Hatred only spawns from the deepest love II

Hatred only spawns from the deepest love.

Earlier during lunch…

Once Xavier was done feeding her, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the carriage. As they walked towards the direction of the carriage, Agatha opened her eyes and out of nowhere placed a kiss on his cheeks and then went back to sleep.

Xavier was flustered by her gestures, he looked at her, who had gone back to sleep without a worry in the world, snuggled into his warm embrace.

That was not something a person who wishes to kill her would do. How strange. A woman who told her that wishes to do nothing with him was kissing him during sleep. Foolish he was. Foolish was the perfect word to describe him. How can he never notice this before, that she would have been in love with him all this time? He was so indulged in his thoughts that he was blinded by it.

Xavier carefully put her on the carriage and slowly sat down beside her and put her head on his lap as they started the journey.

Her peaceful resting face, a few of her brown hair resting on that face, and lips that made tens of expressions. And the fact that she turned her head towards him, while her arms held onto him. She just makes his heart beat like crazy.


Agatha remembered getting fed by Xavier and also had a hazy memory of her kissing him. However, she wasn't sure if that was just a dream or reality. She just prayed and hoped, it was just a dream! Her head went into heat and made that weird dream nothing else.

Yet, she dared to look into his eyes or even his face. She was scared that she might have done it. It would be just awkward if she had done that. That day she kissed him on her lips and today she might have kissed him on his cheeks. This was crazy.

Xavier didn't try to hold any further conversation, he was satisfied with how the events turned out to be. Resting his head on his elbow, he drifted off to sleep. By the time he woke up, they had reached Cliff Isle.

Agatha had already gotten off, with her luggage and entered the castle. He was woken up by Reginald.

"Do you wish to have some food?" Reginald asked as he got off the carriage, stretching his arms.

"Did Her Highness eat?" Xavier inquired, looking at the brightened castle.

The Creek Isle was located on top of a hill right by the lake. The foggy wind captivated the place. The serene atmosphere with chilly breeze mixed with foggy weather made the place something out of the world.

"Not yet. She went to freshen up, and asked us to bring the dinner to her room." Reginald informed.

Xavier nodded and went inside the castle. They both had to share the same room during the honeymoon. Xavier without thinking much opened the door to their room where Agatha was still changing into her night garments.

Her back left was revealed, with her hair pulled to the front. In Front of the mirror, her petite figure stood. Xavier was flushed, and tried to walk out, "I apologize." Xavier remarked trying to walk away, his face turned away.

"It's fine." Agatha agreed and then glanced at her maids, "You can leave us."

The maids did what she asked them to, leaving Agatha and Xavier all alone. Xavier cleared his throat trying to lessen the awkwardness between them. His face still turned in another direction.

"You are acting as if we have never seen each other without clothes." Agatha scoffed, stepping towards him.

Xavier couldn't deny that he had seen her naked many times but it was almost a decade ago when he last saw her naked. How can he act brazenly like everything between them was fine?

"Let's complete whatever we are here for. We can't let rumours go around." Agatha muttered in his ears, her eyes fixated on the shadow coming from the gap under the door. It was clear the servants were outside listening to their marital act.

Xavier froze up at her straightforward attitude. What happened to her hating him? Most importantly what happened to the shy and innocent Agatha he once knew? The lady didn't even look into his eyes, her face was always red every time he goes close to her. It suddenly seems like his face was turning red.

Agatha wrapped her arms around his neck, slowly leaning closer to kiss him. Xavier remained stuffed, his insides in turmoil. It was not like he minded getting kisses but as a man, it should be his job. Just before their lips touched, Xavier put his hand in between.

Agatha opened her eyes, her brows furrowed together. Her eyes glared at the hand and then at him. Xavier put down his hand, trying to explain, "As a man, it's only okay if I make the first move."

Agatha scoffed. Yes, that's only if he was trying to win her or vice versa. However, she was only doing this to create rumours outside. But now she was more determined to be the first to make a move.

"Is it?" Agatha rolled her eyes, snarling. She withdrew her arms, taking a step back. "Go on." Agatha stood before him.

Xavier swallowed hard. Under the limelight, her body glimmered like gold. Her emerald eyes had a hint of shimmer.

Agatha saw him standing, impatient by his cowardice. She grabbed his collar and pushed him onto the bed, climbing over him.

"We can do this, another time," Agatha exclaimed, hovering over him, and flipping her hair back. Her face cast a shadow, her eyes twinkling in fun. Xavier didn't know he could have ever got such a sight of her. The fun in her eyes, while he lay underneath, was sure a sight. If he had known she could make such a face, he would have easily laid underneath her.