."

Agatha didn't respond, and after a minute or two she finally walked out. Her face indicated to not ask any questions. The servants were concerned for her safety, yet they remained quiet and did their job of getting her ready.

In a satin emerald dress that matched her eye colour, her hair was left untied, and her neck was covered with the dress. Agatha stood up, putting on her pair of gloves as she walked out the door.

Xavier was waiting for her in the corridor, his face reddened a bit. As soon as he saw her walking towards her, Xavier straightened his back, smiling.

"You look beautiful," Xavier remarked, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Agatha tried to forget whatever happened earlier and act the usual bowing her head, her head always lowered before him. The usual her.

Xavier wanted to ask about the earlier but seeing how she put up a wall between them, it didn't seem the greatest idea. He remained quiet about the matter and offered his hand to her.

"Let's go, shall we?"

"Yes, your majesty." Agatha took the hand, going back to calling him majesty instead of husband. Even though Xavier was frustrated that every time they make little progress they end up back at the starting point. It seemed no matter what he does, they can never get close.

Just this morning, Xavier couldn't even hold his ecstasy when she kissed him out of nowhere. But now she took it all back with just two words. He even wanted to follow her but Reginald appeared asking him to get ready for court.

Agatha as usual remained quiet, Xavier tried to ask but it seemed weird to act like nothing happened and talk about other stuff. He didn't mind talking about the kiss but Agatha would definitely.

At the court, thirty men of novelty arrived, taking their usual seats in the room. Each one of them with reputed wealth and prestige of their own. The king was just a pawn and leader in the eyes of the public, the real rulers were these thirty old men. They decide the future of Acarvia.

Agatha took a deep breath as she walked inside the room, which seemed no better than a courtroom. With rows of seats over her head as they looked down at her walking in as if she was some kind of show animal.

Agatha stood in the middle of the podium with water enveloping from all e sides except the small bridge that led to the podium. In everything Xavier holds her tightly, not even letting go of it once.

Once they entered, all the men stood up and greeted Xavier, even though it seemed like they greeted her too but it wasn't the case they never accepted her as the queen of Acarvia and Agatha was well aware of the fact that only saw her as a pest to the throne.

"Your Highness, you should sit down on the throne," Edgar claimed, coming down to take Xavier to his seat.

Xavier saw how nervous Agatha was even though she never stated a word, he could feel her panic. He gave a light squeeze to her hand, "It's fine. I took an oath to stand by her side in any condition, I should fulfil my duty as my husband today. She needs me more than the throne." Xavier declared in front of all.

Agatha glanced at her in astonishment, that's not how it should unfold, he should have left her side and been a bystander while those old men insulted her in every possible way. This was not how it happens. Like Agatha, even assemblymen gasped and whispered among each other.

"The throne must always be filled with a crown. That's your duty, your majesty. It comes before any other duties of yours."