Red lotus

Agatha leaned closer to him. The hair strands, touching his face. Her lips brushed his. Their warm breath intertwined, as their gaze once again met. Strange, the pain and betrayal left her mind, the only thing she felt was comfort. Like the shawl, you wrap yourself in during a chilly day. Or the warm drink on a rainy day.

The heart which only beat to keep her alive, was suddenly pacing at the speed of a storm. The jittery feeling in her stomach, jumping. Agatha tried to withdraw her hand from her chest when Xavier grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. Agatha gasped a little.

"You started it and now running away," Xavier remarked, pushing her down and him hovering over her. On either side, his hands trapped her in between. As the distance between their faces closened, their breath once again tangled. Their body heat passed through the clothes they were wearing.

Agatha bit her lips, looking at his piercing gaze rather than at those thin lips. Her heart raced with each passing moment her body eagerly waited for his touch. And there it was, a small peck then his lips devouring her whole, as his tongue slipped in exploring every corner of her mouth, leaving her breathless.

Agatha wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer. However, Xavier stopped and withdrew. His eyes filled with guilt. Xavier hastily stood up, turning his back towards her.

"This is not right!" Xavier declared, brushing his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Agatha sat up straight, perplexed by his outright behaviour. What should she take it as? The same pattern of behaviour, and she thought he changed? Someone's inside doesn't change one nightfall. Just as she wondered, she heard the footsteps outside the room disappear into the darkness. Agatha held back the last bit of tear in her eyes.

"They left. You don't have to force yourself anymore." Agatha straightened her back, declaring. She fixed her hair as she went back to sleep.

"No! That's not what I meant." Xavier cleared up, turning back to face her. He held onto her arm, making her seat up straight. Xavier kneeled in front holding her hand.

"If I went on, it would be wrong to you. I let my desire take over my last life and I am still getting punished for it. Let me win your heart before this." Xavier spoke in a soft gentle voice. His eyes patiently pleading.

Agatha's face remained expressionless, her eyes staring into his endless dark orbs. And slowly her lips curled into a crescent shape, with a nod.

Xavier finally breathed, kissing her cheeks and hugging her tightly, "I will not disappoint you."

"Yeah don't… " Agatha mumbled, hugging him back.


Next morning…

By the time Agatha woke up, Xavier was already gone from the bed. The usual. His side of the bed has already gone cold. Agatha felt strange, as if someone was squeezing her heart and with each passing second it was becoming unbearable.

Agatha got up from the bed, trying to disrupt all those weird thoughts she was having. She called the maid, asking her to prepare the bath.

The warm bath, soaked into her skin, as every part of her muscles gave in. Once all scrubbed and freshened up, Agatha felt way better. She let her dressers dress her up as they wished, while she remained seated.

Agatha looked at herself, in a maroon gown, her hair put up into a bun with designer hairpieces and a diamond necklace on her neck. All of the richest jewels yet she was not happy. Never was. Is this what her mother called happiness?

"A man who can spoil you with jewels and a marriage which brings fame and fortune to our family is what you need to strike for."

Those were her mother's words. Xavier fulfilled all. He was the king, the richest man in the kingdom and the House of Chrishenburgh was known as the in-laws of the king. But her mother never told her how to be happy.

Agatha had always wondered why the people on the streets who were nothing but low-born, smiled and laughed with such innocence that it intoxicates her. Why did those lowly-born laughs seem more genuine than the nobles she met? They were the richest, with all the jewels in the world, a marriage of fame and fortune yet no happiness. The irony was they teach you how to be happy while behind those walls they suffer the most.

The lowborn might not have the freedom to live the richest life, but they had the freedom to be happy, not like the nobel who were locked in the golden cage they created.

As the train of thoughts brushed her off, the door flung open. Agatha turned her head with all the maids. Xavier stood there, with his hand behind his back. "Leave us alone," Xavier instructed in a quivered voice.

The maids left, closing their bedroom door. Xavier cleared his throat trying to clear the air. He took a few steps towards Agatha. "Close your eyes." Agatha raised a brow at his strange request.

"Just do it." Xavier hissed, turning her head towards the mirror. Agatha did like he asked, she felt his hand on her shoulder, his presence behind her.

"Do you know how Creek Isle became a honeymoon destination?" Xavier queried.

Agatha kept her eyes closed and shook her head," No, your majesty."

"It is because of the red Lotus that blooms in the middle of the lake here." Xavier pulled out a bouquet of deep scarlet blooms from his back, putting it before her.

Agatha saw the bouquet of scarlet blooms put before her. She looked at the lotus with the deepest shade of red like the color of blood. Blood… either symbolizes one's deepest passion or danger. Which one was his real heart's desire? Passion or murder…